class | AbsDiff |
| Compression oracle based on absolute difference. More...
struct | BaseBBox |
class | BaseStencil |
struct | BBox |
struct | BBox< CoordT, false > |
| Partial template specialization for integer coordinate types. More...
struct | BBox< Vec3T, true > |
| Partial template specialization for floating point coordinate types. More...
class | BoxStencil |
struct | BufferTraits |
struct | BufferTraits< CudaDeviceBuffer > |
struct | BuildToValueMap |
| Maps one type (e.g. the build types above) to other (actual) types. More...
struct | BuildToValueMap< Fp16 > |
struct | BuildToValueMap< Fp4 > |
struct | BuildToValueMap< Fp8 > |
struct | BuildToValueMap< FpN > |
struct | BuildToValueMap< Half > |
struct | BuildToValueMap< ValueMask > |
class | Camera |
| A minimal perspective camera for ray generation. More...
struct | ConvertTrait |
struct | ConvertTrait< Vec3< T > > |
struct | ConvertTrait< Vec4< T > > |
class | Coord |
| Signed (i, j, k) 32-bit integer coordinate class, similar to openvdb::math::Coord. More...
class | CpuTimer |
class | CRC32 |
| Class that computes the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) More...
class | CudaDeviceBuffer |
| Simple memory buffer using un-managed pinned host memory when compiled with NVCC. Obviously this class is making explicit used of CUDA so replace it with your own memory allocator if you are not using CUDA. More...
class | CurvatureStencil |
class | DDA |
| A Digital Differential Analyzer. Unlike HDDA (defined above) this DDA uses a fixed step-size defined by the template parameter Dim! More...
struct | Delta |
| Delta for small floating-point offsets. More...
struct | Delta< double > |
struct | Delta< float > |
struct | DenseData |
class | DenseGrid |
| Simple dense grid class. More...
class | DenseGridHandle |
class | DitherLUT |
struct | enable_if |
| C++11 implementation of std::enable_if. More...
struct | enable_if< true, T > |
class | Extrema |
class | Extrema< ValueT, 0 > |
| Template specialization of Extrema on scalar value types, i.e. rank = 0. More...
class | Extrema< VecT, 1 > |
| Template specialization of Extrema on vector value types, i.e. rank = 1. More...
struct | FloatTraits |
struct | FloatTraits< bool, 1 > |
struct | FloatTraits< T, 8 > |
struct | FloatTraits< ValueMask, 1 > |
class | Fp16 |
| Dummy type for a 16bit quantization of float point values. More...
class | Fp4 |
| Dummy type for a 4bit quantization of float point values. More...
class | Fp8 |
| Dummy type for a 8bit quantization of float point values. More...
class | FpN |
| Dummy type for a variable bit quantization of floating point values. More...
class | GradStencil |
class | Grid |
| Highest level of the data structure. Contains a tree and a world->index transform (that currently only supports uniform scaling and translation). More...
struct | GridBlindMetaData |
class | GridBuilder |
| Allows for the construction of NanoVDB grids without any dependecy. More...
class | GridChecksum |
| Class that encapsulates two CRC32 checksums, one for the Grid, Tree and Root node meta data and one for the remaining grid nodes. More...
struct | GridData |
| Struct with all the member data of the Grid (useful during serialization of an openvdb grid) More...
class | GridHandle |
| This class serves to manage a raw memory buffer of a NanoVDB Grid. More...
class | GridHandleBase |
class | GridMetaData |
| This is a convenient class that allows for access to grid meta-data that are independent of the value type of a grid. That is, this class can be used to get information about a grid without actually knowing its ValueType. More...
class | GridStats |
| Allows for the construction of NanoVDB grids without any dependecy. More...
struct | GridTree |
| defines a tree type from a grid type while perserving constness More...
struct | GridTree< const GridT > |
class | GridValidator |
| Allows for the construction of NanoVDB grids without any dependecy. More...
class | Half |
| Dummy type for a 16 bit floating point values. More...
class | HDDA |
| A Digital Differential Analyzer specialized for OpenVDB grids. More...
class | HostBuffer |
| This is a buffer that contains a shared or private pool to either externally or internally managed host memory. More...
class | Image |
struct | ImageData |
class | ImageHandle |
struct | InternalData |
| Struct with all the member data of the InternalNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb InternalNode) More...
class | InternalNode |
| Internal nodes of a VDB treedim(),. More...
struct | is_floating_point |
| C++11 implementation of std::is_floating_point. More...
