OpenVDB  9.0.1
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
NanoVDB.h File Reference

Implements a light-weight self-contained VDB data-structure in a single file! In other words, this is a significantly watered-down version of the OpenVDB implementation, with few dependencies - so a one-stop-shop for a minimalistic VDB data structure that run on most platforms! More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ValueMask
 Dummy type for a voxel with a binary mask value, e.g. the active state. More...
class  Half
 Dummy type for a 16 bit floating point values. More...
class  Fp4
 Dummy type for a 4bit quantization of float point values. More...
class  Fp8
 Dummy type for a 8bit quantization of float point values. More...
class  Fp16
 Dummy type for a 16bit quantization of float point values. More...
class  FpN
 Dummy type for a variable bit quantization of floating point values. More...
struct  is_same< T1, T2 >
 C++11 implementation of std::is_same. More...
struct  is_same< T, T >
struct  enable_if< bool, T >
 C++11 implementation of std::enable_if. More...
struct  enable_if< true, T >
struct  is_floating_point< T >
 C++11 implementation of std::is_floating_point. More...
struct  is_specialization< AnyType, TemplateType >
 Metafunction used to determine if the first template parameter is a specialization of the class template given in the second template parameter. More...
struct  is_specialization< TemplateType< Args... >, TemplateType >
struct  BuildToValueMap< T >
 Maps one type (e.g. the build types above) to other (actual) types. More...
struct  BuildToValueMap< ValueMask >
struct  BuildToValueMap< Half >
struct  BuildToValueMap< Fp4 >
struct  BuildToValueMap< Fp8 >
struct  BuildToValueMap< Fp16 >
struct  BuildToValueMap< FpN >
class  Rgba8
 8-bit red, green, blue, alpha packed into 32 bit unsigned int More...
class  Version
 Bit-compacted representation of all three version numbers. More...
struct  Tolerance< T >
 Tolerance for floating-point comparison. More...
struct  Tolerance< float >
struct  Tolerance< double >
struct  Delta< T >
 Delta for small floating-point offsets. More...
struct  Delta< float >
struct  Delta< double >
struct  Maximum< T >
 Maximum floating-point values. More...
struct  Maximum< T >
 Maximum floating-point values. More...
class  Vec3< T >
 A simple vector class with three double components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec3. More...
class  Coord
 Signed (i, j, k) 32-bit integer coordinate class, similar to openvdb::math::Coord. More...
class  Vec3< T >
 A simple vector class with three double components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec3. More...
class  Vec4< T >
 A simple vector class with three double components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec4. More...
struct  TensorTraits< T, Rank >
struct  TensorTraits< T, 0 >
struct  TensorTraits< T, 1 >
struct  FloatTraits< T, int >
struct  FloatTraits< T, 8 >
struct  FloatTraits< bool, 1 >
struct  FloatTraits< ValueMask, 1 >
struct  BaseBBox< Vec3T >
struct  BBox< Vec3T, bool >
struct  BBox< Vec3T, true >
 Partial template specialization for floating point coordinate types. More...
struct  BBox< CoordT, false >
 Partial template specialization for integer coordinate types. More...
class  BBox< CoordT, false >::Iterator
 Iterator over the domain covered by a BBox. More...
class  Mask< LOG2DIM >
 Bit-mask to encode active states and facilitate sequential iterators and a fast codec for I/O compression. More...
class  Mask< LOG2DIM >::Iterator
struct  Map
 Defines an affine transform and its inverse represented as a 3x3 matrix and a vec3 translation. More...
struct  GridBlindMetaData
struct  NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, LEVEL >
 Struct to derive node type from its level in a given grid, tree or root while perserving constness. More...
