OpenVDB  9.0.1
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
openvdb::v9_0::points Namespace Reference


 A container for ABI=5 to help ease introduction of upcoming features.


struct  AccessorEval
 Accessor to call unsafe get and set methods based on templated Codec and Value. More...
struct  AccessorEval< UnknownCodec, ValueType >
 Partial specialization when Codec is not known at compile-time to use the supplied functor instead. More...
class  AttributeArray
 Base class for storing attribute data. More...
class  AttributeHandle
class  AttributeHashFilter
class  AttributeSet
 Ordered collection of uniquely-named attribute arrays. More...
class  AttributeWriteHandle
 Write-able version of AttributeHandle. More...
class  BBoxFilter
class  BinaryFilter
class  CachedDeformer
 A Deformer that caches the resulting positions from evaluating another Deformer. More...
struct  DeformerTraits
 Deformer Traits for optionally configuring deformers to be applied in index-space. The default is world-space. More...
struct  DummySampleType
struct  FilterTraits
struct  FilterTraits< BBoxFilter >
struct  FilterTraits< BinaryFilter< T0, T1, And > >
struct  FilterTraits< LevelSetFilter< T > >
struct  FixedPointCodec
struct  GroupCodec
class  GroupFilter
 Index filtering on group membership. More...
class  GroupHandle
class  GroupWriteHandle
class  IndexIter
 A forward iterator over array indices with filtering IteratorT can be either IndexIter or ValueIndexIter (or some custom index iterator) FilterT should be a struct or class with a valid() method than can be evaluated per index Here's a simple filter example that only accepts even indices: More...
class  LevelSetFilter
class  MultiGroupFilter
struct  NullCodec
struct  NullDeformer
 No-op deformer (adheres to the deformer interface documented in PointMove.h) More...
class  NullFilter
 A no-op filter that can be used when iterating over all indices. More...
class  PointAttributeVector
 Point-partitioner compatible STL vector attribute wrapper for convenience. More...
class  PointDataLeafNode
struct  PositionRange
class  RandomLeafFilter
struct  SampleWithRounding
class  StringAttributeHandle
class  StringAttributeWriteHandle
struct  StringCodec
class  StringMetaCache
 Class to compute a string->index map from all string:N metadata. More...
class  StringMetaInserter
 Class to help with insertion of keyed string values into metadata. More...
struct  TreeConverter
 Similiar to ValueConverter, but allows for tree configuration conversion to a PointDataTree. ValueConverter<PointDataIndex32> cannot be used as a PointDataLeafNode is not a specialization of LeafNode. More...
struct  TruncateCodec
class  TypedAttributeArray
 Typed class for storing attribute data. More...
struct  UnitRange
struct  UnitVecCodec
struct  UnknownCodec
class  ValueMaskFilter
 Index filtering on active / inactive state of host voxel. More...
class  ValueVoxelCIter
 A forward iterator over array indices in a single voxel. More...


using StringAttributeArray = TypedAttributeArray< Index, StringCodec< false >>
using GroupAttributeArray = TypedAttributeArray< GroupType, GroupCodec >
using GroupType = uint8_t
using ActiveFilter = ValueMaskFilter< true >
using InactiveFilter = ValueMaskFilter< false >
using PointDataTree = tree::Tree< tree::RootNode< tree::InternalNode< tree::InternalNode< PointDataLeafNode< PointDataIndex32, 3 >, 4 >, 5 >>>
 Point index tree configured to match the default VDB configurations. More...
using PointDataGrid = Grid< PointDataTree >
 Point data grid. More...