struct | is_same |
| C++11 implementation of std::is_same. More...
struct | is_same< T, T > |
struct | is_specialization |
| Metafunction used to determine if the first template parameter is a specialization of the class template given in the second template parameter. More...
struct | is_specialization< TemplateType< Args... >, TemplateType > |
struct | LeafData |
| Stuct with all the member data of the LeafNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb LeafNode) More...
struct | LeafData< bool, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM > |
struct | LeafData< Fp16, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM > |
struct | LeafData< Fp4, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM > |
| Stuct with all the member data of the LeafNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb LeafNode) More...
struct | LeafData< Fp8, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM > |
struct | LeafData< FpN, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM > |
struct | LeafData< ValueMask, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM > |
struct | LeafFnBase |
| Base-class for quantized float leaf nodes. More...
class | LeafManager |
| LeafNanager maintains a linear array of leaf nodes. More...
class | LeafNode |
| Leaf nodes of the VDB tree. (defaults to 8x8x8 = 512 voxels) More...
struct | Map |
| Defines an affine transform and its inverse represented as a 3x3 matrix and a vec3 translation. More...
class | Mask |
| Bit-mask to encode active states and facilitate sequential iterators and a fast codec for I/O compression. More...
struct | Maximum |
| Maximum floating-point values. More...
struct | NanoNode |
| Trait to map from LEVEL to node type. More...
struct | NanoNode< BuildT, 0 > |
struct | NanoNode< BuildT, 1 > |
struct | NanoNode< BuildT, 2 > |
struct | NanoNode< BuildT, 3 > |
class | NanoToOpenVDB |
| This class will serialize an OpenVDB grid into a NanoVDB grid managed by a GridHandle. More...
class | NodeManager |
| NodeNanager maintains separate linear arrays of the three nodes types. More...
struct | NodeTrait |
| Struct to derive node type from its level in a given grid, tree or root while perserving constness. More...
struct | NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 0 > |
struct | NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 1 > |
struct | NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 2 > |
struct | NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 3 > |
struct | NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 0 > |
struct | NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 1 > |
struct | NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 2 > |
struct | NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 3 > |
struct | NoopStats |
| No-op Stats class. More...
struct | OpenGridType |
| Grid trait that defines OpenVDB grids with the exact same configuration as NanoVDB grids. More...
struct | OpenGridType< openvdb::PointDataIndex32 > |
| Template specialization for the PointDataGrid. More...
struct | OpenGridType< openvdb::PointIndex32 > |
| Template specialization for the PointIndexGrid. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType |
| Converts OpenVDB types to NanoVDB types, e.g. openvdb::Vec3f to nanovdb::Vec3f Template specializations are defined below. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType< openvdb::Coord > |
| Template specialization for openvdb::Coord. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType< openvdb::CoordBBox > |
| Template specialization for openvdb::CoordBBox. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType< openvdb::math::BBox< T > > |
| Template specialization for openvdb::math::BBox. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType< openvdb::math::Vec3< T > > |
| Template specialization for openvdb::math::Vec3. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType< openvdb::math::Vec4< T > > |
| Template specialization for openvdb::math::Vec4. More...
struct | OpenToNanoType< openvdb::ValueMask > |
| Template specialization for openvdb::ValueMask. More...
class | OpenToNanoVDB |
| This class will convert an OpenVDB grid into a NanoVDB grid managed by a GridHandle. More...
class | PointAccessor |
| Class to access points at a specific voxel location. More...
class | PointTreeMarcher |
| A Tree Marcher for Point Grids. More...
class | Range |
class | Range< 1, T > |
class | Range< 2, T > |
class | Range< 3, T > |
class | Ray |
class | ReadAccessor |
class | ReadAccessor< BuildT, 0, 1, 2 > |
| Node caching at all (three) tree levels. More...
class | ReadAccessor< BuildT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1,-1 > |
class | ReadAccessor< BuildT, LEVEL0,-1,-1 > |
| Node caching at a single tree level. More...
class | ReadAccessor< BuildT,-1,-1,-1 > |
| A read-only value accessor with three levels of node caching. This allows for inverse tree traversal during lookup, which is on average significantly faster than calling the equivalent method on the tree (i.e. top-down traversal). More...
class | RelDiff |
| Compression oracle based on relative difference. More...
class | Rgba8 |
| 8-bit red, green, blue, alpha packed into 32 bit unsigned int More...
struct | RootData |
| Struct with all the member data of the RootNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb RootNode) More...
class | RootNode |
| Top-most node of the VDB tree structure. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels |
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 0, false > |
| Nearest neighbor, i.e. zero order, interpolator without caching. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 0, true > |
| Nearest neighbor, i.e. zero order, interpolator with caching. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 1, false > |
| Template specialization that does not use caching of stencil points. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 1, true > |
| Template specialization with caching of stencil values. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 2, false > |
| Template specialization that does not use caching of stencil points. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 2, true > |
| Template specialization with caching of stencil values. More...
