This is the complete list of members for Vec3< T >, including all inherited members.
add(const Vec3< T0 > &v1, const Vec3< T1 > &v2) | Vec3< T > | inline |
asPointer() | Vec3< T > | inline |
asPointer() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
asV() | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
asV() const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
component(const Vec3< T > &onto, T eps=static_cast< T >(1.0e-7)) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
cross(const Vec3< T > &v) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
cross(const Vec3< T > &v1, const Vec3< T > &v2) | Vec3< T > | inline |
div(T0 scale, const Vec3< T1 > &v) | Vec3< T > | inline |
dot(const Vec3< T > &v) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
eq(const Vec3< T > &v, T eps=static_cast< T >(1.0e-7)) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
exp() | Vec3< T > | inline |
getArbPerpendicular() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
init(T x=0, T y=0, T z=0) | Vec3< T > | inline |
isFinite() const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
isInfinite() const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
isNan() const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
isZero() const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
length() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
lengthSqr() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
log() | Vec3< T > | inline |
mm | Tuple< 3, T > | protected |
normalize(T eps=T(1.0e-7)) | Vec3< T > | inline |
numColumns() | Vec3< T > | inlinestatic |
numElements() | Vec3< T > | inlinestatic |
numRows() | Vec3< T > | inlinestatic |
ones() | Vec3< T > | inlinestatic |
operator()(int i) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator()(int i) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator*=(S scalar) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator*=(const Vec3< S > &v1) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator+=(S scalar) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator+=(const Vec3< S > &v1) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator-() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator-=(S scalar) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator-=(const Vec3< S > &v1) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator/=(S scalar) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator/=(const Vec3< S > &v1) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator=(const Vec3< Source > &v) | Vec3< T > | inline |
operator[](int i) const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
operator[](int i) | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
product() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
projection(const Vec3< T > &onto, T eps=static_cast< T >(1.0e-7)) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
read(std::istream &is) | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
reversed() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
scale(T0 scale, const Vec3< T1 > &v) | Vec3< T > | inline |
setZero() | Vec3< T > | inline |
size | Tuple< 3, T > | static |
sorted() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
str() const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
sub(const Vec3< T0 > &v1, const Vec3< T1 > &v2) | Vec3< T > | inline |
sum() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
toV(S *v) const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
Tuple()=default | Tuple< 3, T > | |
Tuple(Tuple< src_size, src_valtype > const &src) | Tuple< 3, T > | inlineexplicit |
unit(T eps=0) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
unit(T eps, T &len) const | Vec3< T > | inline |
unitSafe() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
value_type typedef | Vec3< T > | |
ValueType typedef | Vec3< T > | |
Vec3()=default | Vec3< T > | |
Vec3(T val) | Vec3< T > | inlineexplicit |
Vec3(T x, T y, T z) | Vec3< T > | inline |
Vec3(Source *a) | Vec3< T > | inline |
Vec3(const Tuple< 3, Source > &v) | Vec3< T > | inlineexplicit |
Vec3(Other val, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< Other >::value, Conversion >::type=Conversion{}) | Vec3< T > | inlineexplicit |
Vec3(const Vec3< Other > &v) | Vec3< T > | inline |
write(std::ostream &os) const | Tuple< 3, T > | inline |
x() | Vec3< T > | inline |
x() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
y() | Vec3< T > | inline |
y() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
z() | Vec3< T > | inline |
z() const | Vec3< T > | inline |
zero() | Vec3< T > | inlinestatic |