OpenVDB  9.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
7 #include <functional>// for std::hash
8 #include <algorithm> // for std::min(), std::max()
9 #include <array> // for std::array
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <limits>
12 #include <openvdb/Platform.h>
13 #include "Math.h"
14 #include "Vec3.h"
16 #include <tbb/blocked_range.h> // for tbb::split
18 namespace openvdb {
21 namespace math {
23 /// @brief Signed (x, y, z) 32-bit integer coordinates
24 class Coord
25 {
26 public:
27  using Int32 = int32_t;
28  using Index32 = uint32_t;
29  using Vec3i = Vec3<Int32>;
32  using ValueType = Int32;
33  using Limits = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>;
35  Coord(): mVec{{0, 0, 0}} {}
36  explicit Coord(Int32 xyz): mVec{{xyz, xyz, xyz}} {}
37  Coord(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 z): mVec{{x, y, z}} {}
38  explicit Coord(const Vec3i& v): mVec{{v[0], v[1], v[2]}} {}
39  explicit Coord(const Vec3I& v): mVec{{Int32(v[0]), Int32(v[1]), Int32(v[2])}} {}
40  explicit Coord(const Int32* v): mVec{{v[0], v[1], v[2]}} {}
42  /// @brief Return the smallest possible coordinate
43  static Coord min() { return Coord(Limits::min()); }
45  /// @brief Return the largest possible coordinate
46  static Coord max() { return Coord(Limits::max()); }
48  /// @brief Return @a xyz rounded to the closest integer coordinates
49  /// (cell centered conversion).
50  template<typename T> static Coord round(const Vec3<T>& xyz)
51  {
52  return Coord(Int32(Round(xyz[0])), Int32(Round(xyz[1])), Int32(Round(xyz[2])));
53  }
54  /// @brief Return the largest integer coordinates that are not greater
55  /// than @a xyz (node centered conversion).
56  template<typename T> static Coord floor(const Vec3<T>& xyz)
57  {
58  return Coord(Int32(Floor(xyz[0])), Int32(Floor(xyz[1])), Int32(Floor(xyz[2])));
59  }
61  /// @brief Return the largest integer coordinates that are not greater
62  /// than @a xyz+1 (node centered conversion).
63  template<typename T> static Coord ceil(const Vec3<T>& xyz)
64  {
65  return Coord(Int32(Ceil(xyz[0])), Int32(Ceil(xyz[1])), Int32(Ceil(xyz[2])));
66  }
68  /// @brief Reset all three coordinates with the specified arguments
70  {
71  mVec[0] = x;
72  mVec[1] = y;
73  mVec[2] = z;
74  return *this;
75  }
76  /// @brief Reset all three coordinates with the same specified argument
77  Coord& reset(Int32 xyz) { return this->reset(xyz, xyz, xyz); }
79  Coord& setX(Int32 x) { mVec[0] = x; return *this; }
80  Coord& setY(Int32 y) { mVec[1] = y; return *this; }
81  Coord& setZ(Int32 z) { mVec[2] = z; return *this; }
83  Coord& offset(Int32 dx, Int32 dy, Int32 dz)
84  {
85  mVec[0] += dx;
86  mVec[1] += dy;
87  mVec[2] += dz;
88  return *this;
89  }
90  Coord& offset(Int32 n) { return this->offset(n, n, n); }
91  Coord offsetBy(Int32 dx, Int32 dy, Int32 dz) const
92  {
93  return Coord(mVec[0] + dx, mVec[1] + dy, mVec[2] + dz);
94  }
95  Coord offsetBy(Int32 n) const { return offsetBy(n, n, n); }
97  Coord& operator+=(const Coord& rhs)
98  {
99  mVec[0] += rhs[0];
100  mVec[1] += rhs[1];
101  mVec[2] += rhs[2];
102  return *this;
103  }
104  Coord& operator-=(const Coord& rhs)
105  {
106  mVec[0] -= rhs[0];
107  mVec[1] -= rhs[1];
108  mVec[2] -= rhs[2];
109  return *this;
110  }
111  Coord operator+(const Coord& rhs) const
112  {
113  return Coord(mVec[0] + rhs[0], mVec[1] + rhs[1], mVec[2] + rhs[2]);
114  }
115  Coord operator-(const Coord& rhs) const
116  {
117  return Coord(mVec[0] - rhs[0], mVec[1] - rhs[1], mVec[2] - rhs[2]);
118  }
119  Coord operator-() const { return Coord(-mVec[0], -mVec[1], -mVec[2]); }
121  Coord operator>> (size_t n) const { return Coord(mVec[0]>>n, mVec[1]>>n, mVec[2]>>n); }
