OpenVDB  9.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
7 #include <openvdb/Exceptions.h>
8 #include "Vec3.h"
9 #include "Mat.h"
10 #include <algorithm> // for std::copy()
11 #include <cassert>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <iomanip>
16 namespace openvdb {
19 namespace math {
21 template<typename T> class Vec3;
22 template<typename T> class Mat4;
23 template<typename T> class Quat;
25 /// @class Mat3 Mat3.h
26 /// @brief 3x3 matrix class.
27 template<typename T>
28 class Mat3: public Mat<3, T>
29 {
30 public:
31  /// Data type held by the matrix.
32  using value_type = T;
33  using ValueType = T;
34  using MyBase = Mat<3, T>;
36  /// Trivial constructor, the matrix is NOT initialized
38  /// @note destructor, copy constructor, assignment operator and
39  /// move constructor are left to be defined by the compiler (default)
40  Mat3() = default;
41 #else
42  Mat3() {}
44  /// Copy constructor
45  Mat3(const Mat<3, T> &m)
46  {
47  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
48  for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
49  MyBase::mm[i*3 + j] = m[i][j];
50  }
51  }
52  }
53 #endif
55  /// Constructor given the quaternion rotation, e.g. Mat3f m(q);
56  /// The quaternion is normalized and used to construct the matrix
57  Mat3(const Quat<T> &q)
58  { setToRotation(q); }
61  /// Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:
62  /** @verbatim
63  a b c
64  d e f
65  g h i
66  @endverbatim */
67  template<typename Source>
68  Mat3(Source a, Source b, Source c,
69  Source d, Source e, Source f,
70  Source g, Source h, Source i)
71  {
72  MyBase::mm[0] = static_cast<T>(a);
73  MyBase::mm[1] = static_cast<T>(b);
74  MyBase::mm[2] = static_cast<T>(c);
75  MyBase::mm[3] = static_cast<T>(d);
76  MyBase::mm[4] = static_cast<T>(e);
77  MyBase::mm[5] = static_cast<T>(f);
78  MyBase::mm[6] = static_cast<T>(g);
79  MyBase::mm[7] = static_cast<T>(h);
80  MyBase::mm[8] = static_cast<T>(i);
81  } // constructor1Test
83  /// Construct matrix from rows or columns vectors (defaults to rows
84  /// for historical reasons)
85  template<typename Source>
86  Mat3(const Vec3<Source> &v1, const Vec3<Source> &v2, const Vec3<Source> &v3, bool rows = true)
87  {
88  if (rows) {
89  this->setRows(v1, v2, v3);
90  } else {
91  this->setColumns(v1, v2, v3);
92  }
93  }
95  /// Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:\n
96  /// a[0] a[1] a[2]\n
97  /// a[3] a[4] a[5]\n
98  /// a[6] a[7] a[8]\n
99  template<typename Source>
100  Mat3(Source *a)
101  {
102  MyBase::mm[0] = static_cast<T>(a[0]);
103  MyBase::mm[1] = static_cast<T>(a[1]);
104  MyBase::mm[2] = static_cast<T>(a[2]);
105  MyBase::mm[3] = static_cast<T>(a[3]);
106  MyBase::mm[4] = static_cast<T>(a[4]);
107  MyBase::mm[5] = static_cast<T>(a[5]);
108  MyBase::mm[6] = static_cast<T>(a[6]);
109  MyBase::mm[7] = static_cast<T>(a[7]);
110  MyBase::mm[8] = static_cast<T>(a[8]);
111  } // constructor1Test
113  /// Conversion constructor
114  template<typename Source>
115  explicit Mat3(const Mat3<Source> &m)
116  {
117  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
118  for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
119  MyBase::mm[i*3 + j] = static_cast<T>(m[i][j]);
120  }
121  }
122  }
124  /// Conversion from Mat4 (copies top left)
125  explicit Mat3(const Mat4<T> &m)
126  {
127  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
128  for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
129  MyBase::mm[i*3 + j] = m[i][j];
130  }
131  }
132  }
134  /// Predefined constant for identity matrix
135  static const Mat3<T>& identity() {
136  static const Mat3<T> sIdentity = Mat3<T>(
137  1, 0, 0,
138  0, 1, 0,
139  0, 0, 1
140  );
141  return sIdentity;
142  }
144  /// Predefined constant for zero matrix
145  static const Mat3<T>& zero() {
146  static const Mat3<T> sZero = Mat3<T>(
147  0, 0, 0,
148  0, 0, 0,
149  0, 0, 0
150  );
151  return sZero;
152  }
154  /// Set ith row to vector v
155  void setRow(int i, const Vec3<T> &v)
156  {
157  // assert(i>=0 && i<3);
158  int i3 = i * 3;
160  MyBase::mm[i3+0] = v[0];
161  MyBase::mm[i3+1] = v[1];
162  MyBase::mm[i3+2] = v[2];
163  } // rowColumnTest
165  /// Get ith row, e.g. Vec3d v = m.row(1);
166  Vec3<T> row(int i) const
167  {
168  // assert(i>=0 && i<3);
169  return Vec3<T>((*this)(i,0), (*this)(i,1), (*this)(i,2));
170  } // rowColumnTest
172  /// Set jth column to vector v
173  void setCol(int j, const Vec3<T>& v)
174  {
175  // assert(j>=0 && j<3);
176  MyBase::mm[0+j] = v[0];
177  MyBase::mm[3+j] = v[1];
178  MyBase::mm[6+j] = v[2];
179  } // rowColumnTest
181  /// Get jth column, e.g. Vec3d v = m.col(0);
182  Vec3<T> col(int j) const
183  {
184  // assert(j>=0 && j<3);
185  return Vec3<T>((*this)(0,j), (*this)(1,j), (*this)(2,j));
186  } // rowColumnTest
188  /// Alternative indexed reference to the elements
189  /// Note that the indices are row first and column second.