template<typename IntegerT , typename FloatT >
IntegerT floatingPointToFixedPoint (const FloatT s)
template<typename FloatT , typename IntegerT >
FloatT fixedPointToFloatingPoint (const IntegerT s)
template<typename IntegerVectorT , typename FloatT >
IntegerVectorT floatingPointToFixedPoint (const math::Vec3< FloatT > &v)
template<typename FloatVectorT , typename IntegerT >
FloatVectorT fixedPointToFloatingPoint (const math::Vec3< IntegerT > &v)
bool isString (const AttributeArray &array)
bool isGroup (const AttributeArray &array)
template<typename IterT >
Index64 iterCount (const IterT &iter)
 Count up the number of times the iterator can iterate. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename VelGridT , typename AdvectFilterT = NullFilter, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
void advectPoints (PointDataGridT &points, const VelGridT &velocity, const Index integrationOrder, const double dt, const Index timeSteps, const AdvectFilterT &advectFilter=NullFilter(), const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool cached=true)
 Advect points in a PointDataGrid through a velocity grid. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void appendAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &name, const NamePair &type, const Index strideOrTotalSize=1, const bool constantStride=true, const Metadata *defaultValue=nullptr, const bool hidden=false, const bool transient=false)
 Appends a new attribute to the VDB tree (this method does not require a templated AttributeType) More...
template<typename ValueType , typename CodecType = NullCodec, typename PointDataTreeT >
void appendAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::string &name, const ValueType &uniformValue=point_attribute_internal::Default< ValueType >::value(), const Index strideOrTotalSize=1, const bool constantStride=true, const TypedMetadata< ValueType > *defaultValue=nullptr, const bool hidden=false, const bool transient=false)
 Appends a new attribute to the VDB tree. More...
template<typename ValueType , typename PointDataTreeT >
void collapseAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &name, const ValueType &uniformValue=point_attribute_internal::Default< ValueType >::value())
 Collapse the attribute into a uniform value. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropAttributes (PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< size_t > &indices)
 Drops attributes from the VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropAttributes (PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Name > &names)
 Drops attributes from the VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const size_t &index)
 Drop one attribute from the VDB tree (convenience method). More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &name)
 Drop one attribute from the VDB tree (convenience method). More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void renameAttributes (PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Name > &oldNames, const std::vector< Name > &newNames)
 Rename attributes in a VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void renameAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &oldName, const Name &newName)
 Rename an attribute in a VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void compactAttributes (PointDataTreeT &tree)
 Compact attributes in a VDB tree (if possible). More...
template<typename CompressionT , typename PointDataGridT , typename PositionArrayT , typename PointIndexGridT >
PointDataGridT::Ptr createPointDataGrid (const PointIndexGridT &pointIndexGrid, const PositionArrayT &positions, const math::Transform &xform, const Metadata *positionDefaultValue=nullptr)
 Localises points with position into a PointDataGrid into two stages: allocation of the leaf attribute data and population of the positions. More...
template<typename CompressionT , typename PointDataGridT , typename ValueT >
PointDataGridT::Ptr createPointDataGrid (const std::vector< ValueT > &positions, const math::Transform &xform, const Metadata *positionDefaultValue=nullptr)
 Convenience method to create a PointDataGrid from a std::vector of point positions. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT , typename PointIndexTreeT , typename PointArrayT >
void populateAttribute (PointDataTreeT &tree, const PointIndexTreeT &pointIndexTree, const openvdb::Name &attributeName, const PointArrayT &data, const Index stride=1, const bool insertMetadata=true)
 Stores point attribute data in an existing PointDataGrid attribute. More...
template<typename PositionAttribute , typename PointDataGridT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
void convertPointDataGridPosition (PositionAttribute &positionAttribute, const PointDataGridT &grid, const std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const Index64 startOffset, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false)
 Convert the position attribute from a Point Data Grid. More...
template<typename TypedAttribute , typename PointDataTreeT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
void convertPointDataGridAttribute (TypedAttribute &attribute, const PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const Index64 startOffset, const unsigned arrayIndex, const Index stride=1, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false)
 Convert the attribute from a PointDataGrid. More...
template<typename Group , typename PointDataTreeT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
void convertPointDataGridGroup (Group &group, const PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const Index64 startOffset, const AttributeSet::Descriptor::GroupIndex index, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false)
 Convert the group from a PointDataGrid. More...
template<typename PositionWrapper , typename InterrupterT = openvdb::util::NullInterrupter, typename VecT = typename internal::ValueTypeTraits<PositionWrapper>::Type>
float computeVoxelSize (const PositionWrapper &positions, const uint32_t pointsPerVoxel, const math::Mat4d transform=math::Mat4d::identity(), const Index decimalPlaces=5, InterrupterT *const interrupter=nullptr)
template<typename PointDataTreeT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
Index64 pointCount (const PointDataTreeT &tree, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false, const bool threaded=true)
 Count the total number of points in a PointDataTree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
Index64 pointOffsets (std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const PointDataTreeT &tree, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false, const bool threaded=true)
 Populate an array of cumulative point offsets per leaf node. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename GridT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<Int32>::Type, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
GridT::Ptr pointCountGrid (const PointDataGridT &grid, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter())
 Generate a new grid with voxel values to store the number of points per voxel. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename GridT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<Int32>::Type, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
GridT::Ptr pointCountGrid (const PointDataGridT &grid, const openvdb::math::Transform &transform, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter())
 Generate a new grid that uses the supplied transform with voxel values to store the number of points per voxel. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
AttributeSet::Descriptor::Ptr makeDescriptorUnique (PointDataTreeT &tree)
 Deep copy the descriptor across all leaf nodes. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void setStreamingMode (PointDataTreeT &tree, bool on=true)
 Toggle the streaming mode on all attributes in the tree to collapse the attributes after deconstructing a bound AttributeHandle to each array. This results in better memory efficiency when the data is streamed into another data structure (typically for rendering). More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void prefetch (PointDataTreeT &tree, bool position=true, bool otherAttributes=true)
 Sequentially pre-fetch all delayed-load voxel and attribute data from disk in order to accelerate subsequent random access. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void deleteFromGroups (PointDataTreeT &pointTree, const std::vector< std::string > &groups, bool invert=false, bool drop=true)
 Delete points that are members of specific groups. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void deleteFromGroup (PointDataTreeT &pointTree, const std::string &group, bool invert=false, bool drop=true)
 Delete points that are members of a group. More...
void deleteMissingPointGroups (std::vector< std::string > &groups, const AttributeSet::Descriptor &descriptor)
 Delete any group that is not present in the Descriptor. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void appendGroup (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group)
 Appends a new empty group to the VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void appendGroups (PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Name > &groups)
 Appends new empty groups to the VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropGroup (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const bool compact=true)
 Drops an existing group from the VDB tree. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropGroups (PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Name > &groups)