struct  NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 0 >
struct  NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 0 >
struct  NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 1 >
struct  NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 1 >
struct  NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 2 >
struct  NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 2 >
struct  NodeTrait< GridOrTreeOrRootT, 3 >
struct  NodeTrait< const GridOrTreeOrRootT, 3 >
struct  GridData
 Struct with all the member data of the Grid (useful during serialization of an openvdb grid) More...
class  ReadAccessor< BuildT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 >
class  Grid< TreeT >
 Highest level of the data structure. Contains a tree and a world->index transform (that currently only supports uniform scaling and translation). More...
struct  TreeData< ROOT_LEVEL >
struct  GridTree< GridT >
 defines a tree type from a grid type while perserving constness More...
struct  GridTree< const GridT >
class  Tree< RootT >
 VDB Tree, which is a thin wrapper around a RootNode. More...
struct  RootData< ChildT >
 Struct with all the member data of the RootNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb RootNode) More...
struct  RootData< ChildT >::Tile
class  RootNode< ChildT >
 Top-most node of the VDB tree structure. More...
struct  InternalData< ChildT, LOG2DIM >
 Struct with all the member data of the InternalNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb InternalNode) More...
union  InternalData< ChildT, LOG2DIM >::Tile
class  InternalNode< ChildT, Log2Dim >
 Internal nodes of a VDB treedim(),. More...
struct  LeafData< ValueT, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
 Stuct with all the member data of the LeafNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb LeafNode) More...
struct  LeafFnBase< CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
 Base-class for quantized float leaf nodes. More...
struct  LeafData< Fp4, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
 Stuct with all the member data of the LeafNode (useful during serialization of an openvdb LeafNode) More...
struct  LeafData< Fp8, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
struct  LeafData< Fp16, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
struct  LeafData< FpN, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
struct  LeafData< bool, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
struct  LeafData< ValueMask, CoordT, MaskT, LOG2DIM >
class  LeafNode< BuildT, CoordT, MaskT, Log2Dim >
 Leaf nodes of the VDB tree. (defaults to 8x8x8 = 512 voxels) More...
struct  LeafNode< BuildT, CoordT, MaskT, Log2Dim >::ChildNodeType
struct  NanoNode< BuildT, LEVEL >
 Trait to map from LEVEL to node type. More...
struct  NanoNode< BuildT, 0 >
struct  NanoNode< BuildT, 1 >
struct  NanoNode< BuildT, 2 >
struct  NanoNode< BuildT, 3 >
class  ReadAccessor< BuildT,-1,-1,-1 >
 A read-only value accessor with three levels of node caching. This allows for inverse tree traversal during lookup, which is on average significantly faster than calling the equivalent method on the tree (i.e. top-down traversal). More...
struct  ReadAccessor< BuildT,-1,-1,-1 >::NodeInfo
class  ReadAccessor< BuildT, LEVEL0,-1,-1 >
 Node caching at a single tree level. More...
class  ReadAccessor< BuildT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1,-1 >
class  ReadAccessor< BuildT, 0, 1, 2 >
 Node caching at all (three) tree levels. More...
class  GridMetaData
 This is a convenient class that allows for access to grid meta-data that are independent of the value type of a grid. That is, this class can be used to get information about a grid without actually knowing its ValueType. More...
class  PointAccessor< AttT >
 Class to access points at a specific voxel location. More...