190  /// e.g. m(0,0) = 1;
191  T& operator()(int i, int j)
192  {
193  // assert(i>=0 && i<3);
194  // assert(j>=0 && j<3);
195  return MyBase::mm[3*i+j];
196  } // trivial
198  /// Alternative indexed constant reference to the elements,
199  /// Note that the indices are row first and column second.
200  /// e.g. float f = m(1,0);
201  T operator()(int i, int j) const
202  {
203  // assert(i>=0 && i<3);
204  // assert(j>=0 && j<3);
205  return MyBase::mm[3*i+j];
206  } // trivial
208  /// Set the rows of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3
209  void setRows(const Vec3<T> &v1, const Vec3<T> &v2, const Vec3<T> &v3)
210  {
211  MyBase::mm[0] = v1[0];
212  MyBase::mm[1] = v1[1];
213  MyBase::mm[2] = v1[2];
214  MyBase::mm[3] = v2[0];
215  MyBase::mm[4] = v2[1];
216  MyBase::mm[5] = v2[2];
217  MyBase::mm[6] = v3[0];
218  MyBase::mm[7] = v3[1];
219  MyBase::mm[8] = v3[2];
220  } // setRows
222  /// Set the columns of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3
223  void setColumns(const Vec3<T> &v1, const Vec3<T> &v2, const Vec3<T> &v3)
224  {
225  MyBase::mm[0] = v1[0];
226  MyBase::mm[1] = v2[0];
227  MyBase::mm[2] = v3[0];
228  MyBase::mm[3] = v1[1];
229  MyBase::mm[4] = v2[1];
230  MyBase::mm[5] = v3[1];
231  MyBase::mm[6] = v1[2];
232  MyBase::mm[7] = v2[2];
233  MyBase::mm[8] = v3[2];
234  } // setColumns
236  /// Set diagonal and symmetric triangular components
237  void setSymmetric(const Vec3<T> &vdiag, const Vec3<T> &vtri)
238  {
239  MyBase::mm[0] = vdiag[0];
240  MyBase::mm[1] = vtri[0];
241  MyBase::mm[2] = vtri[1];
242  MyBase::mm[3] = vtri[0];
243  MyBase::mm[4] = vdiag[1];
244  MyBase::mm[5] = vtri[2];
245  MyBase::mm[6] = vtri[1];
246  MyBase::mm[7] = vtri[2];
247  MyBase::mm[8] = vdiag[2];
248  } // setSymmetricTest
250  /// Return a matrix with the prescribed diagonal and symmetric triangular components.
251  static Mat3 symmetric(const Vec3<T> &vdiag, const Vec3<T> &vtri)
252  {
253  return Mat3(
254  vdiag[0], vtri[0], vtri[1],
255  vtri[0], vdiag[1], vtri[2],
256  vtri[1], vtri[2], vdiag[2]
257  );
258  }
260  /// Set the matrix as cross product of the given vector
261  void setSkew(const Vec3<T> &v)
262  {*this = skew(v);}
264  /// @brief Set this matrix to the rotation matrix specified by the quaternion
265  /// @details The quaternion is normalized and used to construct the matrix.
266  /// Note that the matrix is transposed to match post-multiplication semantics.
267  void setToRotation(const Quat<T> &q)
268  {*this = rotation<Mat3<T> >(q);}
270  /// @brief Set this matrix to the rotation specified by @a axis and @a angle
271  /// @details The axis must be unit vector
272  void setToRotation(const Vec3<T> &axis, T angle)
273  {*this = rotation<Mat3<T> >(axis, angle);}
275  /// Set this matrix to zero
276  void setZero()
277  {
278  MyBase::mm[0] = 0;
279  MyBase::mm[1] = 0;
280  MyBase::mm[2] = 0;
281  MyBase::mm[3] = 0;
282  MyBase::mm[4] = 0;
283  MyBase::mm[5] = 0;
284  MyBase::mm[6] = 0;
285  MyBase::mm[7] = 0;
286  MyBase::mm[8] = 0;
287  } // trivial
289  /// Set this matrix to identity
290  void setIdentity()
291  {
292  MyBase::mm[0] = 1;
293  MyBase::mm[1] = 0;
294  MyBase::mm[2] = 0;
295  MyBase::mm[3] = 0;
296  MyBase::mm[4] = 1;
297  MyBase::mm[5] = 0;
298  MyBase::mm[6] = 0;
299  MyBase::mm[7] = 0;
300  MyBase::mm[8] = 1;
301  } // trivial
303  /// Assignment operator
304  template<typename Source>
305  const Mat3& operator=(const Mat3<Source> &m)
306  {
307  const Source *src = m.asPointer();
309  // don't suppress type conversion warnings
310  std::copy(src, (src + this->numElements()), MyBase::mm);
311  return *this;
312  } // opEqualToTest
314  /// Return @c true if this matrix is equivalent to @a m within a tolerance of @a eps.