 Drops existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void dropGroups (PointDataTreeT &tree)
 Drops all existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void compactGroups (PointDataTreeT &tree)
 Compacts existing groups of a VDB Tree to use less memory if possible. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT , typename PointIndexTreeT >
void setGroup (PointDataTreeT &tree, const PointIndexTreeT &indexTree, const std::vector< short > &membership, const Name &group, const bool remove=false)
 Sets group membership from a PointIndexTree-ordered vector. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void setGroup (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const bool member=true)
 Sets membership for the specified group for all points (on/off). More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT , typename FilterT >
void setGroupByFilter (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const FilterT &filter)
 Sets group membership based on a provided filter. More...
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void setGroupByRandomTarget (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const Index64 targetPoints, const unsigned int seed=0)
template<typename PointDataTreeT >
void setGroupByRandomPercentage (PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const float percentage=10.0f, const unsigned int seed=0)
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename MaskT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<bool>::Type, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename MaskT::ValueType, bool >::value, typename MaskT::Ptr >::type convertPointsToMask (const PointDataGridT &grid, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), bool threaded=true)
 Extract a Mask Grid from a Point Data Grid. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename MaskT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<bool>::Type, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename MaskT::ValueType, bool >::value, typename MaskT::Ptr >::type convertPointsToMask (const PointDataGridT &grid, const openvdb::math::Transform &transform, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), bool threaded=true)
 Extract a Mask Grid from a Point Data Grid using a new transform. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename DeformerT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
void movePoints (PointDataGridT &points, DeformerT &deformer, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), future::Advect *objectNotInUse=nullptr, bool threaded=true)
 Move points in a PointDataGrid using a custom deformer. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename DeformerT , typename FilterT = NullFilter>
void movePoints (PointDataGridT &points, const math::Transform &transform, DeformerT &deformer, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), future::Advect *objectNotInUse=nullptr, bool threaded=true)
 Move points in a PointDataGrid using a custom deformer and a new transform. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename SourceGridT , typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void pointSample (PointDataGridT &points, const SourceGridT &sourceGrid, const Name &targetAttribute="", const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), InterrupterT *const interrupter=nullptr)
 Performs closest point sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename SourceGridT , typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void boxSample (PointDataGridT &points, const SourceGridT &sourceGrid, const Name &targetAttribute="", const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), InterrupterT *const interrupter=nullptr)
 Performs tri-linear sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename SourceGridT , typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void quadraticSample (PointDataGridT &points, const SourceGridT &sourceGrid, const Name &targetAttribute="", const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), InterrupterT *const interrupter=nullptr)
 Performs tri-quadratic sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute. More...
template<typename PointDataGridT , typename SourceGridT , typename TargetValueT = DummySampleType, typename SamplerT = SampleWithRounding, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void sampleGrid (size_t order, PointDataGridT &points, const SourceGridT &sourceGrid, const Name &targetAttribute, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const SamplerT &sampler=SampleWithRounding(), InterrupterT *const interrupter=nullptr, const bool threaded=true)
 Performs sampling and conversion from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute. More...
template<typename GridT , typename RandGenT = std::mt19937, typename PositionArrayT = TypedAttributeArray<Vec3f, NullCodec>, typename PointDataGridT = Grid< typename points::TreeConverter<typename GridT::TreeType>::Type>, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
PointDataGridT::Ptr uniformPointScatter (const GridT &grid, const Index64 count, const unsigned int seed=0, const float spread=1.0f, InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
 The free functions depend on the following class: More...
template<typename GridT , typename RandGenT = std::mt19937, typename PositionArrayT = TypedAttributeArray<Vec3f, NullCodec>, typename PointDataGridT = Grid< typename points::TreeConverter<typename GridT::TreeType>::Type>, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
PointDataGridT::Ptr denseUniformPointScatter (const GridT &grid, const float pointsPerVoxel, const unsigned int seed=0, const float spread=1.0f, InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
 Uniformly scatter a fixed number of points per active voxel. If the pointsPerVoxel value provided is a fractional value, each voxel calculates a delta value of how likely it is to contain an extra point. More...
template<typename GridT , typename RandGenT = std::mt19937, typename PositionArrayT = TypedAttributeArray<Vec3f, NullCodec>, typename PointDataGridT = Grid< typename points::TreeConverter<typename GridT::TreeType>::Type>, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
PointDataGridT::Ptr nonUniformPointScatter (const GridT &grid, const float pointsPerVoxel, const unsigned int seed=0, const float spread=1.0f, InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
 Non uniformly scatter points per active voxel. The pointsPerVoxel value is used to weight each grids cell value to compute a fixed number of points for every active voxel. If the computed result is a fractional value, each voxel calculates a delta value of how likely it is to contain an extra point. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename CodecT = UnknownCodec, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename PointDataTreeT >
std::pair< ValueT, ValueT > evalMinMax (const PointDataTreeT &points, const std::string &attribute, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter())
 Evaluates the minimum and maximum values of a point attribute. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename CodecT = UnknownCodec, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename PointDataTreeT >
ConvertElementType< ValueT, double >::Type evalAverage (const PointDataTreeT &points, const std::string &attribute, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter())
 Evaluates the average value of a point attribute. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename CodecT = UnknownCodec, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename PointDataTreeT >
PromoteType< ValueT >::Highest accumulate (const PointDataTreeT &points, const std::string &attribute, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter())
 Evaluates the total value of a point attribute. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename CodecT = UnknownCodec, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename PointDataTreeT >
bool evalMinMax (const PointDataTreeT &points, const std::string &attribute, ValueT &min, ValueT &max, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ValueT >::Type *minTree=nullptr, typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ValueT >::Type *maxTree=nullptr)
 Evaluates the minimum and maximum values of a point attribute and returns whether the values are valid. Optionally constructs localised min and max value trees. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename CodecT = UnknownCodec, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename PointDataTreeT , typename ResultTreeT = typename ConvertElementType<ValueT, double>::Type>
bool evalAverage (const PointDataTreeT &points, const std::string &attribute, typename ConvertElementType< ValueT, double >::Type &average, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ResultTreeT >::Type *averageTree=nullptr)
 Evaluates the average value of a point attribute and returns whether the value is valid. Optionally constructs localised average value trees. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename CodecT = UnknownCodec, typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename PointDataTreeT , typename ResultTreeT = typename PromoteType<ValueT>::Highest>
bool accumulate (const PointDataTreeT &points, const std::string &attribute, typename PromoteType< ValueT >::Highest &total, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ResultTreeT >::Type *totalTree=nullptr)
 Evaluates the total value of a point attribute and returns whether the value is valid. Optionally constructs localised total value trees. More...