#define NANOVDB_MAGIC_NUMBER   0x304244566f6e614eUL
#define NANOVDB_ALIGN(n)   alignas(n)
#define NANOVDB_ASSERT(x)   assert(x)
#define __hostdev__
#define NANOVDB_OFFSETOF(CLASS, MEMBER)   ((int)(size_t)((char*)&((CLASS*)0)->MEMBER - (char*)0))


using PackedRGBA8 = Rgba8
using Vec3R = Vec3< double >
using Vec3d = Vec3< double >
using Vec3f = Vec3< float >
using Vec3i = Vec3< int >
using Vec4R = Vec4< double >
using Vec4d = Vec4< double >
using Vec4f = Vec4< float >
using Vec4i = Vec4< int >
using CoordBBox = BBox< Coord >
using BBoxR = BBox< Vec3R >
template<typename BuildT >
using DefaultReadAccessor = ReadAccessor< BuildT, 0, 1, 2 >
template<typename BuildT >
using NanoLeaf = LeafNode< BuildT, Coord, Mask, 3 >
 Template specializations to the default configuration used in OpenVDB: Root -> 32^3 -> 16^3 -> 8^3. More...
template<typename BuildT >
using NanoLower = InternalNode< NanoLeaf< BuildT >, 4 >
template<typename BuildT >
using NanoUpper = InternalNode< NanoLower< BuildT >, 5 >
template<typename BuildT >
using NanoRoot = RootNode< NanoUpper< BuildT >>
template<typename BuildT >
using NanoTree = Tree< NanoRoot< BuildT >>
template<typename BuildT >
using NanoGrid = Grid< NanoTree< BuildT >>
using FloatTree = NanoTree< float >
using DoubleTree = NanoTree< double >
using Int32Tree = NanoTree< int32_t >
using UInt32Tree = NanoTree< uint32_t >
using Int64Tree = NanoTree< int64_t >
using Vec3fTree = NanoTree< Vec3f >
using Vec3dTree = NanoTree< Vec3d >
using Vec4fTree = NanoTree< Vec4f >
using Vec4dTree = NanoTree< Vec4d >
using Vec3ITree = NanoTree< Vec3i >
using MaskTree = NanoTree< ValueMask >
using BoolTree = NanoTree< bool >
using FloatGrid = Grid< FloatTree >
using DoubleGrid = Grid< DoubleTree >
using Int32Grid = Grid< Int32Tree >
using UInt32Grid = Grid< UInt32Tree >
using Int64Grid = Grid< Int64Tree >
using Vec3fGrid = Grid< Vec3fTree >
using Vec3dGrid = Grid< Vec3dTree >
using Vec4fGrid = Grid< Vec4fTree >
using Vec4dGrid = Grid< Vec4dTree >
using Vec3IGrid = Grid< Vec3ITree >
using MaskGrid = Grid< MaskTree >
using BoolGrid = Grid< BoolTree >


enum  GridType : uint32_t {
  Unknown = 0, Float = 1, Double = 2, Int16 = 3,
  Int32 = 4, Int64 = 5, Vec3f = 6, Vec3d = 7,
  Mask = 8, Half = 9, UInt32 = 10, Boolean = 11,
  RGBA8 = 12, Fp4 = 13, Fp8 = 14, Fp16 = 15,
  FpN = 16, Vec4f = 17, Vec4d = 18, End = 19
 List of types that are currently supported by NanoVDB. More...
enum  GridClass : uint32_t {
  Unknown = 0, LevelSet = 1, FogVolume = 2, Staggered = 3,
  PointIndex = 4, PointData = 5, Topology = 6, VoxelVolume = 7,
  End = 8
 Classes (defined in OpenVDB) that are currently supported by NanoVDB. More...
enum  GridFlags : uint32_t {
  HasLongGridName = 1 << 0, HasBBox = 1 << 1, HasMinMax = 1 << 2, HasAverage = 1 << 3,
  HasStdDeviation = 1 << 4, IsBreadthFirst = 1 << 5, End = 1 << 6
 Grid flags which indicate what extra information is present in the grid buffer. More...
enum  GridBlindDataClass : uint32_t {
  Unknown = 0, IndexArray = 1, AttributeArray = 2, GridName = 3,
  End = 4
 Blind-data Classes that are currently supported by NanoVDB. More...
enum  GridBlindDataSemantic : uint32_t {
  Unknown = 0, PointPosition = 1, PointColor = 2, PointNormal = 3,
  PointRadius = 4, PointVelocity = 5, PointId = 6, End = 7
 Blind-data Semantics that are currently understood by NanoVDB. More...