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 3, false > |
class | SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, 3, true > |
class | Split |
class | Stats |
class | Stats< ValueT, 0 > |
| This class computes statistics (minimum value, maximum value, mean, variance and standard deviation) of a population of floating-point values. More...
class | Stats< ValueT, 1 > |
| This class computes statistics (minimum value, maximum value, mean, variance and standard deviation) of a population of floating-point values. More...
struct | TensorTraits |
struct | TensorTraits< T, 0 > |
struct | TensorTraits< T, 1 > |
struct | Tolerance |
| Tolerance for floating-point comparison. More...
struct | Tolerance< double > |
struct | Tolerance< float > |
class | Tree |
| VDB Tree, which is a thin wrapper around a RootNode. More...
struct | TreeData |
class | TreeMarcher |
| A Tree Marcher for Generic Grids. More...
class | TricubicSampler |
| Tri-cubic sampler, i.e. third order, interpolator. More...
class | TrilinearSampler |
| Tri-linear sampler, i.e. first order, interpolator. More...
class | TriquadraticSampler |
| Tri-quadratic sampler, i.e. second order, interpolator. More...
class | ValueMask |
| Dummy type for a voxel with a binary mask value, e.g. the active state. More...
class | Vec3 |
| A simple vector class with three double components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec3. More...
class | Vec4 |
| A simple vector class with three double components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec4. More...
class | Version |
| Bit-compacted representation of all three version numbers. More...
class | WenoStencil |
| This is a special 19-point stencil that supports optimal fifth-order WENO upwinding, second-order central differencing, Laplacian, and zero-crossing test. More...
const char * | toStr (GridType gridType) |
| Retuns a c-string used to describe a GridType. More...
const char * | toStr (GridClass gridClass) |
| Retuns a c-string used to describe a GridClass. More...
const char * | toStr (GridFlags gridFlags) |
| Retuns a c-string used to describe a GridFlags. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
static int64_t | PtrDiff (const T1 *p, const T2 *q) |
template<typename DstT , typename SrcT > |
static DstT * | PtrAdd (SrcT *p, int64_t offset) |
template<typename DstT , typename SrcT > |
static const DstT * | PtrAdd (const SrcT *p, int64_t offset) |
bool | isFloatingPoint (GridType gridType) |
| return true if the GridType maps to a floating point value. More...
bool | isValid (GridType gridType, GridClass gridClass) |
| return true if the combination of GridType and GridClass is valid. More...
template<typename Type > |
bool | isApproxZero (const Type &x) |
template<typename Type > |
Type | Min (Type a, Type b) |
int32_t | Min (int32_t a, int32_t b) |
uint32_t | Min (uint32_t a, uint32_t b) |
float | Min (float a, float b) |
double | Min (double a, double b) |
template<typename Type > |
Type | Max (Type a, Type b) |
int32_t | Max (int32_t a, int32_t b) |
uint32_t | Max (uint32_t a, uint32_t b) |
float | Max (float a, float b) |
double | Max (double a, double b) |
float | Clamp (float x, float a, float b) |
double | Clamp (double x, double a, double b) |
float | Fract (float x) |
double | Fract (double x) |
int32_t | Floor (float x) |
int32_t | Floor (double x) |
int32_t | Ceil (float x) |
int32_t | Ceil (double x) |
template<typename T > |
T | Pow2 (T x) |
template<typename T > |
T | Pow3 (T x) |
template<typename T > |
T | Pow4 (T x) |
template<typename T > |
T | Abs (T x) |
template<> |
float | Abs (float x) |
template<> |
double | Abs (double x) |
template<> |
int | Abs (int x) |
template<typename CoordT , typename RealT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | Round (const Vec3T< RealT > &xyz) |
template<typename CoordT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | Round (const Vec3T< float > &xyz) |
template<typename CoordT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | Round (const Vec3T< double > &xyz) |
template<typename CoordT , typename RealT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | RoundDown (const Vec3T< RealT > &xyz) |
template<typename T > |
T | Sign (const T &x) |
| Return the sign of the given value as an integer (either -1, 0 or 1). More...
