OpenVDB  9.0.1
Namespaces | Functions
MapsUtil.h File Reference
#include <openvdb/math/Maps.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

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template<typename MapType >
void calculateBounds (const MapType &map, const BBoxd &in, BBoxd &out)
 Calculate an axis-aligned bounding box in the given map's domain (e.g., index space) from an axis-aligned bounding box in its range (e.g., world space) More...
template<typename MapType >
void calculateBounds (const MapType &map, const Vec3d &center, const Real radius, BBoxd &out)
 Calculate an axis-aligned bounding box in the given map's domain from a spherical bounding box in its range. More...
void calculateBounds< math::NonlinearFrustumMap > (const math::NonlinearFrustumMap &frustum, const Vec3d &center, const Real radius, BBoxd &out)
 Calculate an axis-aligned bounding box in index space from a spherical bounding box in world space. More...