OpenVDB  9.0.1
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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @file codegen/PointLeafLocalData.h
5 ///
6 /// @authors Nick Avramoussis
7 ///
8 /// @brief Thread/Leaf local data used during execution over OpenVDB Points
9 ///
14 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
15 #include <openvdb/version.h>
21 namespace openvdb {
25 namespace ax {
26 namespace codegen {
28 namespace codegen_internal {
31 /// @brief Various functions can request the use and initialization of point data from within
32 /// the kernel that does not use the standard attribute handle methods. This data can
33 /// then be accessed after execution to perform post-processes such as adding new groups,
34 /// adding new string attributes or updating positions.
35 ///
36 /// @note Due to the way string handles work, string write attribute handles cannot
37 /// be constructed in parallel, nor can read handles retrieve values in parallel
38 /// if there is a chance the shared metadata is being written to (with set()).
39 /// As the compiler allows for any arbitrary string setting/getting, leaf local
40 /// maps are used for temporary storage per point. The maps use the string array
41 /// pointers as a key for later synchronization.
42 ///
44 {
45  using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<PointLeafLocalData>;
47  using GroupHandleT = openvdb::points::GroupWriteHandle;
49  using PointStringMap = std::map<uint64_t, std::string>;
50  using StringArrayMap = std::map<points::AttributeArray*, PointStringMap>;
52  using LeafNode = openvdb::points::PointDataTree::LeafNodeType;
54  /// @brief Construct a new data object to keep track of various data objects
55  /// created per leaf by the point compute generator.
56  ///
57  /// @param count The number of points within the current leaf, used to initialize
58  /// the size of new arrays
59  ///
60  PointLeafLocalData(const size_t count)
61  : mPointCount(count)
62  , mArrays()
63  , mOffset(0)
64  , mHandles()
65  , mStringMap() {}
67  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
69  /// Group methods
71  /// @brief Return a group write handle to a specific group name, creating the
72  /// group array if it doesn't exist. This includes either registering a
73  /// new offset or allocating an entire array. The returned handle is
74  /// guaranteed to be valid.
75  ///
76  /// @param name The group name
77  ///
78  inline GroupHandleT* getOrInsert(const std::string& name)
79  {
80  GroupHandleT* ptr = get(name);
81  if (ptr) return ptr;
83  static const size_t maxGroupsInArray =
87  points::AttributeSet::Descriptor::groupBits();
88 #else
89  // old removed method
90  points::point_group_internal::GroupInfo::groupBits();
91 #endif
93  if (mArrays.empty() || mOffset == maxGroupsInArray) {
94  assert(mPointCount < static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<openvdb::Index>::max()));
95  mArrays.emplace_back(new GroupArrayT(static_cast<openvdb::Index>(mPointCount)));
96  mOffset = 0;
97  }
99  GroupArrayT* array = mArrays.back().get();
100  assert(array);
102  std::unique_ptr<GroupHandleT>& handle = mHandles[name];
103  handle.reset(new GroupHandleT(*array, mOffset++));
104  return handle.get();
105  }
107  /// @brief Return a group write handle to a specific group name if it exists.
108  /// Returns a nullptr if no group exists of the given name
109  ///
110  /// @param name The group name
111  ///
112  inline GroupHandleT* get(const std::string& name) const
113  {
114  const auto iter = mHandles.find(name);
115  if (iter == mHandles.end()) return nullptr;
116  return iter->second.get();
117  }
119  /// @brief Return true if a valid group handle exists
120  ///
121  /// @param name The group name
122  ///
123  inline bool hasGroup(const std::string& name) const {
124  return mHandles.find(name) != mHandles.end();
125  }
127  /// @brief Populate a set with all the groups which have been inserted into
128  /// this object. Used to compute a final set of all new groups which
129  /// have been created across all leaf nodes
130  ///
131  /// @param groups The set to populate
132  ///
133  inline void getGroups(std::set<std::string>& groups) const {
134  for (const auto& iter : mHandles) {
135  groups.insert(iter.first);
136  }
137  }
139  /// @brief Compact all arrays stored on this object. This does not invalidate
140  /// any active write handles.
141  ///
142  inline void compact() {
143  for (auto& array : mArrays) array->compact();
144  }
147  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
149  /// String methods
151  /// @brief Get any new string data associated with a particular point on a
152  /// particular string attribute array. Returns true if data was set,
153  /// false if no data was found.