template<typename Vec3T > |
int | MinIndex (const Vec3T &v) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
int | MaxIndex (const Vec3T &v) |
template<uint64_t wordSize> |
uint64_t | AlignUp (uint64_t byteCount) |
| round up byteSize to the nearest wordSize, e.g. to align to machine word: AlignUp<sizeof(size_t)(n) More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
Vec3< T2 > | operator* (T1 scalar, const Vec3< T2 > &vec) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
Vec3< T2 > | operator/ (T1 scalar, const Vec3< T2 > &vec) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
Vec4< T2 > | operator* (T1 scalar, const Vec4< T2 > &vec) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
Vec4< T2 > | operator/ (T1 scalar, const Vec3< T2 > &vec) |
template<typename BuildT > |
GridType | mapToGridType () |
| Maps from a templated value type to a GridType enum. More...
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMult (const float *mat, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMult (const double *mat, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMult (const float *mat, const float *vec, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMult (const double *mat, const double *vec, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMultT (const float *mat, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMultT (const double *mat, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMultT (const float *mat, const float *vec, const Vec3T &xyz) |
template<typename Vec3T > |
Vec3T | matMultT (const double *mat, const double *vec, const Vec3T &xyz) |
static uint32_t | FindLowestOn (uint32_t v) |
| Returns the index of the lowest, i.e. least significant, on bit in the specified 32 bit word. More...
static uint32_t | FindHighestOn (uint32_t v) |
| Returns the index of the highest, i.e. most significant, on bit in the specified 32 bit word. More...
static uint32_t | FindLowestOn (uint64_t v) |
| Returns the index of the lowest, i.e. least significant, on bit in the specified 64 bit word. More...
static uint32_t | FindHighestOn (uint64_t v) |
| Returns the index of the highest, i.e. most significant, on bit in the specified 64 bit word. More...
uint32_t | CountOn (uint64_t v) |
template<int LEVEL0 = -1, int LEVEL1 = -1, int LEVEL2 = -1, typename ValueT = float> |
ReadAccessor< ValueT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 > | createAccessor (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid) |
| Free-standing function for convenient creation of a ReadAccessor with optional and customizable node caching. More...
template<int LEVEL0 = -1, int LEVEL1 = -1, int LEVEL2 = -1, typename ValueT = float> |
ReadAccessor< ValueT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 > | createAccessor (const NanoTree< ValueT > &tree) |
template<int LEVEL0 = -1, int LEVEL1 = -1, int LEVEL2 = -1, typename ValueT = float> |
ReadAccessor< ValueT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 > | createAccessor (const NanoRoot< ValueT > &root) |
template<typename RangeT , typename FuncT > |
void | forEach (RangeT range, const FuncT &func) |
| simple wrapper for tbb::parallel_for with a naive std fallback More...
template<typename FuncT > |
void | forEach (size_t begin, size_t end, size_t grainSize, const FuncT &func) |
| Simple wrapper for the function defined above. More...
template<template< typename... > class ContainerT, typename... T, typename FuncT > |
void | forEach (const ContainerT< T... > &c, const FuncT &func) |
| Simple wrapper for the function defined above, which works with std::containers. More...
template<template< typename... > class ContainerT, typename... T, typename FuncT > |
void | forEach (const ContainerT< T... > &c, size_t grainSize, const FuncT &func) |
| Simple wrapper for the function defined above, which works with std::containers. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AbsDiff &diff) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RelDiff &diff) |
template<typename ValueT > |
uint64_t | checksum (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default) |
| Return the (2 x CRC32) checksum of the specified grid. More...
template<typename ValueT > |
bool | validateChecksum (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default) |
| Return true if the checksum of the grid matches the expected value already encoded into the grid's meta data. More...
template<typename ValueT > |
void | updateChecksum (NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default) |
| Updates the checksum of a grid. More...
std::uint_fast32_t | crc32 (const void *data, size_t size) |
| Return the CRC32 checksum of the raw data of size. More...
template<typename IterT > |
std::uint_fast32_t | crc32 (IterT begin, IterT end) |
| Return the CRC32 checksum of the content pointed to be the iterator. More...
template<typename BuildT > |
void | gridStats (NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, StatsMode mode=StatsMode::Default) |
| Re-computes the min/max, stats and bbox information for an existing NanoVDB Grid. More...
template<typename ValueT > |
bool | isValid (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid, bool detailed=true, bool verbose=false) |
| Return true if the specified grid passes several validation tests. More...