const char * toStr (GridType gridType)
 Retuns a c-string used to describe a GridType. More...
const char * toStr (GridClass gridClass)
 Retuns a c-string used to describe a GridClass. More...
const char * toStr (GridFlags gridFlags)
 Retuns a c-string used to describe a GridFlags. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static int64_t PtrDiff (const T1 *p, const T2 *q)
template<typename DstT , typename SrcT >
static DstT * PtrAdd (SrcT *p, int64_t offset)
template<typename DstT , typename SrcT >
static const DstT * PtrAdd (const SrcT *p, int64_t offset)
bool isFloatingPoint (GridType gridType)
 return true if the GridType maps to a floating point value. More...
bool isValid (GridType gridType, GridClass gridClass)
 return true if the combination of GridType and GridClass is valid. More...
template<typename Type >
bool isApproxZero (const Type &x)
template<typename Type >
Type Min (Type a, Type b)
int32_t Min (int32_t a, int32_t b)
uint32_t Min (uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
float Min (float a, float b)
double Min (double a, double b)
template<typename Type >
Type Max (Type a, Type b)
int32_t Max (int32_t a, int32_t b)
uint32_t Max (uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
float Max (float a, float b)
double Max (double a, double b)
float Clamp (float x, float a, float b)
double Clamp (double x, double a, double b)
float Fract (float x)
double Fract (double x)
int32_t Floor (float x)
int32_t Floor (double x)
int32_t Ceil (float x)
int32_t Ceil (double x)
template<typename T >
Pow2 (T x)
template<typename T >
Pow3 (T x)
template<typename T >
Pow4 (T x)
template<typename T >
Abs (T x)
float Abs (float x)
double Abs (double x)
int Abs (int x)
template<typename CoordT , typename RealT , template< typename > class Vec3T>
CoordT Round (const Vec3T< RealT > &xyz)
template<typename CoordT , template< typename > class Vec3T>
CoordT Round (const Vec3T< float > &xyz)
template<typename CoordT , template< typename > class Vec3T>
CoordT Round (const Vec3T< double > &xyz)
template<typename CoordT , typename RealT , template< typename > class Vec3T>
CoordT RoundDown (const Vec3T< RealT > &xyz)
template<typename T >
Sign (const T &x)
 Return the sign of the given value as an integer (either -1, 0 or 1). More...
template<typename Vec3T >
int MinIndex (const Vec3T &v)
template<typename Vec3T >
int MaxIndex (const Vec3T &v)
template<uint64_t wordSize>
uint64_t AlignUp (uint64_t byteCount)
 round up byteSize to the nearest wordSize, e.g. to align to machine word: AlignUp<sizeof(size_t)(n) More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
Vec3< T2 > operator* (T1 scalar, const Vec3< T2 > &vec)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
Vec3< T2 > operator/ (T1 scalar, const Vec3< T2 > &vec)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
Vec4< T2 > operator* (T1 scalar, const Vec4< T2 > &vec)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
Vec4< T2 > operator/ (T1 scalar, const Vec3< T2 > &vec)
template<typename BuildT >
GridType mapToGridType ()
 Maps from a templated value type to a GridType enum. More...
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMult (const float *mat, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMult (const double *mat, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMult (const float *mat, const float *vec, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMult (const double *mat, const double *vec, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMultT (const float *mat, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMultT (const double *mat, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMultT (const float *mat, const float *vec, const Vec3T &xyz)
template<typename Vec3T >
Vec3T matMultT (const double *mat, const double *vec, const Vec3T &xyz)
static uint32_t FindLowestOn (uint32_t v)
 Returns the index of the lowest, i.e. least significant, on bit in the specified 32 bit word. More...
static uint32_t FindHighestOn (uint32_t v)
 Returns the index of the highest, i.e. most significant, on bit in the specified 32 bit word. More...
static uint32_t FindLowestOn (uint64_t v)
 Returns the index of the lowest, i.e. least significant, on bit in the specified 64 bit word. More...
static uint32_t FindHighestOn (uint64_t v)
 Returns the index of the highest, i.e. most significant, on bit in the specified 64 bit word. More...
uint32_t CountOn (uint64_t v)
template<int LEVEL0 = -1, int LEVEL1 = -1, int LEVEL2 = -1, typename ValueT = float>
ReadAccessor< ValueT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 > createAccessor (const NanoGrid< ValueT > &grid)
 Free-standing function for convenient creation of a ReadAccessor with optional and customizable node caching. More...
template<int LEVEL0 = -1, int LEVEL1 = -1, int LEVEL2 = -1, typename ValueT = float>
ReadAccessor< ValueT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 > createAccessor (const NanoTree< ValueT > &tree)
template<int LEVEL0 = -1, int LEVEL1 = -1, int LEVEL2 = -1, typename ValueT = float>
ReadAccessor< ValueT, LEVEL0, LEVEL1, LEVEL2 > createAccessor (const NanoRoot< ValueT > &root)
float Sqrt (float x)
 Return the square root of a floating-point value. More...
double Sqrt (double x)
 Return the square root of a floating-point value. More...