122  Coord operator<< (size_t n) const { return Coord(mVec[0]<<n, mVec[1]<<n, mVec[2]<<n); }
123  Coord& operator<<=(size_t n) { mVec[0]<<=n; mVec[1]<<=n; mVec[2]<<=n; return *this; }
124  Coord& operator>>=(size_t n) { mVec[0]>>=n; mVec[1]>>=n; mVec[2]>>=n; return *this; }
125  Coord operator& (Int32 n) const { return Coord(mVec[0] & n, mVec[1] & n, mVec[2] & n); }
126  Coord operator| (Int32 n) const { return Coord(mVec[0] | n, mVec[1] | n, mVec[2] | n); }
127  Coord& operator&= (Int32 n) { mVec[0]&=n; mVec[1]&=n; mVec[2]&=n; return *this; }
128  Coord& operator|= (Int32 n) { mVec[0]|=n; mVec[1]|=n; mVec[2]|=n; return *this; }
130  Int32 x() const { return mVec[0]; }
131  Int32 y() const { return mVec[1]; }
132  Int32 z() const { return mVec[2]; }
133  Int32 operator[](size_t i) const { assert(i < 3); return mVec[i]; }
134  Int32& x() { return mVec[0]; }
135  Int32& y() { return mVec[1]; }
136  Int32& z() { return mVec[2]; }
137  Int32& operator[](size_t i) { assert(i < 3); return mVec[i]; }
139  const Int32* data() const { return; }
140  Int32* data() { return; }
141  const Int32* asPointer() const { return; }
142  Int32* asPointer() { return; }
143  Vec3d asVec3d() const { return Vec3d(double(mVec[0]), double(mVec[1]), double(mVec[2])); }
144  Vec3s asVec3s() const { return Vec3s(float(mVec[0]), float(mVec[1]), float(mVec[2])); }
145  Vec3i asVec3i() const { return Vec3i(; }
146  Vec3I asVec3I() const { return Vec3I(Index32(mVec[0]), Index32(mVec[1]), Index32(mVec[2])); }
147  void asXYZ(Int32& x, Int32& y, Int32& z) const { x = mVec[0]; y = mVec[1]; z = mVec[2]; }
149  bool operator==(const Coord& rhs) const
150  {
151  return (mVec[0] == rhs.mVec[0] && mVec[1] == rhs.mVec[1] && mVec[2] == rhs.mVec[2]);
152  }
153  bool operator!=(const Coord& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
155  /// Lexicographic less than
156  bool operator<(const Coord& rhs) const
157  {
158  return this->x() < rhs.x() ? true : this->x() > rhs.x() ? false
159  : this->y() < rhs.y() ? true : this->y() > rhs.y() ? false
160  : this->z() < rhs.z() ? true : false;
161  }
162  /// Lexicographic less than or equal to
163  bool operator<=(const Coord& rhs) const
164  {
165  return this->x() < rhs.x() ? true : this->x() > rhs.x() ? false
166  : this->y() < rhs.y() ? true : this->y() > rhs.y() ? false
167  : this->z() <=rhs.z() ? true : false;
168  }
169  /// Lexicographic greater than
170  bool operator>(const Coord& rhs) const { return !(*this <= rhs); }
171  /// Lexicographic greater than or equal to
172  bool operator>=(const Coord& rhs) const { return !(*this < rhs); }
174  /// Perform a component-wise minimum with the other Coord.
175  void minComponent(const Coord& other)
176  {
177  mVec[0] = std::min(mVec[0], other.mVec[0]);
178  mVec[1] = std::min(mVec[1], other.mVec[1]);
179  mVec[2] = std::min(mVec[2], other.mVec[2]);
180  }
182  /// Perform a component-wise maximum with the other Coord.
183  void maxComponent(const Coord& other)
184  {
185  mVec[0] = std::max(mVec[0], other.mVec[0]);
186  mVec[1] = std::max(mVec[1], other.mVec[1]);
187  mVec[2] = std::max(mVec[2], other.mVec[2]);
188  }
190  /// Return the component-wise minimum of the two Coords.
191  static inline Coord minComponent(const Coord& lhs, const Coord& rhs)
192  {
193  return Coord(std::min(lhs.x(), rhs.x()),
194  std::min(lhs.y(), rhs.y()),
195  std::min(lhs.z(), rhs.z()));
196  }
198  /// Return the component-wise maximum of the two Coords.
199  static inline Coord maxComponent(const Coord& lhs, const Coord& rhs)
200  {
201  return Coord(std::max(lhs.x(), rhs.x()),
202  std::max(lhs.y(), rhs.y()),
203  std::max(lhs.z(), rhs.z()));
204  }
206  /// Return true if any of the components of @a a are smaller than the
207  /// corresponding components of @a b.
