Building and Installing OpenEXR

To build the latest release of OpenEXR, begin by downloading the source from the Releases page.

To build from the latest development version, which may not be stable, download the master branch, and extract the contents via tar.

You can download the repository tarball file either via a browser, or on the Linux/macOS via the command line using wget or curl:

	% curl -L | tar xv

This will produce a source directory named openexr-openexr-<abbreviated-SHA-1-checksum>.

Alternatively, clone the GitHub repo directly via:

	% git clone

In the instructions that follow, we will refer to the top-level directory of the source code tree as $source_directory.


Make sure these are installed on your system before building OpenEXR:

The instructions that follow describe building OpenEXR with CMake, but you can also build and install OpenEXR via the autoconf bootstrap/configure utilities, described below.

Linux/macOS Quick Start

To build via CMake, first choose a location for the build directory, which we will refer to as $build_directory.

	% mkdir $build_directory
	% cd $build_directory
	% cmake $source_directory
	% make
	% make install

Note that the CMake configuration prefers to apply an out-of-tree build process, since there may be multiple build configurations (i.e. debug and release), one per folder, all pointing at once source tree, hence the $build_directory noted above, referred to in CMake parlance as the build directory. You can place this directory wherever you like.

See the CMake Configuration Options section below for the most common configuration options especially the install directory. Note that with no arguments, as above, make install installs the header files in /usr/local/include, the object libraries in /usr/local/lib, and the executable programs in /usr/local/bin.

Windows Quick Start

Under Windows, if you are using a command line-based setup, such as cygwin, you can of course follow the above. For Visual Studio, cmake generators are “multiple configuration”, so you don’t even have to set the build type, although you will most likely need to specify the install location. Install Directory By default, make install installs the headers, libraries, and programs into /usr/local, but you can specify a local install directory to cmake via the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable:

	% cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_directory

Library Names

Using either cmake or autoconf based configuration mechanisms described in this document, by default the installed libraries follow a pattern for how they are named. This is done to enable multiple versions of the library to be installed and targeted by different builds depending on the needs of the project. A simple example of this would be to have different versions of the library installed to allow for applications targeting different VFX Platform years to co-exist.

If you are building dynamic libraries, once you have configured, built, and installed the libraries, you should see the following pattern of symlinks and files in the install lib folder: -> libHalf-$
		libHalf-$ -> libHalf-$$SO_MAJOR_VERSION
		libHalf-$$SO_FULL_VERSION (actual file)

You can configure the LIB_SUFFIX, although it defaults to the library major and minor version, so in the case of a 2.3 library, it would default to 2_3. You would then link your programs against this versioned library to have maximum safety (i.e. -lHalf-2_3), and the pkg-config and cmake configuration files included with find_package should set this up.


OpenEXR consists of three separate sub-modules - IlmBase, PyIlmBase, and OpenEXR - which can be built independently. The repository’s top-level CMakeLists.txt defines a super-project that builds all three modules, and the steps above for running cmake at the top level of the repo build each of the sub-modules, in parallel.

However you can build each submodule individually. To build and install individual sub-modules, build and install the IlmBase module first:

	% mkdir $build_directory
	% cd $build_directory
	% cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_directory \ $source_directory/Ilmbase
	% cmake --build . --target install --config Release 

Once IlmBase is installed, then build and install the OpenEXR module, taking care to set the CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX to the directory in which you installed IlmBase and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the directory in which to install OpenEXR:

	% mkdir $build_directory
	% cd $build_directory
	% cmake -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX=$install_directory \ 
			-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_directory \ 
	% cmake --build . --target install --config Release

Optionally, then build and install PyIlmBase

The libraries in IlmBase and OpenEXR follow the standard cmake setting of BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to control whether to build static or shared libraries. However, they each have separate controls over whether to build both shared and static libraries as part of one configuration, as well as other customization options.

Custom Namespaces

If you are interested in controlling custom namespace declarations or similar options, you are encouraged to look at the CMakeLists.txt infrastructure. In particular, there has been an attempt to centralize the settings into a common place to more easily see all of them in a text editor. For IlmBase, this is config/IlmBaseSetup.cmake inside the IlmBase tree. For OpenEXR, the settings will similarly be found in config/OpenEXRSetup.cmake. As per usual, these settings can also be seen and/or edited using any of the various gui editors for working with cmake such as ccmake, cmake-gui, as well as some of the IDEs in common use.

Cross Compiling / Specifying Specific Compilers

When trying to either cross-compile for a different platform, or for tasks such as specifying a compiler set to match the VFX reference platform (, cmake provides the idea of a toolchain which may be useful instead of having to remember a chain of configuration options. It also means that platform-specific compiler names and options are out of the main cmake file, providing better isolation.

A toolchain file is simply just a cmake script that sets all the compiler and related flags and is run very early in the configuration step to be able to set all the compiler options and such for the discovery that cmake performs automatically. These options can be set on the command line still if that is clearer, but a theoretical toolchain file for compiling for VFX Platform 2015 is provided in the source tree at cmake/Toolchain-Linux-VFX_Platform15.cmake which will hopefully provide a guide how this might work.

For cross-compiling for additional platforms, there is also an included sample script in cmake/Toolchain-mingw.cmake which shows how cross compiling from Linux for Windows may work. The compiler names and paths may need to be changed for your environment.

More documentation:

CMake Configuration Options

The default CMake configuration options are stored in IlmBase/config/IlmBaseSetup.cmake and in OpenEXR/config/OpenEXRSetup.cmake. To see a complete set of option variables, run:

	% cmake -LAH $source_directory

You can customize these options three ways:

  1. Modify the .cmake files in place.
  2. Use the UI cmake-gui or ccmake.
  3. Specify them as command-line arguments when you invoke cmake.

Verbose Output Options:

Compiler Options:

Library Naming Options:

Namespace Options:

Python Options:

Linting Options:

These linting options are experimental, and primarily for developer-only use at this time.

Testing Options:

Additional CMake Options:

See the cmake documentation for more information

Cmake Tips and Tricks:

If you have ninja installed, it is faster than make. You can generate ninja files using cmake when doing the initial generation:

	% cmake -G “Ninja” ..

If you would like to confirm compile flags, you don’t have to specify the verbose configuration up front, you can instead run

	% make VERBOSE=1

Configuring via Autoconf

As an alternative to CMake on Linux systems, the OpenEXR build can be configured via the provided bootstrap/configure scripts:

	% cd $source_directory/IlmBase
	% ./bootstrap
	% ./configure --prefix=$install_directory
	% make
	% make install

	% cd $source_directory/OpenEXR
	% ./bootstrap
	% ./configure --prefix=$install_directory \ 
	% make 
	% make install

	% cd $source_directory/PyIlmBase
	% ./bootstrap
	% ./configure --prefix=$install_directory \ 
	% make 
	% make install

Run ./configure --help for a complete set of configuration options.