315  bool eq(const Mat3 &m, T eps=1.0e-8) const
316  {
317  return (isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[0],[0],eps) &&
318  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[1],[1],eps) &&
319  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[2],[2],eps) &&
320  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[3],[3],eps) &&
321  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[4],[4],eps) &&
322  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[5],[5],eps) &&
323  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[6],[6],eps) &&
324  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[7],[7],eps) &&
325  isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[8],[8],eps));
326  } // trivial
328  /// Negation operator, for e.g. m1 = -m2;
330  {
331  return Mat3<T>(
332  -MyBase::mm[0], -MyBase::mm[1], -MyBase::mm[2],
333  -MyBase::mm[3], -MyBase::mm[4], -MyBase::mm[5],
334  -MyBase::mm[6], -MyBase::mm[7], -MyBase::mm[8]
335  );
336  } // trivial
338  /// Multiplication operator, e.g. M = scalar * M;
339  // friend Mat3 operator*(T scalar, const Mat3& m) {
340  // return m*scalar;
341  // }
343  /// Multiply each element of this matrix by @a scalar.
344  template <typename S>
345  const Mat3<T>& operator*=(S scalar)
346  {
347  MyBase::mm[0] *= scalar;
348  MyBase::mm[1] *= scalar;
349  MyBase::mm[2] *= scalar;
350  MyBase::mm[3] *= scalar;
351  MyBase::mm[4] *= scalar;
352  MyBase::mm[5] *= scalar;
353  MyBase::mm[6] *= scalar;
354  MyBase::mm[7] *= scalar;
355  MyBase::mm[8] *= scalar;
356  return *this;
357  }
359  /// Add each element of the given matrix to the corresponding element of this matrix.
360  template <typename S>
361  const Mat3<T> &operator+=(const Mat3<S> &m1)
362  {
363  const S *s = m1.asPointer();
365  MyBase::mm[0] += s[0];
366  MyBase::mm[1] += s[1];
367  MyBase::mm[2] += s[2];
368  MyBase::mm[3] += s[3];
369  MyBase::mm[4] += s[4];
370  MyBase::mm[5] += s[5];
371  MyBase::mm[6] += s[6];
372  MyBase::mm[7] += s[7];
373  MyBase::mm[8] += s[8];
374  return *this;
375  }
377  /// Subtract each element of the given matrix from the corresponding element of this matrix.
378  template <typename S>
379  const Mat3<T> &operator-=(const Mat3<S> &m1)
380  {
381  const S *s = m1.asPointer();
383  MyBase::mm[0] -= s[0];
384  MyBase::mm[1] -= s[1];
385  MyBase::mm[2] -= s[2];
386  MyBase::mm[3] -= s[3];
387  MyBase::mm[4] -= s[4];
388  MyBase::mm[5] -= s[5];
389  MyBase::mm[6] -= s[6];
390  MyBase::mm[7] -= s[7];
391  MyBase::mm[8] -= s[8];
392  return *this;
393  }
395  /// Multiply this matrix by the given matrix.
396  template <typename S>
397  const Mat3<T> &operator*=(const Mat3<S> &m1)
398  {
399  Mat3<T> m0(*this);
400  const T* s0 = m0.asPointer();
401  const S* s1 = m1.asPointer();
403  MyBase::mm[0] = static_cast<T>(s0[0] * s1[0] +
404  s0[1] * s1[3] +
405  s0[2] * s1[6]);
406  MyBase::mm[1] = static_cast<T>(s0[0] * s1[1] +
407  s0[1] * s1[4] +
408  s0[2] * s1[7]);
409  MyBase::mm[2] = static_cast<T>(s0[0] * s1[2] +
410  s0[1] * s1[5] +
411  s0[2] * s1[8]);
413  MyBase::mm[3] = static_cast<T>(s0[3] * s1[0] +
414  s0[4] * s1[3] +
415  s0[5] * s1[6]);
416  MyBase::mm[4] = static_cast<T>(s0[3] * s1[1] +
417  s0[4] * s1[4] +
418  s0[5] * s1[7]);
419  MyBase::mm[5] = static_cast<T>(s0[3] * s1[2] +
420  s0[4] * s1[5] +
421  s0[5] * s1[8]);
423  MyBase::mm[6] = static_cast<T>(s0[6] * s1[0] +
424  s0[7] * s1[3] +
425  s0[8] * s1[6]);
426  MyBase::mm[7] = static_cast<T>(s0[6] * s1[1] +
427  s0[7] * s1[4] +
428  s0[8] * s1[7]);
429  MyBase::mm[8] = static_cast<T>(s0[6] * s1[2] +
430  s0[7] * s1[5] +
431  s0[8] * s1[8]);
433  return *this;
434  }
436  /// @brief Return the cofactor matrix of this matrix.