208  static inline bool lessThan(const Coord& a, const Coord& b)
209  {
210  return (a[0] < b[0] || a[1] < b[1] || a[2] < b[2]);
211  }
213  /// @brief Return the index (0, 1 or 2) with the smallest value.
214  size_t minIndex() const { return MinIndex(mVec); }
216  /// @brief Return the index (0, 1 or 2) with the largest value.
217  size_t maxIndex() const { return MaxIndex(mVec); }
219  void read(std::istream& is) {<char*>(, sizeof(mVec)); }
220  void write(std::ostream& os) const
221  {
222  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, sizeof(mVec));
223  }
225  /// @brief Return a hash value for this coordinate
226  /// @note Log2N is the binary logarithm of the hash table size.
227  /// @details The hash function is taken from the SIGGRAPH paper:
228  /// "VDB: High-resolution sparse volumes with dynamic topology"
229  template<int Log2N = 20>
230  size_t hash() const
231  {
232  return ((1<<Log2N)-1) & (mVec[0]*73856093 ^ mVec[1]*19349663 ^ mVec[2]*83492791);
233  }
235 private:
236  std::array<Int32, 3> mVec;
237 }; // class Coord
240 ////////////////////////////////////////
243 /// @brief Axis-aligned bounding box of signed integer coordinates
244 /// @note The range of the integer coordinates, [min, max], is inclusive.
245 /// Thus, a bounding box with min = max is not empty but rather encloses
246 /// a single coordinate.
248 {
249 public:
250  using Index64 = uint64_t;
253  /// @brief Iterator over the Coord domain covered by a CoordBBox
254  /// @note If ZYXOrder is @c true, @e z is the fastest-moving coordinate,
255  /// otherwise the traversal is in XYZ order (i.e., @e x is fastest-moving).
256  template<bool ZYXOrder>
257  class Iterator
258  {
259  public:
260  /// @brief C-tor from a bounding box
261  Iterator(const CoordBBox& b): mPos(b.min()), mMin(b.min()), mMax(b.max()) {}
262  /// @brief Increment the iterator to point to the next coordinate.
263  /// @details Iteration stops one past the maximum coordinate
264  /// along the axis determined by the template parameter.
265  Iterator& operator++() { ZYXOrder ? next<2,1,0>() : next<0,1,2>(); return *this; }
266  /// @brief Return @c true if the iterator still points to a valid coordinate.
267  operator bool() const { return ZYXOrder ? (mPos[0] <= mMax[0]) : (mPos[2] <= mMax[2]); }
268  /// @brief Return a const reference to the coordinate currently pointed to.
269  const Coord& operator*() const { return mPos; }
270  /// Return @c true if this iterator and the given iterator point to the same coordinate.
271  bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const
272  {
273  return ((mPos == other.mPos) && (mMin == other.mMin) && (mMax == other.mMax));
274  }
275  /// Return @c true if this iterator and the given iterator point to different coordinates.
276  bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
277  private:
278  template<size_t a, size_t b, size_t c>
279  void next()
280  {
281  if (mPos[a] < mMax[a]) { ++mPos[a]; } // this is the most common case
282  else if (mPos[b] < mMax[b]) { mPos[a] = mMin[a]; ++mPos[b]; }
283  else if (mPos[c] <= mMax[c]) { mPos[a] = mMin[a]; mPos[b] = mMin[b]; ++mPos[c]; }
284  }
285  Coord mPos, mMin, mMax;
286  friend class CoordBBox; // for CoordBBox::end()
287  };// CoordBBox::Iterator
289  using ZYXIterator = Iterator</*ZYX=*/true>;
290  using XYZIterator = Iterator</*ZYX=*/false>;
292  /// @brief The default constructor produces an empty bounding box.
293  CoordBBox(): mMin(Coord::max()), mMax(Coord::min()) {}
294  /// @brief Construct a bounding box with the given @a min and @a max bounds.
295  CoordBBox(const Coord& min, const Coord& max): mMin(min), mMax(max) {}
296  /// @brief Construct from individual components of the min and max bounds.
298  ValueType xMax, ValueType yMax, ValueType zMax)
299  : mMin(xMin, yMin, zMin), mMax(xMax, yMax, zMax)
300  {
301  }
302  /// @brief Splitting constructor for use in TBB ranges
303  /// @note The other bounding box is assumed to be divisible.
304  CoordBBox(CoordBBox& other, const tbb::split&): mMin(other.mMin), mMax(other.mMax)
305  {
306  assert(this->is_divisible());
307  const size_t n = this->maxExtent();
308  mMax[n] = (mMin[n] + mMax[n]) >> 1;
309  other.mMin[n] = mMax[n] + 1;
310  }
312  static CoordBBox createCube(const Coord& min, ValueType dim)
313  {
314  return CoordBBox(min, min.offsetBy(dim - 1));
315  }
317  /// Return an "infinite" bounding box, as defined by the Coord value range.