template<typename RayT , typename AccT > |
__hostdev__ bool | ZeroCrossing (RayT &ray, AccT &acc, Coord &ijk, typename AccT::ValueType &v, float &t) |
| returns true if the ray intersects a zero-crossing at the voxel level of the grid in the accessor The empty-space ray-marching is performed at all levels of the tree using an HDDA. If an intersection is detected, then ijk is updated with the index coordinate of the closest voxel after the intersection point, v contains the grid values at ijk, and t is set to the time of the intersection along the ray. More...
template<typename RayT , typename NodeT > |
__hostdev__ bool | ZeroCrossingNode (RayT &ray, const NodeT &node, float v0, nanovdb::Coord &ijk, float &v, float &t) |
template<typename RayT , typename AccT > |
__hostdev__ bool | firstActive (RayT &ray, AccT &acc, Coord &ijk, float &t) |
| returns true if the ray intersects an active value at any level of the grid in the accessor. The empty-space ray-marching is performed at all levels of the tree using an HDDA. If an intersection is detected, then ijk is updated with the index coordinate of the first active voxel or tile, and t is set to the time of its intersection along the ray. More...
template<typename Func , typename... Rest> |
int | invoke (const Func &taskFunc1, Rest...taskFuncN) |
template<typename ValueT > |
openvdb::Grid< typename openvdb::tree::Tree4< typename ConvertTrait< ValueT >::Type >::Type >::Ptr | nanoToOpenVDB (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid, int verbose=0) |
| Forward declaration of free-standing function that de-serializes a typed NanoVDB grid into an OpenVDB Grid. More...
template<typename BufferT > |
openvdb::GridBase::Ptr | nanoToOpenVDB (const GridHandle< BufferT > &handle, int verbose=0) |
| Forward declaration of free-standing function that de-serializes a NanoVDB GridHandle into an OpenVDB GridBase. More...
template<typename GridT > |
NodeManager< GridT > | createNodeMgr (GridT &grid) |
| creates a NodeManager from a grid. Move semantics is used. More...
template<typename GridT > |
LeafManager< GridT > | createLeafMgr (GridT &grid) |
| creates a LeafManager from a grid. Move semantics is used. More...
template<typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | openToNanoVDB (const openvdb::GridBase::Ptr &base, StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, int verbose=0) |
| Forward declaration of free-standing function that converts an OpenVDB GridBase into a NanoVDB GridHandle. More...
template<typename BufferT = HostBuffer, typename OpenTreeT = openvdb::FloatTree, typename NanoBuildT = typename OpenToNanoType<typename OpenTreeT::BuildType>::Type> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | openToNanoVDB (const openvdb::Grid< OpenTreeT > &grid, StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, int verbose=0) |
| Forward declaration of free-standing function that converts a typed OpenVDB Grid into a NanoVDB GridHandle. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createLevelSetSphere (ValueT radius=100, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0), const std::string &name="sphere_ls", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a narrow-band level set of a sphere. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createFogVolumeSphere (ValueT radius=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0f, double halfWidth=3.0f, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="sphere_fog", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a sparse fog volume of a sphere such that the exterior is 0 and inactive, the interior is active with values varying smoothly from 0 at the surface of the sphere to 1 at the halfWidth and interior of the sphere. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createPointSphere (int pointsPerVoxel=1, ValueT radius=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0f, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="sphere_points", ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a PointDataGrid containing points scattered on the surface of a sphere. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createLevelSetTorus (ValueT majorRadius=100.0f, ValueT minorRadius=50.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="torus_ls", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a narrow-band level set of a torus in the xz-plane. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createFogVolumeTorus (ValueT majorRadius=100.0f, ValueT minorRadius=50.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0), const std::string &name="torus_fog", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a sparse fog volume of a torus in the xz-plane such that the exterior is 0 and inactive, the interior is active with values varying smoothly from 0 at the surface of the torus to 1 at the halfWidth and interior of the torus. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createPointTorus (int pointsPerVoxel=1, ValueT majorRadius=100.0f, ValueT minorRadius=50.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0f), const std::string &name="torus_points", ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a PointDataGrid containing points scattered on the surface of a torus. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createLevelSetBox (ValueT width=40.0f, ValueT height=60.0f, ValueT depth=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="box_ls", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a narrow-band level set of a box. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createFogVolumeBox (ValueT width=40.0f, ValueT height=60.0f, ValueT depth=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="box_fog", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a sparse fog volume of a box such that the exterior is 0 and inactive, the interior is active with values varying smoothly from 0 at the surface of the box to 1 at the halfWidth and interior of the box. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createLevelSetOctahedron (ValueT scale=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="octadedron_ls", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a narrow-band level set of a octahedron. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createFogVolumeOctahedron (ValueT scale=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="octadedron_fog", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a sparse fog volume of an octahedron such that the exterior is 0 and inactive, the interior is active with values varying smoothly from 0 at the surface of the octahedron to 1 at the halfWidth and interior of the octahedron. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename VoxelT = ValueT, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createLevelSetBBox (ValueT width=40.0f, ValueT height=60.0f, ValueT depth=100.0f, ValueT thickness=10.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, double halfWidth=3.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="bbox_ls", StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, float tolerance=-1.0f, bool ditherOn=false, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a narrow-band level set of a bounding-box (= wireframe of a box) More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createPointBox (int pointsPerVoxel=1, ValueT width=40.0f, ValueT height=60.0f, ValueT depth=100.0f, const Vec3< ValueT > ¢er=Vec3< ValueT >(0.0f), double voxelSize=1.0, const Vec3d &origin=Vec3d(0.0), const std::string &name="box_points", ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Returns a handle to a PointDataGrid containing points scattered on the surface of a box. More...