437  Mat3 cofactor() const
438  {
439  return Mat3<T>(
440  MyBase::mm[4] * MyBase::mm[8] - MyBase::mm[5] * MyBase::mm[7],
441  MyBase::mm[5] * MyBase::mm[6] - MyBase::mm[3] * MyBase::mm[8],
442  MyBase::mm[3] * MyBase::mm[7] - MyBase::mm[4] * MyBase::mm[6],
443  MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[7] - MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[8],
444  MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[8] - MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[6],
445  MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[6] - MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[7],
446  MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[5] - MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[4],
447  MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[3] - MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[5],
448  MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[4] - MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[3]);
449  }
451  /// Return the adjoint of this matrix, i.e., the transpose of its cofactor.
452  Mat3 adjoint() const
453  {
454  return Mat3<T>(
455  MyBase::mm[4] * MyBase::mm[8] - MyBase::mm[5] * MyBase::mm[7],
456  MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[7] - MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[8],
457  MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[5] - MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[4],
458  MyBase::mm[5] * MyBase::mm[6] - MyBase::mm[3] * MyBase::mm[8],
459  MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[8] - MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[6],
460  MyBase::mm[2] * MyBase::mm[3] - MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[5],
461  MyBase::mm[3] * MyBase::mm[7] - MyBase::mm[4] * MyBase::mm[6],
462  MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[6] - MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[7],
463  MyBase::mm[0] * MyBase::mm[4] - MyBase::mm[1] * MyBase::mm[3]);
465  } // adjointTest
467  /// returns transpose of this
468  Mat3 transpose() const
469  {
470  return Mat3<T>(
471  MyBase::mm[0], MyBase::mm[3], MyBase::mm[6],
472  MyBase::mm[1], MyBase::mm[4], MyBase::mm[7],
473  MyBase::mm[2], MyBase::mm[5], MyBase::mm[8]);
475  } // transposeTest
477  /// returns inverse of this
478  /// @throws ArithmeticError if singular
479  Mat3 inverse(T tolerance = 0) const
480  {
481  Mat3<T> inv(this->adjoint());
483  const T det =[0]*MyBase::mm[0] +[1]*MyBase::mm[3] +[2]*MyBase::mm[6];
485  // If the determinant is 0, m was singular and the result will be invalid.
486  if (isApproxEqual(det,T(0.0),tolerance)) {
487  OPENVDB_THROW(ArithmeticError, "Inversion of singular 3x3 matrix");
488  }
489  return inv * (T(1)/det);
490  } // invertTest
492  /// Determinant of matrix
493  T det() const
494  {
495  const T co00 = MyBase::mm[4]*MyBase::mm[8] - MyBase::mm[5]*MyBase::mm[7];
496  const T co10 = MyBase::mm[5]*MyBase::mm[6] - MyBase::mm[3]*MyBase::mm[8];
497  const T co20 = MyBase::mm[3]*MyBase::mm[7] - MyBase::mm[4]*MyBase::mm[6];
498  return MyBase::mm[0]*co00 + MyBase::mm[1]*co10 + MyBase::mm[2]*co20;
499  } // determinantTest
501  /// Trace of matrix
502  T trace() const
503  {
504  return MyBase::mm[0]+MyBase::mm[4]+MyBase::mm[8];
505  }
507  /// This function snaps a specific axis to a specific direction,
508  /// preserving scaling. It does this using minimum energy, thus
509  /// posing a unique solution if basis & direction arent parralel.
510  /// Direction need not be unit.
511  Mat3 snapBasis(Axis axis, const Vec3<T> &direction)
512  {
513  return snapMatBasis(*this, axis, direction);
514  }
516  /// Return the transformed vector by this matrix.
517  /// This function is equivalent to post-multiplying the matrix.
518  template<typename T0>
519  Vec3<T0> transform(const Vec3<T0> &v) const
520  {
521  return static_cast< Vec3<T0> >(v * *this);
522  } // xformVectorTest
524  /// Return the transformed vector by transpose of this matrix.
525  /// This function is equivalent to pre-multiplying the matrix.
526  template<typename T0>
528  {
529  return static_cast< Vec3<T0> >(*this * v);
530  } // xformTVectorTest
533  /// @brief Treat @a diag as a diagonal matrix and return the product
534  /// of this matrix with @a diag (from the right).