318  static CoordBBox inf() { return CoordBBox(Coord::min(), Coord::max()); }
320  const Coord& min() const { return mMin; }
321  const Coord& max() const { return mMax; }
323  Coord& min() { return mMin; }
324  Coord& max() { return mMax; }
326  void reset() { mMin = Coord::max(); mMax = Coord::min(); }
327  void reset(const Coord& min, const Coord& max) { mMin = min; mMax = max; }
328  void resetToCube(const Coord& min, ValueType dim) { mMin = min; mMax = min.offsetBy(dim - 1); }
330  /// @brief Return the minimum coordinate.
331  /// @note The start coordinate is inclusive.
332  Coord getStart() const { return mMin; }
333  /// @brief Return the maximum coordinate plus one.
334  /// @note This end coordinate is exclusive.
335  Coord getEnd() const { return mMax.offsetBy(1); }
337  /// @brief Return a ZYX-order iterator that points to the minimum coordinate.
338  ZYXIterator begin() const { return ZYXIterator{*this}; }
339  /// @brief Return a ZYX-order iterator that points to the minimum coordinate.
340  ZYXIterator beginZYX() const { return ZYXIterator{*this}; }
341  /// @brief Return an XYZ-order iterator that points to the minimum coordinate.
342  XYZIterator beginXYZ() const { return XYZIterator{*this}; }
344  /// @brief Return a ZYX-order iterator that points past the maximum coordinate.
345  ZYXIterator end() const { ZYXIterator it{*this}; it.mPos[0] = mMax[0] + 1; return it; }
346  /// @brief Return a ZYX-order iterator that points past the maximum coordinate.
347  ZYXIterator endZYX() const { return end(); }
348  /// @brief Return an XYZ-order iterator that points past the maximum coordinate.
349  XYZIterator endXYZ() const { XYZIterator it{*this}; it.mPos[2] = mMax[2] + 1; return it; }
351  bool operator==(const CoordBBox& rhs) const { return mMin == rhs.mMin && mMax == rhs.mMax; }
352  bool operator!=(const CoordBBox& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
354  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box is empty (i.e., encloses no coordinates).
355  bool empty() const
356  {
357 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
358  #pragma GCC diagnostic push
359  #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-overflow"
360 #endif
361  return (mMin[0] > mMax[0] || mMin[1] > mMax[1] || mMin[2] > mMax[2]);
362 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
363  #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
364 #endif
365  }
366  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box is nonempty
367  /// (i.e., encloses at least one coordinate).
368  operator bool() const { return !this->empty(); }
369  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box is nonempty
370  /// (i.e., encloses at least one coordinate).
371  bool hasVolume() const { return !this->empty(); }
373  /// @brief Return the floating-point position of the center of this bounding box.
374  Vec3d getCenter() const { return 0.5 * Vec3d((mMin + mMax).asPointer()); }
376  /// @brief Return the dimensions of the coordinates spanned by this bounding box.
377  /// @note Since coordinates are inclusive, a bounding box with min = max
378  /// has dimensions of (1, 1, 1).
379  Coord dim() const { return empty() ? Coord(0) : (mMax.offsetBy(1) - mMin); }
380  /// @todo deprecate - use dim instead
381  Coord extents() const { return this->dim(); }
382  /// @brief Return the integer volume of coordinates spanned by this bounding box.
383  /// @note Since coordinates are inclusive, a bounding box with min = max has volume one.
384  Index64 volume() const
385  {
386  const Coord d = this->dim();
387  return Index64(d[0]) * Index64(d[1]) * Index64(d[2]);
388  }
389  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box can be subdivided [mainly for use by TBB].
390  bool is_divisible() const { return mMin[0]<mMax[0] && mMin[1]<mMax[1] && mMin[2]<mMax[2]; }
392  /// @brief Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the shortest axis.
393  size_t minExtent() const { return this->dim().minIndex(); }
395  /// @brief Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the longest axis.
396  size_t maxExtent() const { return this->dim().maxIndex(); }
398  /// @brief Return @c true if point (x, y, z) is inside this bounding box.
399  bool isInside(const Coord& xyz) const
400  {
401  return !(Coord::lessThan(xyz,mMin) || Coord::lessThan(mMax,xyz));
402  }
404  /// @brief Return @c true if the given bounding box is inside this bounding box.
405  bool isInside(const CoordBBox& b) const
406  {
407  return !(Coord::lessThan(b.mMin,mMin) || Coord::lessThan(mMax,b.mMax));
408  }
410  /// @brief Return @c true if the given bounding box overlaps with this bounding box.
