OpenEXR provides the specification and reference implementation of the EXR file format, the professional-grade image storage format of the motion picture industry.


The latest stable release is OpenEXR v2.5.2. Download it here: v2.5.2.tar.gz

Download the most recent unstable development version from the GitHub repo:

	git clone

See the download page for help building from source.

The OpenEXR File Format

The purpose of the OpenEXR format is to accurately and efficiently represent high-dynamic-range scene-linear image data and associated metadata, with strong support for multi-part, multi-channel use cases.

OpenEXR is widely used in host application software where accuracy is critical, such as photorealistic rendering, texture access, image compositing, deep compositing, and DI.

OpenEXR is a project of the Academy Software Foundation. OpenEXR is included in the VFX Reference Platform.

OpenEXR Features

The OpenEXR Project Mission

The goal of the OpenEXR project is to keep the EXR format reliable and modern and to maintain its place as the preferred image format for entertainment content creation.

Major revisions are infrequent, and new features will be carefully weighed against increased complexity. The principal priorities of the project are:

OpenEXR is intended solely for 2D data. It is not appropriate for storage of volumetric data, cached or lit 3D scenes, or more complex 3D data such as light fields.

The goals of the IlmBase project are simplicity, ease of use, correctness and verifiability, and breadth of adoption. IlmBase is not intended to be a comprehensive linear algebra or numerical analysis package.


OpenEXR is released under the BSD-3-Clause license. See PATENTS for license information about portions of OpenEXR that are provided under a different license.
