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WenoStencil< GridT, IsSafe > Class Template Reference

This is a special 19-point stencil that supports optimal fifth-order WENO upwinding, second-order central differencing, Laplacian, and zero-crossing test. More...

#include <openvdb/math/Stencils.h>

Inherits BaseStencil< WenoStencil< GridT, IsSafe >, GridT, IsSafe >.

Public Types

typedef GridT GridType
typedef GridT::TreeType TreeType
typedef GridType::ValueType ValueType
typedef tree::ValueAccessor< const TreeType, IsSafe > AccessorType
typedef std::vector< ValueTypeBufferType
typedef BufferType::iterator IterType

Public Member Functions

 WenoStencil (const GridType &grid)
 WenoStencil (const GridType &grid, Real dx)
ValueType normSqGrad (const ValueType &isoValue=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const
 Return the norm-square of the WENO upwind gradient (computed via WENO upwinding and Godunov's scheme) at the previously buffered location. More...
math::Vec3< ValueTypegradient (const math::Vec3< ValueType > &V) const
math::Vec3< ValueTypegradient () const
ValueType laplacian () const
bool zeroCrossing () const
void moveTo (const Coord &ijk)
 Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (i, j, k) and its neighbors. More...
void moveTo (const Coord &ijk, const ValueType &centerValue)
 Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (i, j, k) and its neighbors. The method also takes a value of the center element of the stencil, assuming it is already known. More...
void moveTo (const IterType &iter)
 Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (x, y, z) and its neighbors. More...
void moveTo (const Vec3< RealType > &xyz)
 Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (x, y, z) and its neighbors. More...
const ValueTypegetValue (unsigned int pos=0) const
 Return the value from the stencil buffer with linear offset pos. More...
const ValueTypegetValue () const
 Return the value at the specified location relative to the center of the stencil. More...
void setValue (const ValueType &value)
 Set the value at the specified location relative to the center of the stencil. More...
int size ()
 Return the size of the stencil buffer. More...
ValueType median () const
 Return the median value of the current stencil. More...
ValueType mean () const
 Return the mean value of the current stencil. More...
ValueType min () const
 Return the smallest value in the stencil buffer. More...
ValueType max () const
 Return the largest value in the stencil buffer. More...
const CoordgetCenterCoord () const
 Return the coordinates of the center point of the stencil. More...
const ValueTypegetCenterValue () const
 Return the value at the center of the stencil. More...
bool intersects (const ValueType &isoValue=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const
 Return true if the center of the stencil intersects the iso-contour specified by the isoValue. More...
std::bitset< 6 > intersectionMask (const ValueType &isoValue=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const
 Return true a bit-mask where the 6 bits indicates if the center of the stencil intersects the iso-contour specified by the isoValue. More...
const GridTypegrid () const
 Return a const reference to the grid from which this stencil was constructed. More...
const AccessorTypeaccessor () const
 Return a const reference to the ValueAccessor associated with this Stencil. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const int SIZE = 19

Protected Attributes

const GridTypemGrid
AccessorType mAcc
BufferType mValues
Coord mCenter


template<typename , typename , bool >
class BaseStencil

Detailed Description

template<typename GridT, bool IsSafe = true>
class openvdb::v9_0::math::WenoStencil< GridT, IsSafe >

This is a special 19-point stencil that supports optimal fifth-order WENO upwinding, second-order central differencing, Laplacian, and zero-crossing test.

For optimal random access performance this class includes its own grid accessor.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef tree::ValueAccessor<const TreeType, IsSafe> AccessorType
typedef std::vector<ValueType> BufferType
typedef GridT GridType
typedef BufferType::iterator IterType
typedef GridT::TreeType TreeType
typedef GridType::ValueType ValueType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WenoStencil ( const GridType grid)
WenoStencil ( const GridType grid,
Real  dx 

Member Function Documentation

const AccessorType& accessor ( ) const

Return a const reference to the ValueAccessor associated with this Stencil.

const Coord& getCenterCoord ( ) const

Return the coordinates of the center point of the stencil.

const ValueType& getCenterValue ( ) const

Return the value at the center of the stencil.

const ValueType& getValue ( unsigned int  pos = 0) const

Return the value from the stencil buffer with linear offset pos.

The default (pos = 0) corresponds to the first element which is typically the center point of the stencil.
const ValueType& getValue ( ) const

Return the value at the specified location relative to the center of the stencil.

math::Vec3<ValueType> gradient ( const math::Vec3< ValueType > &  V) const

Return the optimal fifth-order upwind gradient corresponding to the direction V.

This method should not be called until the stencil buffer has been populated via a call to moveTo(ijk).
math::Vec3<ValueType> gradient ( ) const

Return the gradient computed at the previously buffered location by second-order central differencing.

This method should not be called until the stencil buffer has been populated via a call to moveTo(ijk).
const GridType& grid ( ) const

Return a const reference to the grid from which this stencil was constructed.

std::bitset<6> intersectionMask ( const ValueType isoValue = zeroVal<ValueType>()) const

Return true a bit-mask where the 6 bits indicates if the center of the stencil intersects the iso-contour specified by the isoValue.

There are 2^6 = 64 different possible cases, including no intersections!

The ordering of bit mask is ( -x, +x, -y, +y, -z, +z ), so to check if there is an intersection in -y use mask.test(2) where mask is ther return value from this function. To check if there are any intersections use mask.any(), and for no intersections use mask.none(). To count the number of intersections use mask.count().

bool intersects ( const ValueType isoValue = zeroVal<ValueType>()) const

Return true if the center of the stencil intersects the iso-contour specified by the isoValue.

ValueType laplacian ( ) const

Return the Laplacian computed at the previously buffered location by second-order central differencing.

This method should not be called until the stencil buffer has been populated via a call to moveTo(ijk).
ValueType max ( ) const

Return the largest value in the stencil buffer.

ValueType mean ( ) const

Return the mean value of the current stencil.

ValueType median ( ) const

Return the median value of the current stencil.

ValueType min ( ) const

Return the smallest value in the stencil buffer.

void moveTo ( const Coord ijk)

Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (i, j, k) and its neighbors.

ijkIndex coordinates of stencil center
void moveTo ( const Coord ijk,
const ValueType centerValue 

Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (i, j, k) and its neighbors. The method also takes a value of the center element of the stencil, assuming it is already known.

ijkIndex coordinates of stnecil center
centerValueValue of the center element of the stencil
void moveTo ( const IterType iter)

Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (x, y, z) and its neighbors.

This version is slightly faster than the one above, since the center voxel's value is read directly from the iterator.
void moveTo ( const Vec3< RealType > &  xyz)

Initialize the stencil buffer with the values of voxel (x, y, z) and its neighbors.

xyzFloating point voxel coordinates of stencil center

This method will check to see if it is necessary to update the stencil based on the cached index coordinates of the center point.

ValueType normSqGrad ( const ValueType isoValue = zeroVal<ValueType>()) const

Return the norm-square of the WENO upwind gradient (computed via WENO upwinding and Godunov's scheme) at the previously buffered location.

This method should not be called until the stencil buffer has been populated via a call to moveTo(ijk).
void setValue ( const ValueType value)

Set the value at the specified location relative to the center of the stencil.

int size ( )

Return the size of the stencil buffer.

bool zeroCrossing ( ) const

Return true if the sign of the value at the center point of the stencil differs from the sign of any of its six nearest neighbors

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class BaseStencil

Member Data Documentation

AccessorType mAcc
Coord mCenter
const GridType* mGrid
BufferType mValues
const int SIZE = 19