411  bool hasOverlap(const CoordBBox& b) const
412  {
413  return !(Coord::lessThan(mMax,b.mMin) || Coord::lessThan(b.mMax,mMin));
414  }
416  /// @brief Pad this bounding box with the specified padding.
417  void expand(ValueType padding)
418  {
419  mMin.offset(-padding);
420  mMax.offset( padding);
421  }
423  /// @brief Return a new instance that is expanded by the specified padding.
424  CoordBBox expandBy(ValueType padding) const
425  {
426  return CoordBBox(mMin.offsetBy(-padding),mMax.offsetBy(padding));
427  }
429  /// @brief Expand this bounding box to enclose point (x, y, z).
430  void expand(const Coord& xyz)
431  {
432  mMin.minComponent(xyz);
433  mMax.maxComponent(xyz);
434  }
436  /// @brief Union this bounding box with the given bounding box.
437  void expand(const CoordBBox& bbox)
438  {
439  mMin.minComponent(bbox.min());
440  mMax.maxComponent(bbox.max());
441  }
442  /// @brief Intersect this bounding box with the given bounding box.
443  void intersect(const CoordBBox& bbox)
444  {
445  mMin.maxComponent(bbox.min());
446  mMax.minComponent(bbox.max());
447  }
448  /// @brief Union this bounding box with the cubical bounding box
449  /// of the given size and with the given minimum coordinates.
450  void expand(const Coord& min, Coord::ValueType dim)
451  {
452  mMin.minComponent(min);
453  mMax.maxComponent(min.offsetBy(dim-1));
454  }
455  /// @brief Translate this bounding box by
456  /// (<i>t<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>t<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>t<sub>z</sub></i>).
457  void translate(const Coord& t) { mMin += t; mMax += t; }
459  /// @brief Move this bounding box to the specified min
460  void moveMin(const Coord& min) { mMax += min - mMin; mMin = min; }
462  /// @brief Move this bounding box to the specified max
463  void moveMax(const Coord& max) { mMin += max - mMax; mMax = max; }
465  /// @brief Populates an array with the eight corner points of this bounding box.
466  /// @details The ordering of the corner points is lexicographic.
467  /// @warning It is assumed that the pointer can be incremented at
468  /// least seven times, i.e. has storage for eight Coord elements!
469  void getCornerPoints(Coord *p) const
470  {
471  assert(p != nullptr);
472  p->reset(mMin.x(), mMin.y(), mMin.z()); ++p;
473  p->reset(mMin.x(), mMin.y(), mMax.z()); ++p;
474  p->reset(mMin.x(), mMax.y(), mMin.z()); ++p;
475  p->reset(mMin.x(), mMax.y(), mMax.z()); ++p;
476  p->reset(mMax.x(), mMin.y(), mMin.z()); ++p;
477  p->reset(mMax.x(), mMin.y(), mMax.z()); ++p;
478  p->reset(mMax.x(), mMax.y(), mMin.z()); ++p;
479  p->reset(mMax.x(), mMax.y(), mMax.z());
480  }
482  //@{
483  /// @brief Bit-wise operations performed on both the min and max members
484  CoordBBox operator>> (size_t n) const { return CoordBBox(mMin>>n, mMax>>n); }
485  CoordBBox operator<< (size_t n) const { return CoordBBox(mMin<<n, mMax<<n); }
486  CoordBBox& operator<<=(size_t n) { mMin <<= n; mMax <<= n; return *this; }
487  CoordBBox& operator>>=(size_t n) { mMin >>= n; mMax >>= n; return *this; }
488  CoordBBox operator& (Coord::Int32 n) const { return CoordBBox(mMin & n, mMax & n); }
489  CoordBBox operator| (Coord::Int32 n) const { return CoordBBox(mMin | n, mMax | n); }
490  CoordBBox& operator&= (Coord::Int32 n) { mMin &= n; mMax &= n; return *this; }
491  CoordBBox& operator|= (Coord::Int32 n) { mMin |= n; mMax |= n; return *this; }
492  //@}
494  /// @brief Unserialize this bounding box from the given stream.
495  void read(std::istream& is) {;; }
496  /// @brief Serialize this bounding box to the given stream.
497  void write(std::ostream& os) const { mMin.write(os); mMax.write(os); }
499 private:
500  Coord mMin, mMax;
501 }; // class CoordBBox
504 ////////////////////////////////////////
507 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Coord& xyz)
508 {
509  os << xyz.asVec3i(); return os;
510 }
513 inline Coord
514 Abs(const Coord& xyz)
515 {
516  return Coord(Abs(xyz[0]), Abs(xyz[1]), Abs(xyz[2]));
517 }
520 //@{
521 /// Allow a Coord to be added to or subtracted from a Vec3.