Typedef Documentation

using GroupType = uint8_t

Point data grid.

Point index tree configured to match the default VDB configurations.

Function Documentation

PromoteType< ValueT >::Highest accumulate ( const PointDataTreeT &  points,
const std::string &  attribute,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter() 

Evaluates the total value of a point attribute.

Performs parallel reduction by summing all values. The reduction arithmetic and return value precision evaluates to: PromoteType<ValueT>::Highest which, for POD and VDB math types, is ValueT at its highest bit precision. If the PointDataGrid is empty or the filter evalutes to empty, zeroVal<ValueT>() is returned.

The PromoteType of the attribute must be copy constructible, support the same type + operator. This method will throw if ValueT does not match the given attribute. The function is deterministic.
if "P" is provided, the result is undefined.
pointsthe point tree
attributethe attribute to reduce
filtera filter to apply to points
the total value
bool accumulate ( const PointDataTreeT &  points,
const std::string &  attribute,
typename PromoteType< ValueT >::Highest &  total,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ResultTreeT >::Type *  totalTree = nullptr 

Evaluates the total value of a point attribute and returns whether the value is valid. Optionally constructs localised total value trees.

Performs parallel reduction by summing all values. The reduction arithmetic and return value precision evaluates to: PromoteType<ValueT>::Highest which, for POD and VDB math types, is ValueT at its highest bit precision. This method will return true total has been set, false otherwise (when no points existed or a filter evaluated to empty).

The PromoteType of the attribute must be copy constructible, support the same type + operator. This method will throw if ValueT does not match the given attribute. The function is deterministic.
if "P" is provided, the result is undefined.
pointsthe point tree
attributethe attribute to reduce
totalthe computed total value
filtera filter to apply to points
totalTreeif provided, builds a tiled tree of localised total results.
true if total has been set, false otherwise. Can be false if no points were processed or if the tree was empty.
using namespace openvdb;
using namespace openvdb::points;
// accumulate and store per leaf values in a new tree
PromoteType<uint8_t>::Highest total; // evaluates to uint64_t
PointDataTree::ValueConverter<decltype(total)>::Type totalTree; // uint64_t tree of totals
bool success = accumulate<uint8_t>(tree, "attrib", total, NullFilter(), &totalTree);
void advectPoints ( PointDataGridT &  points,
const VelGridT &  velocity,
const Index  integrationOrder,
const double  dt,
const Index  timeSteps,
const AdvectFilterT &  advectFilter = NullFilter(),
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const bool  cached = true 

Advect points in a PointDataGrid through a velocity grid.

pointsthe PointDataGrid containing the points to be advected.
velocitya velocity grid to be sampled.
integrationOrderthe integration scheme to use (1 is forward euler, 4 is runge-kutta 4th)
dtdelta time.
timeStepsnumber of advection steps to perform.
advectFilteran optional advection index filter (moves a subset of the points)
filteran optional index filter (deletes a subset of the points)
cachedcaches velocity interpolation for faster performance, disable to use less memory (default is on).
void appendAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name name,
const NamePair type,
const Index  strideOrTotalSize = 1,
const bool  constantStride = true,
const Metadata defaultValue = nullptr,
const bool  hidden = false,
const bool  transient = false 

Appends a new attribute to the VDB tree (this method does not require a templated AttributeType)

treethe PointDataTree to be appended to.
namename for the new attribute.
typethe type of the attibute.
strideOrTotalSizethe stride of the attribute
constantStrideif false, stride is interpreted as total size of the array
defaultValuemetadata default attribute value
hiddenmark attribute as hidden
transientmark attribute as transient
void appendAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::string &  name,
const ValueType &  uniformValue = point_attribute_internal::Default<ValueType>::value(),
const Index  strideOrTotalSize = 1,
const bool  constantStride = true,
const TypedMetadata< ValueType > *  defaultValue = nullptr,
const bool  hidden = false,
const bool  transient = false 

Appends a new attribute to the VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree to be appended to.
namename for the new attribute
uniformValuethe initial value of the attribute
strideOrTotalSizethe stride of the attribute
constantStrideif false, stride is interpreted as total size of the array
defaultValuemetadata default attribute value
hiddenmark attribute as hidden
transientmark attribute as transient
void appendGroup ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name group 

Appends a new empty group to the VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree to be appended to.
groupname of the new group.
void appendGroups ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< Name > &  groups 

Appends new empty groups to the VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree to be appended to.
groupsnames of the new groups.
void boxSample ( PointDataGridT &  points,
const SourceGridT &  sourceGrid,
const Name targetAttribute = "",
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
InterrupterT *const  interrupter = nullptr 

Performs tri-linear sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute.

pointsthe PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
sourceGridVDB grid which will be sampled
targetAttributea target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
filteran optional index filter
interrupteran optional interrupter
The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
void collapseAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name name,
const ValueType &  uniformValue = point_attribute_internal::Default<ValueType>::value() 

