OpenVDB  9.0.1


Note: The dependency information on this page details a complete requirements list for building OpenVDB as a standalone package. If you wish to use OpenVDB with a supported 3rd party DCC (Houdini/Maya), make sure you've first read the Building OpenVDB information.

There are a number of optional and required dependencies necessary when building different components of OpenVDB. Below you'll find a full list of all dependencies, any minimum/recommended version requirements and some guides for getting these dependencies installed. You'll also find information on any known issues with particular software. Please report any issues not listed here to the OpenVDB TSC.

Note that OpenVDB is production tested against the VFX Reference Platform. Not all dependencies exist in the VFX Reference Platform, but for those that do, their specified versions are always recommended.

OpenVDB Components

Component Requirements Optional
OpenVDB Core Library CMake, C++14 compiler, TBB::tbb, Boost::system, Boost::iostream Blosc, ZLib, Log4cplus, IlmBase::Half
OpenVDB Print Core Library dependencies -
OpenVDB LOD Core Library dependencies -
OpenVDB Render Core Library dependencies OpenEXR, IlmBase, libpng
OpenVDB View Core Library dependencies, OpenGL, GLFW3, GLEW* -
OpenVDB Python Core Library dependencies, Python, Boost::python Boost::numpy, NumPy
OpenVDB AX Core Library dependencies, LLVM Bison, Flex
NanoVDB - Core Library, CUDA, TBB, Blosc, ZLib
OpenVDB UnitTests Core Library dependencies, GoogleTest CppUnit**
OpenVDB Documentation Doxygen -

Dependency Table

Package Minimum Recommended Description apt-get Homebrew Source
CMake 3.12 Latest Cross-platform family of tools designed to help build software Y Y
GCC 6.3.1 6.3.1 C++ 14 Compiler: The GNU Compiler Collection Y Y
Clang 3.8 Latest C++ 14 Compiler: A C language family frontend for LLVM Y Y
Intel ICC 17 Latest C++ 14 Compiler: Intels C++ Compiler Y Y
MSVC 19.10 Latest C++ 14 Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Y Y
IlmBase 2.2** 2.3 Used half precision floating points and EXR serialization support Y Y
OpenEXR 2.2** 2.3 EXR serialization support Y Y
TBB 2018 2018 Threading Building Blocks - template library for task parallelism Y Y
ZLIB 1.2.7 Latest Compression library for disk serialization compression Y Y
Boost 1.66 1.66 Components: system, iostreams, python, numpy Y Y
LLVM 6.0.0 8.0.0 Target-independent code generation Y Y
Bison 3.0.0 3.0.5 General-purpose parser generator Y Y
Flex 2.6 2.6.4 Fast lexical analyzer generator Y Y
Python 2.7 2.7 The python interpreter and libraries for C++/python bindings Y Y
NumPy 1.14.0 1.14.0 Scientific computing with Python Y Y
GoogleTest 1.10 Latest A unit testing framework module for C++ Y Y
CppUnit 1.10 Latest A unit testing framework module for C++ N Y
Blosc 1.17.0* 1.17.0 Recommended dependency for improved disk compression Y Y
Log4cplus 1.1.2 Latest An optional dependency for improved OpenVDB Logging Y Y
libpng - Latest Library for manipulating PNG images Y Y
GLFW 3.1 Latest Simple API for OpenGL development Y Y
OpenGL 3.2 Latest Environment for developing portable graphics applications Y Y
GLEW 1.0.0 Latest A cross-platform OpenGL extension loading library. Y Y
CUDA - Latest Parallel computing platform for graphical processing units. Y N
Doxygen 1.8.8 1.8.11 Documentation generation from C++ Y Y

Known Issues

1 RuntimeError: FATAL: module compiled as little endian, but detected different endianness at runtime.

For more information see:

Installing Dependencies

This section details a number of ways to get you up and running with the required OpenVDB dependencies.

Using UNIX apt-get

Note:CppUnit is unavailable using apt-get. See the other package manager methods or the manual installation options.

1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Core library
3 apt-get install cmake # CMake
4 apt-get install libtbb-dev # TBB
5 apt-get install zlibc # zlib
6 apt-get install libboost-system-dev # Boost::system
7 apt-get install libboost-iostreams-dev # Boost::iostream
8 apt-get install libblosc-dev # Blosc
9 # AX
10 apt-get install llvm-8-dev # LLVM
11 # Python
12 apt-get install libboost-python-dev # Boost::python
13 apt-get install libboost-numpy-dev # Boost::numpy
14 apt-get install python-dev # Python
15 apt-get install python-numpy # NumPy
16 # Optional
17 apt-get install libpng-dev # libpng
18 apt-get install libilmbase-dev # IlmBase
19 apt-get install libopenexr-dev # OpenEXR
20 apt-get install liblog4cplus-dev # Log4cplus
21 apt-get install googletest # GoogleTest
22 # vdb_view
23 apt-get install libglfw3-dev # GLFW
24 # Documentation
25 apt-get install doxygen # doxygen
26 # CUDA for NanoVDB
27 apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit # CUDA

Using Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for UNIX systems and is an alternative to apt-get or manual installation from source.

1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Core library
3 brew install cmake # CMake
4 brew install tbb # TBB
5 brew install zlib # zlib
6 brew install boost # Boost
7 brew install c-blosc # blosc
8 # AX
9 brew install llvm # LLVM
10 # Python
11 brew install boost-python # Boost-python
12 brew install python # Python
13 brew install numpy # NumPy
14 # Unit Tests
15 brew install gtest # GoogleTest
16 brew install cppunit # CppUnit
17 # vdb_view
18 brew install glfw # GLFW
19 # vdb_render
20 brew install ilmbase # IlmBase
21 brew install openexr # OpenEXR
22 brew install libpng # libpng
23 # Documentation
24 brew install doxygen # Doxygen

UNIX Manual Installations

Some dependencies may be unavailable using the above package manager methods. Below are manual installation methods for these packages. Note that you will have to provide your chosen installation locations to the OpenVDB CMake build system when building OpenVDB.

CppUnit (for AX Unit Tests)

1 #!/bin/bash
2 wget
3 tar -xvzf cppunit-1.13.2.tar.gz
4 cd cppunit-1.13.2
5 # Install to users home directory - you may customise this location
6 mkdir -p $HOME/cppunit
7 ./configure --prefix=$HOME/cppunit
8 make
9 make install