522 template<typename T>
524 operator+(const Vec3<T>& v0, const Coord& v1)
525 {
527  result[0] += v1[0];
528  result[1] += v1[1];
529  result[2] += v1[2];
530  return result;
531 }
533 template<typename T>
535 operator+(const Coord& v1, const Vec3<T>& v0)
536 {
538  result[0] += v1[0];
539  result[1] += v1[1];
540  result[2] += v1[2];
541  return result;
542 }
543 //@}
546 //@{
547 /// Allow a Coord to be subtracted from a Vec3.
548 template <typename T>
550 operator-(const Vec3<T>& v0, const Coord& v1)
551 {
553  result[0] -= v1[0];
554  result[1] -= v1[1];
555  result[2] -= v1[2];
556  return result;
557 }
559 template <typename T>
561 operator-(const Coord& v1, const Vec3<T>& v0)
562 {
564  result[0] -= v1[0];
565  result[1] -= v1[1];
566  result[2] -= v1[2];
567  return -result;
568 }
569 //@}
571 inline std::ostream&
572 operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CoordBBox& b)
573 {
574  os << b.min() << " -> " << b.max();
575  return os;
576 }
578 } // namespace math
579 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
580 } // namespace openvdb
582 ////////////////////////////////////////
584 // template specialization of std::hash with Coord, which
585 // allows for Coord to be used as the key in std::unordered_map
586 namespace std {// injected in namespace std
588 template<>
589 struct hash<openvdb::math::Coord>
590 {
591  using Coord = openvdb::math::Coord;
593  using result_type = std::size_t;
594  std::size_t operator()(const Coord& ijk) const noexcept { return ijk.Coord::hash<>(); }
595 };// std::hash<openvdb::math::Coord>
597 }// namespace std
static Coord max()
Return the largest possible coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:46
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Serialize this bounding box to the given stream.
Definition: Coord.h:497
void expand(const Coord &xyz)
Expand this bounding box to enclose point (x, y, z).
Definition: Coord.h:430
bool hasVolume() const
Return true if this bounding box is nonempty (i.e., encloses at least one coordinate).
Definition: Coord.h:371
Coord operator+(const Coord &rhs) const
Definition: Coord.h:111
Coord(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 z)
Definition: Coord.h:37
Coord(const Int32 *v)
Definition: Coord.h:40
bool isInside(const CoordBBox &b) const
Return true if the given bounding box is inside this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:405
int32_t Int32
Definition: Coord.h:27
Int32 & y()
Definition: Coord.h:135
Coord & operator<<=(size_t n)
Definition: Coord.h:123
const Coord & max() const
Definition: Coord.h:321
The default constructor produces an empty bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:293
Vec3< typename promote< T, Coord::ValueType >::type > operator-(const Coord &v1, const Vec3< T > &v0)
Allow a Coord to be subtracted from a Vec3.
Definition: Coord.h:561
Iterator over the Coord domain covered by a CoordBBox.
Definition: Coord.h:257
static Coord ceil(const Vec3< T > &xyz)
Return the largest integer coordinates that are not greater than xyz+1 (node centered conversion)...
Definition: Coord.h:63
const Int32 * data() const
Definition: Coord.h:139
XYZIterator endXYZ() const
Return an XYZ-order iterator that points past the maximum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:349
General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at...
Iterator & operator++()
Increment the iterator to point to the next coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:265
XYZIterator beginXYZ() const
Return an XYZ-order iterator that points to the minimum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:342
bool operator<(const Coord &rhs) const
Lexicographic less than.
Definition: Coord.h:156
bool operator==(const CoordBBox &rhs) const
Definition: Coord.h:351
CoordBBox(ValueType xMin, ValueType yMin, ValueType zMin, ValueType xMax, ValueType yMax, ValueType zMax)
Construct from individual components of the min and max bounds.
Definition: Coord.h:297
Coord getEnd() const
Return the maximum coordinate plus one.
Definition: Coord.h:335
OPENVDB_API std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &is, half &h)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CoordBBox &b)
Definition: Coord.h:572
Vec3< int32_t > Vec3i
Definition: Vec3.h:665
Int32 & z()
Definition: Coord.h:136
Vec3< double > Vec3d
Definition: Vec3.h:668
Coord & max()
Definition: Coord.h:324
Definition: Coord.h:35
Int32 & x()
Definition: Coord.h:134
static CoordBBox inf()
Return an "infinite" bounding box, as defined by the Coord value range.
Definition: Coord.h:318
Axis-aligned bounding box of signed integer coordinates.
Definition: Coord.h:247
size_t MinIndex(const Vec3T &v)
Return the index [0,1,2] of the smallest value in a 3D vector.