Collapse the attribute into a uniform value.

treethe PointDataTree in which to collapse the attribute.
namename for the attribute.
uniformValuevalue of the attribute
void compactAttributes ( PointDataTreeT &  tree)

Compact attributes in a VDB tree (if possible).

treethe PointDataTree.
void compactGroups ( PointDataTreeT &  tree)

Compacts existing groups of a VDB Tree to use less memory if possible.

treethe PointDataTree to be compacted.
float computeVoxelSize ( const PositionWrapper &  positions,
const uint32_t  pointsPerVoxel,
const math::Mat4d  transform = math::Mat4d::identity(),
const Index  decimalPlaces = 5,
InterrupterT *const  interrupter = nullptr 

@ brief Given a container of world space positions and a target points per voxel, compute a uniform voxel size that would best represent the storage of the points in a grid. This voxel size is typically used for conversion of the points into a PointDataGrid.

positionsarray of world space positions
pointsPerVoxelthe target number of points per voxel, must be positive and non-zero
transformvoxel size will be computed using this optional transform if provided
decimalPlacesfor readability, truncate voxel size to this number of decimals
interrupteran optional interrupter
VecT will be PositionWrapper::value_type or Vec3R (if there is no value_type defined)
if none or one point provided in positions, the default voxel size of 0.1 will be returned
void convertPointDataGridAttribute ( TypedAttribute &  attribute,
const PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< Index64 > &  pointOffsets,
const Index64  startOffset,
const unsigned  arrayIndex,
const Index  stride = 1,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const bool  inCoreOnly = false 

Convert the attribute from a PointDataGrid.

attributethe attribute to be populated.
treethe PointDataTree to be converted.
pointOffsetsa vector of cumulative point offsets for each leaf.
startOffseta value to shift all the point offsets by
arrayIndexthe index in the Descriptor of the array to be converted.
stridethe stride of the attribute
filteran index filter
inCoreOnlytrue if out-of-core leaf nodes are to be ignored
void convertPointDataGridGroup ( Group &  group,
const PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< Index64 > &  pointOffsets,
const Index64  startOffset,
const AttributeSet::Descriptor::GroupIndex  index,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const bool  inCoreOnly = false 

Convert the group from a PointDataGrid.

groupthe group to be populated.
treethe PointDataTree to be converted.
pointOffsetsa vector of cumulative point offsets for each leaf
startOffseta value to shift all the point offsets by
indexthe group index to be converted.
filteran index filter
inCoreOnlytrue if out-of-core leaf nodes are to be ignored
void convertPointDataGridPosition ( PositionAttribute &  positionAttribute,
const PointDataGridT &  grid,
const std::vector< Index64 > &  pointOffsets,
const Index64  startOffset,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const bool  inCoreOnly = false 

Convert the position attribute from a Point Data Grid.

positionAttributethe position attribute to be populated.
gridthe PointDataGrid to be converted.
pointOffsetsa vector of cumulative point offsets for each leaf
startOffseta value to shift all the point offsets by
filteran index filter
inCoreOnlytrue if out-of-core leaf nodes are to be ignored
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename MaskT::ValueType, bool >::value, typename MaskT::Ptr >::type convertPointsToMask ( const PointDataGridT &  grid,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
bool  threaded = true 

Extract a Mask Grid from a Point Data Grid.

gridthe PointDataGrid to extract the mask from.
filteran optional index filter
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
this method is only available for Bool Grids and Mask Grids
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename MaskT::ValueType, bool >::value, typename MaskT::Ptr >::type convertPointsToMask ( const PointDataGridT &  grid,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  transform,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
bool  threaded = true 

Extract a Mask Grid from a Point Data Grid using a new transform.

gridthe PointDataGrid to extract the mask from.
transformtarget transform for the mask.
filteran optional index filter
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
this method is only available for Bool Grids and Mask Grids
PointDataGridT::Ptr createPointDataGrid ( const PointIndexGridT &  pointIndexGrid,
const PositionArrayT &  positions,
const math::Transform xform,
const Metadata positionDefaultValue = nullptr 

Localises points with position into a PointDataGrid into two stages: allocation of the leaf attribute data and population of the positions.

pointIndexGrida PointIndexGrid into the points.
positionslist of world space point positions.
xformworld to index space transform.
positionDefaultValuemetadata default position value
The position data must be supplied in a Point-Partitioner compatible data structure. A convenience PointAttributeVector class is offered.
The position data is populated separately to perform world space to voxel space conversion and apply quantisation.
A PointIndexGrid to the points must be supplied to perform this operation. Typically this is built implicitly by the PointDataGrid constructor.
PointDataGridT::Ptr createPointDataGrid ( const std::vector< ValueT > &  positions,
const math::Transform xform,
const Metadata positionDefaultValue = nullptr 

Convenience method to create a PointDataGrid from a std::vector of point positions.

positionslist of world space point positions.
xformworld to index space transform.
positionDefaultValuemetadata default position value
This method implicitly wraps the std::vector for a Point-Partitioner compatible data structure and creates the required PointIndexGrid to the points.
void deleteFromGroup ( PointDataTreeT &  pointTree,
const std::string &  group,
bool  invert = false,
bool  drop = true 

Delete points that are members of a group.

This method will delete points which are members of the supplied group and will optionally drop the group from the tree. An invert flag can be used to delete points that belong to none of the groups.

pointTreethe point tree with the group to delete
groupthe name of the group to delete
invertif enabled, points not belonging to any of the groups will be deleted
dropif enabled and invert is disabled, the group will be dropped from the tree
If the invert flag is true, the group will not be dropped after deleting points regardless of the value of the drop parameter.
void deleteFromGroups ( PointDataTreeT &  pointTree,
const std::vector< std::string > &  groups,
bool  invert = false,
bool  drop = true 

Delete points that are members of specific groups.

