OpenVDB  9.0.1
VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >, including all inherited members.

bbox() const VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
getIndexPos(RealType time) const VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
getWorldPos(RealType time) const VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
getWorldTime(RealType time) const VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
grid() const VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
GridType typedefVolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >
hits(ListType &list)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
march()VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
march(RealType &t0, RealType &t1)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
print(std::ostream &os=std::cout, int verboseLevel=1)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
RayType typedefVolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >
RealType typedefVolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >
RootType typedefVolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >
setIndexRay(const RayT &iRay)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
setWorldRay(const RayT &wRay)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
tree() const VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
TreeT typedefVolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >
VolumeRayIntersector(const GridT &grid, int dilationCount=0)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
VolumeRayIntersector(const GridT &grid, const math::CoordBBox &bbox)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
VolumeRayIntersector(const VolumeRayIntersector &other)VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline
~VolumeRayIntersector()VolumeRayIntersector< GridT, NodeLevel, RayT >inline