Definition: Math.h:938
math::Vec3< Index32 > Vec3I
Definition: Types.h:73
void getCornerPoints(Coord *p) const
Populates an array with the eight corner points of this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:469
Coord & setY(Int32 y)
Definition: Coord.h:80
size_t maxExtent() const
Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the longest axis.
Definition: Coord.h:396
void read(std::istream &is)
Definition: Coord.h:219
bool empty() const
Return true if this bounding box is empty (i.e., encloses no coordinates).
Definition: Coord.h:355
bool hasOverlap(const CoordBBox &b) const
Return true if the given bounding box overlaps with this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:411
Definition: Coord.h:586
size_t maxIndex() const
Return the index (0, 1 or 2) with the largest value.
Definition: Coord.h:217
Coord & operator+=(const Coord &rhs)
Definition: Coord.h:97
const Coord & operator*() const
Return a const reference to the coordinate currently pointed to.
Definition: Coord.h:269
Coord & operator-=(const Coord &rhs)
Definition: Coord.h:104
CoordBBox(const Coord &min, const Coord &max)
Construct a bounding box with the given min and max bounds.
Definition: Coord.h:295
size_t minIndex() const
Return the index (0, 1 or 2) with the smallest value.
Definition: Coord.h:214
Coord argument_type
Definition: Coord.h:592
Coord & offset(Int32 dx, Int32 dy, Int32 dz)
Definition: Coord.h:83
int Ceil(float x)
Return the ceiling of x.
Definition: Math.h:859
Signed (x, y, z) 32-bit integer coordinates.
Definition: Coord.h:24
Coord & min()
Definition: Coord.h:323
size_t MaxIndex(const Vec3T &v)
Return the index [0,1,2] of the largest value in a 3D vector.
Definition: Math.h:956
Iterator(const CoordBBox &b)
C-tor from a bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:261
int Floor(float x)
Return the floor of x.
Definition: Math.h:851
Int32 * data()
Definition: Coord.h:140
void read(std::istream &is)
Unserialize this bounding box from the given stream.
Definition: Coord.h:495
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & max(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:107
Index64 volume() const
Return the integer volume of coordinates spanned by this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:384
void moveMax(const Coord &max)
Move this bounding box to the specified max.
Definition: Coord.h:463
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const
Return true if this iterator and the given iterator point to different coordinates.
Definition: Coord.h:276
static Coord floor(const Vec3< T > &xyz)
Return the largest integer coordinates that are not greater than xyz (node centered conversion)...
Definition: Coord.h:56
float Round(float x)
Return x rounded to the nearest integer.
Definition: Math.h:822
bool operator!=(const Coord &rhs) const
Definition: Coord.h:153
BBox< Coord > CoordBBox
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1658
Coord & reset(Int32 xyz)
Reset all three coordinates with the same specified argument.
Definition: Coord.h:77
Int32 ValueType
Definition: Coord.h:32
uint64_t Index64
Definition: Coord.h:250
void translate(const Coord &t)
Translate this bounding box by (tx, ty, tz).
Definition: Coord.h:457
Int32 z() const
Definition: Coord.h:132
size_t hash() const
Return a hash value for this coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:230
Coord::ValueType ValueType
Definition: Coord.h:251
CoordBBox(CoordBBox &other, const tbb::split &)
Splitting constructor for use in TBB ranges.
Definition: Coord.h:304
void intersect(const CoordBBox &bbox)
Intersect this bounding box with the given bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:443
Coord extents() const
Definition: Coord.h:381
static Coord round(const Vec3< T > &xyz)
Return xyz rounded to the closest integer coordinates (cell centered conversion). ...
Definition: Coord.h:50
Int32 & operator[](size_t i)
Definition: Coord.h:137
static Coord maxComponent(const Coord &lhs, const Coord &rhs)
Return the component-wise maximum of the two Coords.
Definition: Coord.h:199
std::size_t result_type
Definition: Coord.h:593
void reset()
Definition: Coord.h:326
Coord & offset(Int32 n)
Definition: Coord.h:90
Coord dim() const
Return the dimensions of the coordinates spanned by this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:379
bool operator<=(const Coord &rhs) const
Lexicographic less than or equal to.
Definition: Coord.h:163
Coord operator-(const Coord &rhs) const
Definition: Coord.h:115
Vec3< typename promote< T, typename Coord::ValueType >::type > operator+(const Coord &v1, const Vec3< T > &v0)
Allow a Coord to be added to or subtracted from a Vec3.
Definition: Coord.h:535
Coord(const Vec3i &v)
Definition: Coord.h:38
Coord getStart() const
Return the minimum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:332
void expand(const Coord &min, Coord::ValueType dim)
Union this bounding box with the cubical bounding box of the given size and with the given minimum co...
