OpenVDB  9.0.1
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
io.h File Reference
#include <openvdb/Platform.h>
#include <openvdb/Types.h>
#include <openvdb/version.h>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

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class  StreamMetadata
 Container for metadata describing how to unserialize grids from and/or serialize grids to a stream (which file format, compression scheme, etc. to use) More...
struct  MultiPass
 Leaf nodes that require multi-pass I/O must inherit from this struct. More...
class  MappedFile
 Handle to control the lifetime of a memory-mapped .vdb file. More...




std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const StreamMetadata &)
 Write a description of the given metadata to an output stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const StreamMetadata::AuxDataMap &)
std::string getErrorString (int errorNum)
 Return a string (possibly empty) describing the given system error code. More...
std::string getErrorString ()
 Return a string (possibly empty) describing the most recent system error. More...
OPENVDB_API uint32_t getFormatVersion (std::ios_base &)
 Return the file format version number associated with the given input stream. More...
OPENVDB_API VersionId getLibraryVersion (std::ios_base &)
 Return the (major, minor) library version number associated with the given input stream. More...
OPENVDB_API std::string getVersion (std::ios_base &)
 Return a string of the form "<major>.<minor>/<format>", giving the library and file format version numbers associated with the given input stream. More...
OPENVDB_API void setCurrentVersion (std::istream &)
 Associate the current file format and library version numbers with the given input stream. More...
OPENVDB_API void setVersion (std::ios_base &, const VersionId &libraryVersion, uint32_t fileVersion)
 Associate specific file format and library version numbers with the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API uint32_t getDataCompression (std::ios_base &)
 Return a bitwise OR of compression option flags (COMPRESS_ZIP, COMPRESS_ACTIVE_MASK, etc.) specifying whether and how input data is compressed or output data should be compressed. More...
OPENVDB_API void setDataCompression (std::ios_base &, uint32_t compressionFlags)
 Associate with the given stream a bitwise OR of compression option flags (COMPRESS_ZIP, COMPRESS_ACTIVE_MASK, etc.) specifying whether and how input data is compressed or output data should be compressed. More...
OPENVDB_API uint32_t getGridClass (std::ios_base &)
 Return the class (GRID_LEVEL_SET, GRID_UNKNOWN, etc.) of the grid currently being read from or written to the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API void setGridClass (std::ios_base &, uint32_t)
 Associate with the given stream the class (GRID_LEVEL_SET, GRID_UNKNOWN, etc.) of the grid currently being read or written. More...
OPENVDB_API bool getHalfFloat (std::ios_base &)
 Return true if floating-point values should be quantized to 16 bits when writing to the given stream or promoted back from 16-bit to full precision when reading from it. More...
OPENVDB_API void setHalfFloat (std::ios_base &, bool)
 Specify whether floating-point values should be quantized to 16 bits when writing to the given stream or promoted back from 16-bit to full precision when reading from it. More...
OPENVDB_API const void * getGridBackgroundValuePtr (std::ios_base &)
 Return a pointer to the background value of the grid currently being read from or written to the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API void setGridBackgroundValuePtr (std::ios_base &, const void *background)
 Specify (a pointer to) the background value of the grid currently being read from or written to the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API bool getWriteGridStatsMetadata (std::ios_base &)
 Return true if grid statistics (active voxel count and bounding box, etc.) should be computed and stored as grid metadata when writing to the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API void setWriteGridStatsMetadata (std::ios_base &, bool writeGridStats)
 Specify whether to compute grid statistics (active voxel count and bounding box, etc.) and store them as grid metadata when writing to the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API SharedPtr< MappedFile > getMappedFilePtr (std::ios_base &)
 Return a shared pointer to the memory-mapped file with which the given stream is associated, or a null pointer if the stream is not associated with a memory-mapped file. More...
OPENVDB_API void setMappedFilePtr (std::ios_base &, SharedPtr< MappedFile > &)
 Associate the given stream with (a shared pointer to) a memory-mapped file. More...
OPENVDB_API SharedPtr< StreamMetadata > getStreamMetadataPtr (std::ios_base &)
 Return a shared pointer to an object that stores metadata (file format, compression scheme, etc.) for use when reading from or writing to the given stream. More...
OPENVDB_API void setStreamMetadataPtr (std::ios_base &, SharedPtr< StreamMetadata > &, bool transfer=true)
 Associate the given stream with (a shared pointer to) an object that stores metadata (file format, compression scheme, etc.) for use when reading from or writing to the stream. More...
OPENVDB_API SharedPtr< StreamMetadata > clearStreamMetadataPtr (std::ios_base &)
 Dissociate the given stream from its metadata object (if it has one) and return a shared pointer to the object. More...