This is the complete list of members for File, including all inherited members.
::TestFile class | File | friend |
::TestStream class | File | friend |
Archive() | Archive | |
Archive(const Archive &)=default | Archive | |
beginName() const | File | |
close() | File | |
compression() const | Archive | inline |
connectInstance(const GridDescriptor &, const NamedGridMap &) const | Archive | protected |
ConstPtr typedef | Archive | |
copy() const override | File | virtual |
copyMaxBytes() const | File | |
endName() const | File | |
File(const std::string &filename) | File | explicit |
File(const File &other) | File | |
filename() const | File | |
fileVersion() const | Archive | inline |
getGrids() const | File | |
getMetadata() const | File | |
getSize() const | File | |
getUniqueTag() const | Archive | |
hasBloscCompression() | Archive | static |
hasGrid(const Name &) const | File | |
hasZLibCompression() | Archive | static |
inputHasGridOffsets() const | Archive | inlineprotected |
isDelayedLoadingEnabled() | Archive | static |
isGridStatsMetadataEnabled() const | Archive | inline |
isIdentical(const std::string &uuidStr) const | Archive | |
isInstancingEnabled() const | Archive | inline |
isOpen() const | File | |
libraryVersion() const | Archive | inline |
NamedGridMap typedef | Archive | protected |
NameMap typedef | File | |
NameMapCIter typedef | File | |
open(bool delayLoad=true, const MappedFile::Notifier &=MappedFile::Notifier()) | File | |
operator=(const File &other) | File | |
openvdb::v9_0::io::Archive::operator=(const Archive &)=default | Archive | |
Ptr typedef | Archive | |
readAllGridMetadata() | File | |
readGrid(const Name &) | File | |
readGrid(const Name &, const BBoxd &) | File | |
openvdb::v9_0::io::Archive::readGrid(GridBase::Ptr, const GridDescriptor &, std::istream &) | Archive | protectedstatic |
openvdb::v9_0::io::Archive::readGrid(GridBase::Ptr, const GridDescriptor &, std::istream &, const BBoxd &) | Archive | protectedstatic |
openvdb::v9_0::io::Archive::readGrid(GridBase::Ptr, const GridDescriptor &, std::istream &, const CoordBBox &) | Archive | protectedstatic |
readGridCompression(std::istream &) | Archive | protectedstatic |
readGridCount(std::istream &) | Archive | protectedstatic |
readGridMetadata(const Name &) | File | |
readHeader(std::istream &) | Archive | protected |
setCompression(uint32_t c) | Archive | inline |
setCopyMaxBytes(Index64 bytes) | File | |
setDataCompression(std::istream &) | Archive | protected |
setFormatVersion(std::istream &) | Archive | protected |
setGridCompression(std::ostream &, const GridBase &) const | Archive | protected |
setGridStatsMetadataEnabled(bool b) | Archive | inline |
setInputHasGridOffsets(bool b) | Archive | inlineprotected |
setInstancingEnabled(bool b) | Archive | inline |
setLibraryVersion(std::istream &) | Archive | protected |
version() const | Archive | |
write(const GridCPtrVec &, const MetaMap &=MetaMap()) const override | File | inlinevirtual |
write(const GridPtrContainerT &, const MetaMap &=MetaMap()) const | File | inline |
openvdb::v9_0::io::Archive::write(std::ostream &, const GridPtrVec &, bool seekable, const MetaMap &=MetaMap()) const | Archive | protected |
openvdb::v9_0::io::Archive::write(std::ostream &, const GridCPtrVec &, bool seekable, const MetaMap &=MetaMap()) const | Archive | protected |
writeGrid(GridDescriptor &, GridBase::ConstPtr, std::ostream &, bool seekable) const | Archive | protected |
writeGridInstance(GridDescriptor &, GridBase::ConstPtr, std::ostream &, bool seekable) const | Archive | protected |
writeHeader(std::ostream &, bool seekable) const | Archive | protected |
~Archive() | Archive | virtual |
~File() override | File |