This method will delete points which are members of any of the supplied groups and will optionally drop the groups from the tree. An invert flag can be used to delete points that belong to none of the groups.

pointTreethe point tree
groupsthe groups from which to delete points
invertif enabled, points not belonging to any of the groups will be deleted
dropif enabled and invert is disabled, the groups will be dropped from the tree
If the invert flag is true, none of the groups will be dropped after deleting points regardless of the value of the drop parameter.
void deleteMissingPointGroups ( std::vector< std::string > &  groups,
const AttributeSet::Descriptor descriptor 

Delete any group that is not present in the Descriptor.

groupsthe vector of group names.
descriptorthe descriptor that holds the group map.
PointDataGridT::Ptr denseUniformPointScatter ( const GridT &  grid,
const float  pointsPerVoxel,
const unsigned int  seed = 0,
const float  spread = 1.0f,
InterrupterT *  interrupter = nullptr 

Uniformly scatter a fixed number of points per active voxel. If the pointsPerVoxel value provided is a fractional value, each voxel calculates a delta value of how likely it is to contain an extra point.

gridA source grid. The resulting PointDataGrid will copy this grids transform and scatter in its active voxelized topology.
pointsPerVoxelThe number of points to scatter per voxel
seedA seed for the RandGenT
spreadThe spread of points as a scale from each voxels center. A value of 1.0f indicates points can be placed anywhere within the voxel, where as a value of 0.0f will force all points to be created exactly at the centers of each voxel.
interrupterAn optional interrupter
returns the scattered PointDataGrid
void dropAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const size_t &  index 

Drop one attribute from the VDB tree (convenience method).

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
indexindex of the attribute to drop.
void dropAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name name 

Drop one attribute from the VDB tree (convenience method).

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
namename of the attribute to drop.
void dropAttributes ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< size_t > &  indices 

Drops attributes from the VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
indicesindices of the attributes to drop.
void dropAttributes ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< Name > &  names 

Drops attributes from the VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
namesnames of the attributes to drop.
void dropGroup ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name group,
const bool  compact = true 

Drops an existing group from the VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
groupname of the group.
compactcompact attributes if possible to reduce memory - if dropping more than one group, compacting once at the end will be faster
void dropGroups ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< Name > &  groups 

Drops existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping.

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
groupsnames of the groups.
void dropGroups ( PointDataTreeT &  tree)

Drops all existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping.

treethe PointDataTree to be dropped from.
ConvertElementType< ValueT, double >::Type evalAverage ( const PointDataTreeT &  points,
const std::string &  attribute,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter() 

Evaluates the average value of a point attribute.

Performs parallel reduction by cumulative moving average. The reduction arithmetic and return value precision evaluates to: ConvertElementType<ValueT, double>::Type which, for POD and VDB math types, is ValueT at double precision. If the PointDataGrid is empty or the filter evalutes to empty, zeroVal<ValueT>() is returned.

The ConvertElementType of the attribute must be copy constructible, support the same type + - * operators and * / operators from a double. This method will throw if ValueT does not match the given attribute. The function is deterministic.
if "P" is provided, the result is undefined.
pointsthe point tree
attributethe attribute to reduce
filtera filter to apply to points
the average value
bool evalAverage ( const PointDataTreeT &  points,
const std::string &  attribute,
typename ConvertElementType< ValueT, double >::Type &  average,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ResultTreeT >::Type *  averageTree = nullptr 

Evaluates the average value of a point attribute and returns whether the value is valid. Optionally constructs localised average value trees.

Performs parallel reduction by cumulative moving average. The reduction arithmetic and return value precision evaluates to: ConvertElementType<ValueT, double>::Type which, for POD and VDB math types, is ValueT at double precision. This method will return true average has been set, false otherwise (when no points existed or a filter evaluated to empty).

The ConvertElementType of the attribute must be copy constructible, support the same type + - * operators and * / operators from a double. This method will throw if ValueT does not match the given attribute. The function is deterministic.
if "P" is provided, the result is undefined.
pointsthe point tree
attributethe attribute to reduce
averagethe computed averaged value at double precision
filtera filter to apply to points
averageTreeif provided, builds a tiled tree of localised avg results.
true if average has been set, false otherwise. Can be false if no points were processed or if the tree was empty.
using namespace openvdb;
using namespace openvdb::points
// average and store per leaf values in a new tree
ConvertElementType<uint8_t, double>::Type avg; // evaluates to double
PointDataTree::ValueConverter<decltype(avg)>::Type avgTree; // double tree of averages
bool success = evalAverage<uint8_t>(tree, "attrib", avg, NullFilter(), &avgTree);
std::pair< ValueT, ValueT > evalMinMax ( const PointDataTreeT &  points,
const std::string &  attribute,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter() 

Evaluates the minimum and maximum values of a point attribute.

Performs parallel reduction by comparing values using their less than and greater than operators. If the PointDataGrid is empty or the filter evalutes to empty, zeroVal<ValueT>() is returned for both values.