535  Mat3 timesDiagonal(const Vec3<T>& diag) const
536  {
537  Mat3 ret(*this);
539[0] *= diag(0);
540[1] *= diag(1);
541[2] *= diag(2);
542[3] *= diag(0);
543[4] *= diag(1);
544[5] *= diag(2);
545[6] *= diag(0);
546[7] *= diag(1);
547[8] *= diag(2);
548  return ret;
549  }
550 }; // class Mat3
553 /// @relates Mat3
554 /// @brief Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons
555 template <typename T0, typename T1>
556 bool operator==(const Mat3<T0> &m0, const Mat3<T1> &m1)
557 {
558  const T0 *t0 = m0.asPointer();
559  const T1 *t1 = m1.asPointer();
561  for (int i=0; i<9; ++i) {
562  if (!isExactlyEqual(t0[i], t1[i])) return false;
563  }
564  return true;
565 }
567 /// @relates Mat3
568 /// @brief Inequality operator, does exact floating point comparisons
569 template <typename T0, typename T1>
570 bool operator!=(const Mat3<T0> &m0, const Mat3<T1> &m1) { return !(m0 == m1); }
572 /// @relates Mat3
573 /// @brief Multiply each element of the given matrix by @a scalar and return the result.
574 template <typename S, typename T>
576 { return m*scalar; }
578 /// @relates Mat3
579 /// @brief Multiply each element of the given matrix by @a scalar and return the result.
580 template <typename S, typename T>
582 {
584  result *= scalar;
585  return result;
586 }
588 /// @relates Mat3
589 /// @brief Add corresponding elements of @a m0 and @a m1 and return the result.
590 template <typename T0, typename T1>
592 {
594  result += m1;
595  return result;
596 }
598 /// @relates Mat3
599 /// @brief Subtract corresponding elements of @a m0 and @a m1 and return the result.
600 template <typename T0, typename T1>
602 {
604  result -= m1;
605  return result;
606 }
609 /// @brief Multiply @a m0 by @a m1 and return the resulting matrix.
610 template <typename T0, typename T1>
612 {
614  result *= m1;
615  return result;
616 }
618 /// @relates Mat3
619 /// @brief Multiply @a _m by @a _v and return the resulting vector.
620 template<typename T, typename MT>
622 operator*(const Mat3<MT> &_m, const Vec3<T> &_v)
623 {
624  MT const *m = _m.asPointer();
626  _v[0]*m[0] + _v[1]*m[1] + _v[2]*m[2],
627  _v[0]*m[3] + _v[1]*m[4] + _v[2]*m[5],
628  _v[0]*m[6] + _v[1]*m[7] + _v[2]*m[8]);
629 }
631 /// @relates Mat3
632 /// @brief Multiply @a _v by @a _m and return the resulting vector.
633 template<typename T, typename MT>
635 operator*(const Vec3<T> &_v, const Mat3<MT> &_m)
636 {
637  MT const *m = _m.asPointer();
639  _v[0]*m[0] + _v[1]*m[3] + _v[2]*m[6],
640  _v[0]*m[1] + _v[1]*m[4] + _v[2]*m[7],
641  _v[0]*m[2] + _v[1]*m[5] + _v[2]*m[8]);
642 }
644 /// @relates Mat3
645 /// @brief Multiply @a _v by @a _m and replace @a _v with the resulting vector.
646 template<typename T, typename MT>
647 inline Vec3<T> &operator *= (Vec3<T> &_v, const Mat3<MT> &_m)
648 {
649  Vec3<T> mult = _v * _m;
650  _v = mult;
651  return _v;
652 }
654 /// Returns outer product of v1, v2, i.e. v1 v2^T if v1 and v2 are
655 /// column vectors, e.g. M = Mat3f::outerproduct(v1,v2);
656 template <typename T>
657 Mat3<T> outerProduct(const Vec3<T>& v1, const Vec3<T>& v2)
658 {
659  return Mat3<T>(v1[0]*v2[0], v1[0]*v2[1], v1[0]*v2[2],
660  v1[1]*v2[0], v1[1]*v2[1], v1[1]*v2[2],
661  v1[2]*v2[0], v1[2]*v2[1], v1[2]*v2[2]);
662 }// outerProduct
665 /// Interpolate the rotation between m1 and m2 using Mat::powSolve.
666 /// Unlike slerp, translation is not treated independently.
667 /// This results in smoother animation results.