154  ///
155  /// @param array The array pointer to use as a key lookup
156  /// @param idx The point index
157  /// @param data The string to set if data is stored
158  ///
159  inline bool
160  getNewStringData(const points::AttributeArray* array, const uint64_t idx, std::string& data) const {
161  const auto arrayMapIter = mStringMap.find(const_cast<points::AttributeArray*>(array));
162  if (arrayMapIter == mStringMap.end()) return false;
163  const auto iter = arrayMapIter->second.find(idx);
164  if (iter == arrayMapIter->second.end()) return false;
165  data = iter->second;
166  return true;
167  }
169  /// @brief Set new string data associated with a particular point on a
170  /// particular string attribute array.
171  ///
172  /// @param array The array pointer to use as a key lookup
173  /// @param idx The point index
174  /// @param data The string to set
175  ///
176  inline void
177  setNewStringData(points::AttributeArray* array, const uint64_t idx, const std::string& data) {
178  mStringMap[array][idx] = data;
179  }
181  /// @brief Remove any new string data associated with a particular point on a
182  /// particular string attribute array. Does nothing if no data exists
183  ///
184  /// @param array The array pointer to use as a key lookup
185  /// @param idx The point index
186  ///
187  inline void
188  removeNewStringData(points::AttributeArray* array, const uint64_t idx) {
189  const auto arrayMapIter = mStringMap.find(array);
190  if (arrayMapIter == mStringMap.end()) return;
191  arrayMapIter->second.erase(idx);
192  if (arrayMapIter->second.empty()) mStringMap.erase(arrayMapIter);
193  }
195  /// @brief Insert all new point strings stored across all collected string
196  /// attribute arrays into a StringMetaInserter. Returns false if the
197  /// inserter was not accessed and true if it was potentially modified.
198  ///
199  /// @param inserter The string meta inserter to update
200  ///
201  inline bool
203  for (const auto& arrayIter : mStringMap) {
204  for (const auto& iter : arrayIter.second) {
205  inserter.insert(iter.second);
206  }
207  }
208  return !mStringMap.empty();
209  }
211  /// @brief Returns a const reference to the string array map
212  ///
213  inline const StringArrayMap& getStringArrayMap() const {
214  return mStringMap;
215  }
217 private:
219  const size_t mPointCount;
220  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GroupArrayT>> mArrays;
221  points::GroupType mOffset;
222  std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<GroupHandleT>> mHandles;
223  StringArrayMap mStringMap;
224 };
226 } // codegen_internal
228 } // namespace compiler
229 } // namespace ax
230 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
231 } // namespace openvdb
std::map< uint64_t, std::string > PointStringMap
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:49
PointLeafLocalData(const size_t count)
Construct a new data object to keep track of various data objects created per leaf by the point compu...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:60
Attribute Array storage templated on type and compression codec.
GroupHandleT * getOrInsert(const std::string &name)
Group methods.
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:78
void compact()
Compact all arrays stored on this object. This does not invalidate any active write handles...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:142
Base class for storing attribute data.
Definition: AttributeArray.h:92
Index insert(const Name &name, Index hint=Index(0))
Insert the string into the metadata using the hint if non-zero.
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & max(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:107
bool getNewStringData(const points::AttributeArray *array, const uint64_t idx, std::string &data) const
String methods.
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:160
Point attribute manipulation in a VDB Point Grid.
Point group manipulation in a VDB Point Grid.
Various functions can request the use and initialization of point data from within the kernel that do...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:43
std::unique_ptr< PointLeafLocalData > UniquePtr
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:45
uint8_t GroupType
Definition: AttributeSet.h:31
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
std::map< points::AttributeArray *, PointStringMap > StringArrayMap
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:50
void getGroups(std::set< std::string > &groups) const
Populate a set with all the groups which have been inserted into this object. Used to compute a final...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:133
bool hasGroup(const std::string &name) const
Return true if a valid group handle exists.
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:123
openvdb::points::GroupWriteHandle GroupHandleT
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:47
const StringArrayMap & getStringArrayMap() const
Returns a const reference to the string array map.
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:213
openvdb::points::GroupAttributeArray GroupArrayT
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:46
openvdb::points::PointDataTree::LeafNodeType LeafNode
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:52
bool insertNewStrings(points::StringMetaInserter &inserter) const
Insert all new point strings stored across all collected string attribute arrays into a StringMetaIns...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:202
Attribute-owned data structure for points. Point attributes are stored in leaf nodes and ordered by v...
Class to help with insertion of keyed string values into metadata.
Definition: AttributeArrayString.h:88
void removeNewStringData(points::AttributeArray *array, const uint64_t idx)
Remove any new string data associated with a particular point on a particular string attribute array...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:188
TypedAttributeArray< GroupType, GroupCodec > GroupAttributeArray
Definition: AttributeGroup.h:40
The version namespace name for this library version.
void setNewStringData(points::AttributeArray *array, const uint64_t idx, const std::string &data)
Set new string data associated with a particular point on a particular string attribute array...
Definition: PointLeafLocalData.h:177