template<typename ValueT = float, typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
GridHandle< BufferT > | createPointScatter (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &srcGrid, int pointsPerVoxel=1, const std::string &name="point_scatter", ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT()) |
| Given an input NanoVDB voxel grid this methods returns a GridHandle to another NanoVDB PointDataGrid with points scattered in the active leaf voxels of in input grid. More...
template<typename RangeT , typename T , typename FuncT , typename JoinT > |
T | reduce (RangeT range, const T &identity, const FuncT &func, const JoinT &join) |
template<typename T , typename FuncT , typename JoinT > |
T | reduce (size_t begin, size_t end, size_t grainSize, const T &identity, const FuncT &func, const JoinT &join) |
| Simple wrapper to the function defined above. More...
template<template< typename... > class ContainerT, typename... ArgT, typename T , typename FuncT , typename JoinT > |
T | reduce (const ContainerT< ArgT... > &c, const T &identity, const FuncT &func, const JoinT &join) |
| Simple wrapper that works with std::containers. More...
template<template< typename... > class ContainerT, typename... ArgT, typename T , typename FuncT , typename JoinT > |
T | reduce (const ContainerT< ArgT... > &c, size_t grainSize, const T &identity, const FuncT &func, const JoinT &join) |
| Simple wrapper that works with std::containers. More...
template<int Order, typename TreeOrAccT , bool UseCache = true> |
SampleFromVoxels< TreeOrAccT, Order, UseCache > | createSampler (const TreeOrAccT &acc) |
| Factory free-function for a sampler of specific polynomial orders. More...
template<typename CoordT , typename RealT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | Floor (Vec3T< RealT > &xyz) |
| Utility function that returns the Coord of the round-down of xyz and redefined (x,  y,  z) as the fractional part, ie xyz-in = return-value + xyz-out. More...
template<typename CoordT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | Floor (Vec3T< float > &xyz) |
| Template specialization of Floor for Vec3<float> More...
template<typename CoordT , template< typename > class Vec3T> |
CoordT | Floor (Vec3T< double > &xyz) |
| Template specialization of Floor for Vec3<float> More...
template<typename ValueType , typename RealT = ValueType> |
ValueType | WENO5 (const ValueType &v1, const ValueType &v2, const ValueType &v3, const ValueType &v4, const ValueType &v5, RealT scale2=1.0) |
| Implementation of nominally fifth-order finite-difference WENO. More...
template<typename RealT > |
RealT | GodunovsNormSqrd (bool isOutside, RealT dP_xm, RealT dP_xp, RealT dP_ym, RealT dP_yp, RealT dP_zm, RealT dP_zp) |
template<typename RealT > |
RealT | GodunovsNormSqrd (bool isOutside, const Vec3< RealT > &gradient_m, const Vec3< RealT > &gradient_p) |
template<typename GridT , typename BufferT = HostBuffer> |
DenseGridHandle< BufferT > | convertToDense (const GridT &grid, const BufferT &allocator=BufferT()) |
| Converts a NanoVDB grid to a DenseGrid. More...
float | Sqrt (float x) |
| Return the square root of a floating-point value. More...
double | Sqrt (double x) |
| Return the square root of a floating-point value. More...