The ValueT of the attribute must be copy constructible. This method will throw if the templated ValueT does not match the given attribute. For vectors and matrices, this results in per component comparisons. See evalExtents for magnitudes or more custom control.
if "P" is provided, the result is undefined.
pointsthe point tree
attributethe attribute to reduce
filtera filter to apply to points
min,max value pair
bool evalMinMax ( const PointDataTreeT &  points,
const std::string &  attribute,
ValueT &  min,
ValueT &  max,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ValueT >::Type *  minTree = nullptr,
typename PointDataTreeT::template ValueConverter< ValueT >::Type *  maxTree = nullptr 

Evaluates the minimum and maximum values of a point attribute and returns whether the values are valid. Optionally constructs localised min and max value trees.

Performs parallel reduction by comparing values using their less than and greater than operators. This method will return true if min and max have been set, false otherwise (when no points existed or a filter evaluated to empty).

The ValueT of the attribute must also be copy constructible. This method will throw if the templated ValueT does not match the given attribute. For vectors and matrices, this results in per component comparisons. See evalExtents for magnitudes or more custom control.
if "P" is provided, the result is undefined.
pointsthe point tree
attributethe attribute to reduce
minthe computed min value
maxthe computed max value
filtera filter to apply to points
minTreeif provided, builds a tiled tree of localised min results
maxTreeif provided, builds a tiled tree of localised max results
true if min and max have been set, false otherwise. Can be false if no points were processed or if the tree was empty.
FloatT openvdb::v9_0::points::fixedPointToFloatingPoint ( const IntegerT  s)
FloatVectorT openvdb::v9_0::points::fixedPointToFloatingPoint ( const math::Vec3< IntegerT > &  v)
IntegerT openvdb::v9_0::points::floatingPointToFixedPoint ( const FloatT  s)
IntegerVectorT openvdb::v9_0::points::floatingPointToFixedPoint ( const math::Vec3< FloatT > &  v)
bool openvdb::v9_0::points::isGroup ( const AttributeArray array)
bool openvdb::v9_0::points::isString ( const AttributeArray array)
Index64 iterCount ( const IterT &  iter)

Count up the number of times the iterator can iterate.

iterthe iterator.
counting by iteration only performed where a dynamic filter is in use,
AttributeSet::Descriptor::Ptr makeDescriptorUnique ( PointDataTreeT &  tree)

Deep copy the descriptor across all leaf nodes.

treethe PointDataTree.
the new descriptor.
This method will fail if the Descriptors in the tree are not all identical.
void movePoints ( PointDataGridT &  points,
DeformerT &  deformer,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
future::Advect objectNotInUse = nullptr,
bool  threaded = true 

Move points in a PointDataGrid using a custom deformer.

pointsthe PointDataGrid containing the points to be moved.
deformera custom deformer that defines how to move the points.
filteran optional index filter
objectNotInUsefor future use, this object is currently ignored
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
void movePoints ( PointDataGridT &  points,
const math::Transform transform,
DeformerT &  deformer,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
future::Advect objectNotInUse = nullptr,
bool  threaded = true 

Move points in a PointDataGrid using a custom deformer and a new transform.

pointsthe PointDataGrid containing the points to be moved.
transformtarget transform to use for the resulting points.
deformera custom deformer that defines how to move the points.
filteran optional index filter
objectNotInUsefor future use, this object is currently ignored
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
PointDataGridT::Ptr nonUniformPointScatter ( const GridT &  grid,
const float  pointsPerVoxel,
const unsigned int  seed = 0,
const float  spread = 1.0f,
InterrupterT *  interrupter = nullptr 

Non uniformly scatter points per active voxel. The pointsPerVoxel value is used to weight each grids cell value to compute a fixed number of points for every active voxel. If the computed result is a fractional value, each voxel calculates a delta value of how likely it is to contain an extra point.

gridA source grid. The resulting PointDataGrid will copy this grids transform, voxelized topology and use its values to compute a target points per voxel. The grids ValueType must be convertible to a scalar value. Only active and larger than zero values will contain points.
pointsPerVoxelThe number of points to scatter per voxel
seedA seed for the RandGenT
spreadThe spread of points as a scale from each voxels center. A value of 1.0f indicates points can be placed anywhere within the voxel, where as a value of 0.0f will force all points to be created exactly at the centers of each voxel.
interrupterAn optional interrupter
returns the scattered PointDataGrid
Index64 pointCount ( const PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const bool  inCoreOnly = false,
const bool  threaded = true 

Count the total number of points in a PointDataTree.

treethe PointDataTree in which to count the points
filteran optional index filter
inCoreOnlyif true, points in out-of-core leaf nodes are not counted
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
GridT::Ptr pointCountGrid ( const PointDataGridT &  grid,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter() 

Generate a new grid with voxel values to store the number of points per voxel.

gridthe PointDataGrid to use to compute the count grid
filteran optional index filter
The return type of the grid must be an integer or floating-point scalar grid.
GridT::Ptr pointCountGrid ( const PointDataGridT &  grid,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  transform,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter() 

Generate a new grid that uses the supplied transform with voxel values to store the number of points per voxel.

gridthe PointDataGrid to use to compute the count grid
transformthe transform to use to compute the count grid
filteran optional index filter
The return type of the grid must be an integer or floating-point scalar grid.
Index64 pointOffsets ( std::vector< Index64 > &  pointOffsets,
const PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const bool  inCoreOnly = false,
const bool  threaded = true 

Populate an array of cumulative point offsets per leaf node.

pointOffsetsarray of offsets to be populated
treethe PointDataTree from which to populate the offsets
filteran optional index filter
inCoreOnlyif true, points in out-of-core leaf nodes are ignored
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
The final cumulative point offset.
void pointSample ( PointDataGridT &  points,
const SourceGridT &  sourceGrid,
const Name targetAttribute = "",
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
InterrupterT *const  interrupter = nullptr 