668 template<typename T, typename T0>
669 Mat3<T> powLerp(const Mat3<T0> &m1, const Mat3<T0> &m2, T t)
670 {
671  Mat3<T> x = m1.inverse() * m2;
672  powSolve(x, x, t);
673  Mat3<T> m = m1 * x;
674  return m;
675 }
678 namespace mat3_internal {
680 template<typename T>
681 inline void
682 pivot(int i, int j, Mat3<T>& S, Vec3<T>& D, Mat3<T>& Q)
683 {
684  const int& n = Mat3<T>::size; // should be 3
685  T temp;
686  /// scratch variables used in pivoting
687  double cotan_of_2_theta;
688  double tan_of_theta;
689  double cosin_of_theta;
690  double sin_of_theta;
691  double z;
693  double Sij = S(i,j);
695  double Sjj_minus_Sii = D[j] - D[i];
697  if (fabs(Sjj_minus_Sii) * (10*math::Tolerance<T>::value()) > fabs(Sij)) {
698  tan_of_theta = Sij / Sjj_minus_Sii;
699  } else {
700  /// pivot on Sij
701  cotan_of_2_theta = 0.5*Sjj_minus_Sii / Sij ;
703  if (cotan_of_2_theta < 0.) {
704  tan_of_theta =
705  -1./(sqrt(1. + cotan_of_2_theta*cotan_of_2_theta) - cotan_of_2_theta);
706  } else {
707  tan_of_theta =
708  1./(sqrt(1. + cotan_of_2_theta*cotan_of_2_theta) + cotan_of_2_theta);
709  }
710  }
712  cosin_of_theta = 1./sqrt( 1. + tan_of_theta * tan_of_theta);
713  sin_of_theta = cosin_of_theta * tan_of_theta;
714  z = tan_of_theta * Sij;
715  S(i,j) = 0;
716  D[i] -= z;
717  D[j] += z;
718  for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) {
719  temp = S(k,i);
720  S(k,i) = cosin_of_theta * temp - sin_of_theta * S(k,j);
721  S(k,j)= sin_of_theta * temp + cosin_of_theta * S(k,j);
722  }
723  for (int k = i+1; k < j; ++k) {
724  temp = S(i,k);
725  S(i,k) = cosin_of_theta * temp - sin_of_theta * S(k,j);
726  S(k,j) = sin_of_theta * temp + cosin_of_theta * S(k,j);
727  }
728  for (int k = j+1; k < n; ++k) {
729  temp = S(i,k);
730  S(i,k) = cosin_of_theta * temp - sin_of_theta * S(j,k);
731  S(j,k) = sin_of_theta * temp + cosin_of_theta * S(j,k);
732  }
733  for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
734  {
735  temp = Q(k,i);
736  Q(k,i) = cosin_of_theta * temp - sin_of_theta*Q(k,j);
737  Q(k,j) = sin_of_theta * temp + cosin_of_theta*Q(k,j);
738  }
739 }
741 } // namespace mat3_internal
744 /// @brief Use Jacobi iterations to decompose a symmetric 3x3 matrix
745 /// (diagonalize and compute eigenvectors)
746 /// @details This is based on the "Efficient numerical diagonalization of Hermitian 3x3 matrices"
747 /// Joachim Kopp. preprint: physics/0610206
748 /// with the addition of largest pivot
749 template<typename T>
750 inline bool
752  unsigned int MAX_ITERATIONS=250)
753 {
754  /// use Givens rotation matrix to eliminate off-diagonal entries.
755  /// initialize the rotation matrix as idenity
756  Q = Mat3<T>::identity();
757  int n = Mat3<T>::size; // should be 3
759  /// temp matrix. Assumed to be symmetric
760  Mat3<T> S(input);
762  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
763  D[i] = S(i,i);
764  }
766  unsigned int iterations(0);
767  /// Just iterate over all the non-diagonal enteries
768  /// using the largest as a pivot.
769  do {
770  /// check for absolute convergence
771  /// are symmetric off diagonals all zero
772  double er = 0;
773  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
774  for (int j = i+1; j < n; ++j) {
775  er += fabs(S(i,j));
776  }
777  }
778  if (std::abs(er) < math::Tolerance<T>::value()) {
779  return true;
780  }
781  iterations++;
783  T max_element = 0;
784  int ip = 0;
785  int jp = 0;
786  /// loop over all the off-diagonals above the diagonal
787  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
788  for (int j = i+1; j < n; ++j){
790  if ( fabs(D[i]) * (10*math::Tolerance<T>::value()) > fabs(S(i,j))) {
791  /// value too small to pivot on
792  S(i,j) = 0;
793  }
794  if (fabs(S(i,j)) > max_element) {
795  max_element = fabs(S(i,j));
796  ip = i;
797  jp = j;
798  }
799  }
800  }
801  mat3_internal::pivot(ip, jp, S, D, Q);
802  } while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS);
804  return false;
805 }
807 template<typename T>
808 inline Mat3<T>
809 Abs(const Mat3<T>& m)
810 {
811  Mat3<T> out;
812  const T* ip = m.asPointer();
813  T* op = out.asPointer();
814  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 9; ++i, ++op, ++ip) *op = math::Abs(*ip);
815  return out;
816 }
818 template<typename Type1, typename Type2>
819 inline Mat3<Type1>
820 cwiseAdd(const Mat3<Type1>& m, const Type2 s)
821 {
822  Mat3<Type1> out;
823  const Type1* ip = m.asPointer();
824  Type1* op = out.asPointer();
825  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 9; ++i, ++op, ++ip) {
827  *op = *ip + s;
829  }
830  return out;
831 }
833 template<typename T>
834 inline bool
835 cwiseLessThan(const Mat3<T>& m0, const Mat3<T>& m1)
836 {
837  return cwiseLessThan<3, T>(m0, m1);
838 }
840 template<typename T>
841 inline bool
842 cwiseGreaterThan(const Mat3<T>& m0, const Mat3<T>& m1)
843 {
844  return cwiseGreaterThan<3, T>(m0, m1);
845 }
849 using Mat3f = Mat3d;
854 #endif
856 } // namespace math
859 template<> inline math::Mat3s zeroVal<math::Mat3s>() { return math::Mat3s::zero(); }
860 template<> inline math::Mat3d zeroVal<math::Mat3d>() { return math::Mat3d::zero(); }
862 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
863 } // namespace openvdb
Bracket code with OPENVDB_NO_TYPE_CONVERSION_WARNING_BEGIN/_END, to inhibit warnings about type conve...