Definition: Coord.h:450
uint64_t Index64
Definition: Types.h:53
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
ZYXIterator endZYX() const
Return a ZYX-order iterator that points past the maximum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:347
Coord(const Vec3I &v)
Definition: Coord.h:39
static CoordBBox createCube(const Coord &min, ValueType dim)
Definition: Coord.h:312
bool operator>(const Coord &rhs) const
Lexicographic greater than.
Definition: Coord.h:170
Coord operator-() const
Definition: Coord.h:119
Int32 operator[](size_t i) const
Definition: Coord.h:133
Vec3s asVec3s() const
Definition: Coord.h:144
Vec3i asVec3i() const
Definition: Coord.h:145
__hostdev__ uint32_t hash(uint32_t x)
Definition: common.h:13
bool is_divisible() const
Return true if this bounding box can be subdivided [mainly for use by TBB].
Definition: Coord.h:390
void minComponent(const Coord &other)
Perform a component-wise minimum with the other Coord.
Definition: Coord.h:175
Definition: Mat.h:187
static bool lessThan(const Coord &a, const Coord &b)
Definition: Coord.h:208
void reset(const Coord &min, const Coord &max)
Definition: Coord.h:327
bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const
Return true if this iterator and the given iterator point to the same coordinate. ...
Definition: Coord.h:271
Vec3d getCenter() const
Return the floating-point position of the center of this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:374
Coord offsetBy(Int32 dx, Int32 dy, Int32 dz) const
Definition: Coord.h:91
bool operator!=(const CoordBBox &rhs) const
Definition: Coord.h:352
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Definition: Coord.h:220
CoordBBox & operator<<=(size_t n)
Bit-wise operations performed on both the min and max members.
Definition: Coord.h:486
bool isInside(const Coord &xyz) const
Return true if point (x, y, z) is inside this bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:399
ZYXIterator beginZYX() const
Return a ZYX-order iterator that points to the minimum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:340
openvdb::math::Coord Coord
Definition: Coord.h:591
Coord & operator>>=(size_t n)
Definition: Coord.h:124
Int32 x() const
Definition: Coord.h:130
Coord offsetBy(Int32 n) const
Definition: Coord.h:95
CoordBBox expandBy(ValueType padding) const
Return a new instance that is expanded by the specified padding.
Definition: Coord.h:424
Int32 * asPointer()
Definition: Coord.h:142
Coord(Int32 xyz)
Definition: Coord.h:36
void asXYZ(Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 &z) const
Definition: Coord.h:147
Vec3< float > Vec3s
Definition: Vec3.h:667
Coord & setZ(Int32 z)
Definition: Coord.h:81
ZYXIterator begin() const
Return a ZYX-order iterator that points to the minimum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:338
void maxComponent(const Coord &other)
Perform a component-wise maximum with the other Coord.
Definition: Coord.h:183
bool operator>=(const Coord &rhs) const
Lexicographic greater than or equal to.
Definition: Coord.h:172
size_t minExtent() const
Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the shortest axis.
Definition: Coord.h:393
const Int32 * asPointer() const
Definition: Coord.h:141
CoordBBox & operator>>=(size_t n)
Bit-wise operations performed on both the min and max members.
Definition: Coord.h:487
bool operator==(const Coord &rhs) const
Definition: Coord.h:149
uint32_t Index32
Definition: Types.h:52
Coord Abs(const Coord &xyz)
Definition: Coord.h:514
void resetToCube(const Coord &min, ValueType dim)
Definition: Coord.h:328
uint32_t Index32
Definition: Coord.h:28
The version namespace name for this library version.
Vec3d asVec3d() const
Definition: Coord.h:143
const Coord & min() const
Definition: Coord.h:320
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & min(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:103
Coord & setX(Int32 x)
Definition: Coord.h:79
Int32 y() const
Definition: Coord.h:131
static Coord min()
Return the smallest possible coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:43
void expand(ValueType padding)
Pad this bounding box with the specified padding.
Definition: Coord.h:417
Vec3I asVec3I() const
Definition: Coord.h:146
std::size_t operator()(const Coord &ijk) const noexcept
Definition: Coord.h:594
void expand(const CoordBBox &bbox)
Union this bounding box with the given bounding box.
Definition: Coord.h:437
void moveMin(const Coord &min)
Move this bounding box to the specified min.
Definition: Coord.h:460
static Coord minComponent(const Coord &lhs, const Coord &rhs)
Return the component-wise minimum of the two Coords.
Definition: Coord.h:191
ZYXIterator end() const
Return a ZYX-order iterator that points past the maximum coordinate.
Definition: Coord.h:345
Coord & reset(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 z)
Reset all three coordinates with the specified arguments.
Definition: Coord.h:69
std::numeric_limits< ValueType > Limits
Definition: Coord.h:33