Detailed Description

Implements a light-weight self-contained VDB data-structure in a single file! In other words, this is a significantly watered-down version of the OpenVDB implementation, with few dependencies - so a one-stop-shop for a minimalistic VDB data structure that run on most platforms!

Ken Museth
January 8, 2020
It is important to note that NanoVDB (by design) is a read-only sparse GPU (and CPU) friendly data structure intended for applications like rendering and collision detection. As such it obviously lacks a lot of the functionality and features of OpenVDB grids. NanoVDB is essentially a compact linearized (or serialized) representation of an OpenVDB tree with getValue methods only. For best performance use the ReadAccessor::getValue method as opposed to the Tree::getValue method. Note that since a ReadAccessor caches previous access patterns it is by design not thread-safe, so use one instantiation per thread (it is very light-weight). Also, it is not safe to copy accessors between the GPU and CPU! In fact, client code should only interface with the API of the Grid class (all other nodes of the NanoVDB data structure can safely be ignored by most client codes)!
NanoVDB grids can only be constructed via tools like openToNanoVDB or the GridBuilder. This explains why none of the grid nodes defined below have public constructors or destructors.

Please see the following paper for more details on the data structure: K. Museth, “VDB: High-Resolution Sparse Volumes with Dynamic Topology”, ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(3), 2013, which can be found here:

Overview: This file implements the following fundamental class that when combined forms the backbone of the VDB tree data structure:

Coord- a signed integer coordinate Vec3 - a 3D vector Vec4 - a 4D vector BBox - a bounding box Mask - a bitmask essential to the non-root tree nodes Map - an affine coordinate transformation Grid - contains a Tree and a map for world<->index transformations. Use this class as the main API with client code! Tree - contains a RootNode and getValue methods that should only be used for debugging RootNode - the top-level node of the VDB data structure InternalNode - the internal nodes of the VDB data structure LeafNode - the lowest level tree nodes that encode voxel values and state ReadAccessor - implements accelerated random access operations

Semantics: A VDB data structure encodes values and (binary) states associated with signed integer coordinates. Values encoded at the leaf node level are denoted voxel values, and values associated with other tree nodes are referred to as tile values, which by design cover a larger coordinate index domain.

Memory layout:

GridData is always at the very beginning of the buffer immediately followed by TreeData! The remaining nodes and blind-data are allowed to be scattered thoughout the buffer, though in practice they are arranged as:

GridData: 672 bytes (e.g. magic, checksum, major, flags, index, count, size, name, map, world bbox, voxel size, class, type, offset, count)

TreeData: 64 bytes (node counts and byte offsets)

... optional padding ...

RootData: size depends on ValueType (index bbox, voxel count, tile count, min/max/avg/standard deviation)

Array of: RootData::Tile

... optional padding ...

Array of: Upper InternalNodes of size 32^3: bbox, two bit masks, 32768 tile values, and min/max/avg/standard deviation values

... optional padding ...

Array of: Lower InternalNodes of size 16^3: bbox, two bit masks, 4096 tile values, and min/max/avg/standard deviation values

... optional padding ...

Array of: LeafNodes of size 8^3: bbox, bit masks, 512 voxel values, and min/max/avg/standard deviation values

Example layout: ("---" implies it has a custom offset, "..." implies zero or more) [GridData(672B)][TreeData(64B)]—[RootData][N x Root::Tile]—[NodeData<5>]—[ModeData<4>]—[LeafData<3>]—[BLINDMETA...]—[BLIND0]—[BLIND1]—etc.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __hostdev__
#define NANOVDB_ALIGN (   n)    alignas(n)
#define NANOVDB_ASSERT (   x)    assert(x)
#define NANOVDB_MAGIC_NUMBER   0x304244566f6e614eUL
)    ((int)(size_t)((char*)&((CLASS*)0)->MEMBER - (char*)0))