Definition: Platform.h:206
void setColumns(const Vec3< T > &v1, const Vec3< T > &v2, const Vec3< T > &v3)
Set the columns of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3.
Definition: Mat3.h:223
Mat3 adjoint() const
Return the adjoint of this matrix, i.e., the transpose of its cofactor.
Definition: Mat3.h:452
Definition: Exceptions.h:56
Mat3(const Mat3< Source > &m)
Conversion constructor.
Definition: Mat3.h:115
void powSolve(const MatType &aA, MatType &aB, double aPower, double aTol=0.01)
Definition: Mat.h:844
bool isExactlyEqual(const T0 &a, const T1 &b)
Return true if a is exactly equal to b.
Definition: Math.h:444
void setRows(const Vec3< T > &v1, const Vec3< T > &v2, const Vec3< T > &v3)
Set the rows of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3.
Definition: Mat3.h:209
Definition: Mat.h:182
Mat3< typename promote< S, T >::type > operator*(const Mat3< T > &m, S scalar)
Multiply each element of the given matrix by scalar and return the result.
Definition: Mat3.h:581
Mat3< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator*(const Mat3< T0 > &m0, const Mat3< T1 > &m1)
Multiply m0 by m1 and return the resulting matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:611
#define OPENVDB_THROW(exception, message)
Definition: Exceptions.h:74
Vec3< typename promote< T, MT >::type > operator*(const Vec3< T > &_v, const Mat3< MT > &_m)
Multiply _v by _m and return the resulting vector.
Definition: Mat3.h:635
void pivot(int i, int j, Mat3< T > &S, Vec3< T > &D, Mat3< T > &Q)
Definition: Mat3.h:682
void setSymmetric(const Vec3< T > &vdiag, const Vec3< T > &vtri)
Set diagonal and symmetric triangular components.
Definition: Mat3.h:237
bool cwiseGreaterThan(const Mat3< T > &m0, const Mat3< T > &m1)
Definition: Mat3.h:842
Mat3< T > outerProduct(const Vec3< T > &v1, const Vec3< T > &v2)
Definition: Mat3.h:657
Mat3< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator-(const Mat3< T0 > &m0, const Mat3< T1 > &m1)
Subtract corresponding elements of m0 and m1 and return the result.
Definition: Mat3.h:601
Mat3(const Vec3< Source > &v1, const Vec3< Source > &v2, const Vec3< Source > &v3, bool rows=true)
Definition: Mat3.h:86
const Mat3< T > & operator*=(const Mat3< S > &m1)
Multiply this matrix by the given matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:397
Mat3< Type1 > cwiseAdd(const Mat3< Type1 > &m, const Type2 s)
Definition: Mat3.h:820
T operator()(int i, int j) const
Definition: Mat3.h:201
Definition: Mat.h:186
MatType snapMatBasis(const MatType &source, Axis axis, const Vec3< typename MatType::value_type > &direction)
This function snaps a specific axis to a specific direction, preserving scaling.
Definition: Mat.h:773
Mat3(Source *a)
Definition: Mat3.h:100
Mat3< double > Mat3d
Definition: Mat3.h:848
Vec3< T0 > pretransform(const Vec3< T0 > &v) const
Definition: Mat3.h:527
Tolerance for floating-point comparison.
Definition: Math.h:147
Vec3< T > col(int j) const
Get jth column, e.g. Vec3d v = m.col(0);.
Definition: Mat3.h:182
MatType skew(const Vec3< typename MatType::value_type > &skew)
Return a matrix as the cross product of the given vector.
Definition: Mat.h:730
static Mat3 symmetric(const Vec3< T > &vdiag, const Vec3< T > &vtri)
Return a matrix with the prescribed diagonal and symmetric triangular components. ...
Definition: Mat3.h:251
T ValueType
Definition: Mat.h:30
Definition: Platform.h:207
Definition: Math.h:904
T * asPointer()
Direct access to the internal data.
Definition: Mat.h:123
Mat3(const Quat< T > &q)
Definition: Mat3.h:57
4x4 -matrix class.