Performs closest point sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute.

pointsthe PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
sourceGridVDB grid which will be sampled
targetAttributea target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
filteran optional index filter
interrupteran optional interrupter
The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
void populateAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const PointIndexTreeT &  pointIndexTree,
const openvdb::Name attributeName,
const PointArrayT &  data,
const Index  stride = 1,
const bool  insertMetadata = true 

Stores point attribute data in an existing PointDataGrid attribute.

treethe PointDataGrid to be populated.
pointIndexTreea PointIndexTree into the points.
attributeNamethe name of the VDB Points attribute to be populated.
dataa wrapper to the attribute data.
stridethe stride of the attribute
insertMetadatatrue if strings are to be automatically inserted as metadata.
A PointIndexGrid to the points must be supplied to perform this operation. This is required to ensure the same point index ordering.
void prefetch ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
bool  position = true,
bool  otherAttributes = true 

Sequentially pre-fetch all delayed-load voxel and attribute data from disk in order to accelerate subsequent random access.

treethe PointDataTree.
positionif enabled, prefetch the position attribute (default is on)
otherAttributesif enabled, prefetch all other attributes (default is on)
void quadraticSample ( PointDataGridT &  points,
const SourceGridT &  sourceGrid,
const Name targetAttribute = "",
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
InterrupterT *const  interrupter = nullptr 

Performs tri-quadratic sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute.

pointsthe PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
sourceGridVDB grid which will be sampled
targetAttributea target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
filteran optional index filter
interrupteran optional interrupter
The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
void renameAttribute ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name oldName,
const Name newName 

Rename an attribute in a VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree.
oldNamethe old attribute name to rename from.
newNamethe new attribute name to rename to.
newName must not already exist and must not be a group attribute.
void renameAttributes ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const std::vector< Name > &  oldNames,
const std::vector< Name > &  newNames 

Rename attributes in a VDB tree.

treethe PointDataTree.
oldNamesa list of old attribute names to rename from.
newNamesa list of new attribute names to rename to.
Number of oldNames must match the number of newNames.
Duplicate names and renaming group attributes are not allowed.
void sampleGrid ( size_t  order,
PointDataGridT &  points,
const SourceGridT &  sourceGrid,
const Name targetAttribute,
const FilterT &  filter = NullFilter(),
const SamplerT &  sampler = SampleWithRounding(),
InterrupterT *const  interrupter = nullptr,
const bool  threaded = true 

Performs sampling and conversion from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute.

orderthe sampling order - 0 = closest-point, 1 = trilinear, 2 = triquadratic
pointsthe PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
sourceGridVDB grid which will be sampled
targetAttributea target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
filteran optional index filter
samplerhandles sampling and conversion into the target attribute type, which by default this uses the SampleWithRounding struct.
interrupteran optional interrupter
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
void setGroup ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const PointIndexTreeT &  indexTree,
const std::vector< short > &  membership,
const Name group,
const bool  remove = false 

Sets group membership from a PointIndexTree-ordered vector.

treethe PointDataTree.
indexTreethe PointIndexTree.
membership1 if the point is in the group, 0 otherwise.
groupthe name of the group.
removeif true also perform removal of points from the group.
vector<bool> is not thread-safe on concurrent write, so use vector<short> instead
void setGroup ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name group,
const bool  member = true 

Sets membership for the specified group for all points (on/off).

treethe PointDataTree.
groupthe name of the group.
membertrue / false for membership of the group.
void setGroupByFilter ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name group,
const FilterT &  filter 

Sets group membership based on a provided filter.

treethe PointDataTree.
groupthe name of the group.
filterfilter data that is used to create a per-leaf filter
void openvdb::v9_0::points::setGroupByRandomPercentage ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name group,
const float  percentage = 10.0f,
const unsigned int  seed = 0 
void openvdb::v9_0::points::setGroupByRandomTarget ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
const Name group,
const Index64  targetPoints,
const unsigned int  seed = 0 
void setStreamingMode ( PointDataTreeT &  tree,
bool  on = true 

Toggle the streaming mode on all attributes in the tree to collapse the attributes after deconstructing a bound AttributeHandle to each array. This results in better memory efficiency when the data is streamed into another data structure (typically for rendering).

treethe PointDataTree.
ontrue to enable streaming
Multiple threads cannot safely access the same AttributeArray when using streaming.
PointDataGridT::Ptr uniformPointScatter ( const GridT &  grid,
const Index64  count,
const unsigned int  seed = 0,
const float  spread = 1.0f,
InterrupterT *  interrupter = nullptr 

The free functions depend on the following class:

The InterrupterT template argument below refers to any class with the following interface:

class Interrupter {
void start(const char* name = nullptr) // called when computations begin
void end() // called when computations end
bool wasInterrupted(int percent=-1) // return true to break computation
If no template argument is provided for this InterrupterT the util::NullInterrupter is used which implies that all interrupter calls are no-ops (i.e. incurs no computational overhead). Uniformly scatter a total amount of points in active regions
gridA source grid. The resulting PointDataGrid will copy this grids transform and scatter in its active voxelized topology.
countThe total number of points to scatter
seedA seed for the RandGenT
spreadThe spread of points as a scale from each voxels center. A value of 1.0f indicates points can be placed anywhere within the voxel, where as a value of 0.0f will force all points to be created exactly at the centers of each voxel.
interrupterAn optional interrupter
returns the scattered PointDataGrid