Definition: Mat3.h:22
bool eq(const Mat3 &m, T eps=1.0e-8) const
Return true if this matrix is equivalent to m within a tolerance of eps.
Definition: Mat3.h:315
Mat3(const Mat4< T > &m)
Conversion from Mat4 (copies top left)
Definition: Mat3.h:125
void setZero()
Set this matrix to zero.
Definition: Mat3.h:276
Mat3< T > Abs(const Mat3< T > &m)
Definition: Mat3.h:809
static const Mat3< T > & identity()
Predefined constant for identity matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:135
Mat3 transpose() const
returns transpose of this
Definition: Mat3.h:468
void setSkew(const Vec3< T > &v)
Set the matrix as cross product of the given vector.
Definition: Mat3.h:261
bool diagonalizeSymmetricMatrix(const Mat3< T > &input, Mat3< T > &Q, Vec3< T > &D, unsigned int MAX_ITERATIONS=250)
Use Jacobi iterations to decompose a symmetric 3x3 matrix (diagonalize and compute eigenvectors) ...
Definition: Mat3.h:751
const Mat3< T > & operator-=(const Mat3< S > &m1)
Subtract each element of the given matrix from the corresponding element of this matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:379
T angle(const Vec2< T > &v1, const Vec2< T > &v2)
Definition: Vec2.h:450
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
const Mat3< T > & operator*=(S scalar)
Multiplication operator, e.g. M = scalar * M;.
Definition: Mat3.h:345
T trace() const
Trace of matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:502
bool cwiseLessThan(const Mat3< T > &m0, const Mat3< T > &m1)
Definition: Mat3.h:835
Mat3(Source a, Source b, Source c, Source d, Source e, Source f, Source g, Source h, Source i)
Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:
Definition: Mat3.h:68
Mat3< T > operator-() const
Negation operator, for e.g. m1 = -m2;.
Definition: Mat3.h:329
void setIdentity()
Set this matrix to identity.
Definition: Mat3.h:290
3x3 matrix class.
Definition: Mat3.h:28
Mat3< typename promote< S, T >::type > operator*(S scalar, const Mat3< T > &m)
Multiply each element of the given matrix by scalar and return the result.
Definition: Mat3.h:575
void setToRotation(const Vec3< T > &axis, T angle)
Set this matrix to the rotation specified by axis and angle.
Definition: Mat3.h:272
Definition: Mat.h:187
Vec3< T > row(int i) const
Get ith row, e.g. Vec3d v = m.row(1);.
Definition: Mat3.h:166
bool isApproxEqual(const Type &a, const Type &b, const Type &tolerance)
Return true if a is equal to b to within the given tolerance.
Definition: Math.h:407
bool operator==(const Mat3< T0 > &m0, const Mat3< T1 > &m1)
Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Mat3.h:556
const Mat3 & operator=(const Mat3< Source > &m)
Assignment operator.
Definition: Mat3.h:305
T det() const
Determinant of matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:493
void setToRotation(const Quat< T > &q)
Set this matrix to the rotation matrix specified by the quaternion.
Definition: Mat3.h:267
void setCol(int j, const Vec3< T > &v)
Set jth column to vector v.
Definition: Mat3.h:173
Mat3 timesDiagonal(const Vec3< T > &diag) const
Treat diag as a diagonal matrix and return the product of this matrix with diag (from the right)...
Definition: Mat3.h:535
Mat3 inverse(T tolerance=0) const
Definition: Mat3.h:479
Vec3< typename promote< T, MT >::type > operator*(const Mat3< MT > &_m, const Vec3< T > &_v)
Multiply _m by _v and return the resulting vector.
Definition: Mat3.h:622
Definition: Mat.h:26
static const Mat3< T > & zero()
Predefined constant for zero matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:145
const Mat3< T > & operator+=(const Mat3< S > &m1)
Add each element of the given matrix to the corresponding element of this matrix. ...
Definition: Mat3.h:361
Mat3< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator+(const Mat3< T0 > &m0, const Mat3< T1 > &m1)
Add corresponding elements of m0 and m1 and return the result.
Definition: Mat3.h:591
T & operator()(int i, int j)
Definition: Mat3.h:191
void setRow(int i, const Vec3< T > &v)
Set ith row to vector v.
Definition: Mat3.h:155
Mat3< T > powLerp(const Mat3< T0 > &m1, const Mat3< T0 > &m2, T t)
Definition: Mat3.h:669
bool operator!=(const Mat3< T0 > &m0, const Mat3< T1 > &m1)
Inequality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Mat3.h:570
The version namespace name for this library version.
Mat3 cofactor() const
Return the cofactor matrix of this matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:437
Mat3 snapBasis(Axis axis, const Vec3< T > &direction)
Definition: Mat3.h:511
Vec3< T0 > transform(const Vec3< T0 > &v) const
Definition: Mat3.h:519
T value_type
Definition: Mat.h:29
#define OPENVDB_IS_POD(Type)
Definition: Math.h:55